Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Which GOP candidate would do BEST in a debate with Barack Obama?

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I thought this poll would be interesting. Now I don't want to vote for who you LIKE and or are supporting--I would like an HONEST answer from you to this poll.

The Question:

Which current GOP candidate would be the BEST at cleaning Barack Obama's clock in a debate with Obama.

Remember--be honest in your answer.--and then comment as to why you picked a certain candidate.
I said Newt. Ron Paul would be awesome to see in a debate but you have to understand issues to understand RP and most people simply don't.
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.
In a debate? Gingrich, followed by Romney.

with non answers being answers, why have them at all?

I thought Gingrich gave good answers. Romney answers the question he wished hed been asked.

Gingrich generally does.

But the point I raise, and you will see it time and again before the next election. A politician is asked a question, after several minutes of dialogue the person has still not answered the question and is given a pass. It doesnt matter which party.
with non answers being answers, why have them at all?

I thought Gingrich gave good answers. Romney answers the question he wished hed been asked.

Gingrich generally does.

But the point I raise, and you will see it time and again before the next election. A politician is asked a question, after several minutes of dialogue the person has still not answered the question and is given a pass. It doesnt matter which party.

that's true. did you see that with Gingrich, too?
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.

I like Cain to. He's the only candidate that has mentioned the heart of the problem: The current tax code of favoritism and corruption we currently live under. His 9-9-9 proposal IS the answer, ass-u-me-ing business deductions on income are strictly limited to payroll only and NOBODY gets to give or get 'incentives' for or against businesses in particular or industry in general.
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.

Herman Cain was my second choice behind Gingrich.
Cain. I think his approach is very smart and though-out. He explains his positions and plans in a simple manner, without coming across as talking down to people. He's also prepared for everything he gets asked.

I would say Romney, but if Obama made a correlation between Romneycare and Obamacare enough-I think Romney would look pretty bad.

Gingrich may win at debating, but he has too many skeletons in the closet to win the election.

I like Cain to. He's the only candidate that has mentioned the heart of the problem: The current tax code of favoritism and corruption we currently live under. His 9-9-9 proposal IS the answer, ass-u-me-ing business deductions on income are strictly limited to payroll only and NOBODY gets to give or get 'incentives' for or against businesses in particular or industry in general.

O.K. but remember the QUESTION is--out of all these candidates who would do best in a debate against Barack Obama?
Gingrich would chew him up and spit him put like a piece of overcooked veal - it would not be pretty.

Romney would make mincemeat out of him and Obama would probably cry like a bitch.

Herman Cain would crush him like a bug under his shoe.

Ron Paul would whine in that nasally voice like he always does. He'd make a few points though and still manage to beat the dilettante.

Santorum would go off on a tangent about social conservative issues that nobldy gives a fuck about.

Bachman would probably beat the ugly dilettante, but be criticized for her hair and makeup.

Gary Johnson would smoke a joint on national television.

Rick Perry would talk about Texas the entire debate and lose. Then he would poop his pants.

Huntsman would agree with Obama on everything he said, then accept the VP nod.....as Obama's running mate.

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