Which Country Fills The Following Bill?


Active Member
Nov 7, 2003
Houston, TX
Can You Name This Country?

709,000 Regular Active Duty Personnel.

293,000 Reserve Troops Eight Standing Army Divisions.
20 Air Force and Navy Air Wings With
2,000 Combat Aircraft
232 Strategic Bombers

19 Strategic Ballistic Missile Submarines With
3,114 Nuclear Warheads On 232 Missiles.
500 I.C.B.Ms With 1,950 Warheads.
4Aircraft Carriers and 121 Surface Combat Ships Carriers.

Plus All The Support Bases Shipyards, And Such A Large Naval Force.



Defense --
(I hadn't seen this list printed before,but it would make one great mailer if it were sent to voters.)

Kerry voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
He voted to kill every aircraft carrier laid down from 1988.
He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system.
He voted to kill the F-15 Strike Eagle.
He voted to kill the Block 60 F-16.
He voted to kill the P-3 Orion upgrade.
He voted to kill the B-1.
He voted to kill the Patriot Anti Missile System.
He voted to kill the FA-18.
He voted to kill the B-2.
He voted to kill the F117.
In short He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Senator Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men and women (NoUniforms)running around with sticks and clubs.(No Weapons) WHAT DID HE VOTE FOR, you ask? He voted to kill all anti terrorism activities for every agency of the U.S. Government and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%, cut the funding for the CIA by 80%, cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.

He voted to increase OUR funding for U.N operations by 800%!!!

Is THIS a President YOU want?????

Please pass this on, as many people may not know how bad it is. And don't limit your sending to just your Republican friends. Everyone needs to know.


John Kerry Is Ready To Follow Clinton's Lead...
God Dam those peace-loving liberals.

Actually I’m a believer and participant in the phrase that the only thing that allows peace loving people to sleep at night is armed dangerous men will to do bad things on their behalf.

I have always been a support of weapons for the individual and the nation.
Someone will always try to take what you have, even your freedoms if you are not watching him or her or participating in the political process.
ajwps said:
Can You Name This Country?

709,000 Regular Active Duty Personnel.

293,000 Reserve Troops Eight Standing Army Divisions.
20 Air Force and Navy Air Wings With
2,000 Combat Aircraft
232 Strategic Bombers

19 Strategic Ballistic Missile Submarines With
3,114 Nuclear Warheads On 232 Missiles.
500 I.C.B.Ms With 1,950 Warheads.
4Aircraft Carriers and 121 Surface Combat Ships Carriers.

Plus All The Support Bases Shipyards, And Such A Large Naval Force.



Defense --
(I hadn't seen this list printed before,but it would make one great mailer if it were sent to voters.)

Kerry voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle.
He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
He voted to kill every aircraft carrier laid down from 1988.
He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system.
He voted to kill the F-15 Strike Eagle.
He voted to kill the Block 60 F-16.
He voted to kill the P-3 Orion upgrade.
He voted to kill the B-1.
He voted to kill the Patriot Anti Missile System.
He voted to kill the FA-18.
He voted to kill the B-2.
He voted to kill the F117.
In short He voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Senator Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men and women (NoUniforms)running around with sticks and clubs.(No Weapons) WHAT DID HE VOTE FOR, you ask? He voted to kill all anti terrorism activities for every agency of the U.S. Government and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%, cut the funding for the CIA by 80%, cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.

He voted to increase OUR funding for U.N operations by 800%!!!

Is THIS a President YOU want?????

Please pass this on, as many people may not know how bad it is. And don't limit your sending to just your Republican friends. Everyone needs to know.


John Kerry Is Ready To Follow Clinton's Lead...
You have to look hard to find this infomation in the media, The Republicans are not doing a very good job of exposing Kerry's record.Its no secrete that Kerry supports the UN maby more than he supports the US
Your list is classic out-of-context agitprop.

You must've missed the Zell Miller speech. This list of yours, which you probably got in a chain email, originates from Zell. It was covered in the media rather heavily, so you must've been sleeping that week.

Can you show me links to each and every specific vote on your list?

Don't bother -- because they don't exist. Your list is garbage.

The Clinton military cuts were advocated on a bi-partisan level, and the cuts actually began under the Bush 41 Administration and then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.

Cheney even chastised the Democrats for not cutting enough from the military budget at the time. We no longer needed the overly-bloated military that we had built up during the Cold War, and Bush 41 knew that the costly Reagan debt had to be addressed via military cuts.

Clinton increased the military budget on average by 14%, which was a slight reversal of the slash-and-cut trend of Bush 41.

None of those weapons were specifically voted on.

I suggest you review the following from FactCheck.org (not FactCheck.COM, Cheney's preferred site):

Curmudgeon said:
Can you show me links to each and every specific vote on your list?

Don't bother -- because they don't exist. Your list is garbage.

Senator Kerry Voted Against B-1 Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against B-2 Stealth Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-14. (H. R. 5803, CQ Vote #319: Adopted 80-17: R 37-6; D 43-11, 10/26/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-15. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-16. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against AV-8B Harrier Vertical Takeoff And Landing Jet Fighters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against AH-64 Apache Helicopters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Patriot Missiles. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Aegis Air Defense Cruiser. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Trident Missile System For U.S. Submarines. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against M-1 Abrams Tanks. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Tomahawk Cruise Missile. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

Here's a link to the votes in 1990 to get you started, I'm sure you can find the rest.


So I guess you look foolish for your comments now.
Curmudgeon said:
Your list is classic out-of-context agitprop.

You must've missed the Zell Miller speech. This list of yours, which you probably got in a chain email, originates from Zell. It was covered in the media rather heavily, so you must've been sleeping that week.

Can you show me links to each and every specific vote on your list?

Don't bother -- because they don't exist. Your list is garbage.

The Clinton military cuts were advocated on a bi-partisan level, and the cuts actually began under the Bush 41 Administration and then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.

Cheney even chastised the Democrats for not cutting enough from the military budget at the time. We no longer needed the overly-bloated military that we had built up during the Cold War, and Bush 41 knew that the costly Reagan debt had to be addressed via military cuts. Clinton increased the military budget on average by 14%, which was a slight reversal of the slash-and-cut trend of Bush 41. None of those weapons were specifically voted on.

I suggest you review the following from FactCheck.org (not FactCheck.COM, Cheney's preferred site):


Your Clinton military budget increases are not coroborated by specific citations as given by JimmyC.


From you FactCheck.org site the following paragraph is posted. I'm not certain I want someone who admits that he was learning on-the-job while our country could be destroyed while his mistakes are corrected in hind-site.

From FactCheck.Org site:

From "Stupid" to "Responsible"

Kerry himself conceded that some of the positions he took 20 years ago were "ill-advised, and I think some of them are stupid in the context of the world we find ourselves in right now and the things that I've learned since then." That was in an interview published in June, 2003 in the Boston Globe. "I mean, you learn as you go in life," Kerry was quoted as saying. He added that his subsequent Senate voting record on defense has been "pretty responsible."

I think I will stick with a president who has shown that he isn't irresponsible nor learning OTJ.
I'm guilty of poor wordsmithing on two (even a third that you missed) sentences, and you're guilty of posting redundant information that doesn't exactly counter much of anything I said. My keyword was "specific" -- I knew what I meant and I simply should've clarified it better. So you get a small point. Congratulations.

That being said, your nitpicking doesn't disprove the vast majority of my statement and core argument.

And did you even read what you posted? Notice anything "specific"?

The FactCheck.org article supporting my main argument still holds true:

"But in his nearly 20 years in office Kerry's record has evolved. Kerry hasn't opposed an annual Pentagon appropriation since 1996. And he's voted for them far more often than against them."

And here's another interesting article that places Cheney and Bush 41 in the same military-cuts company as Kerry, thereby supporting my claim:

"Furthermore, Republicans including Bush's father and Vice President Cheney also proposed cuts or elimination in several of the same weapons at around the same time Kerry supposedly "voted against" them.

And while it's true that Kerry voted to cut intelligence spending in 1994, he did so as part of a much larger deficit-reduction bill at a time of massive federal deficits and growing agreement that military spending could safely be scaled back in the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse."

Curmudgeon said:
I'm guilty of poor wordsmithing on two (even a third that you missed) sentences, and you're guilty of posting redundant information that doesn't exactly counter much of anything I said. My keyword was "specific" -- I knew what I meant and I simply should've clarified it better. So you get a small point. Congratulations.

That being said, your nitpicking doesn't disprove the vast majority of my statement and core argument.

And did you even read what you posted? Notice anything "specific"?

The FactCheck.org article supporting my main argument still holds true:

"But in his nearly 20 years in office Kerry's record has evolved. Kerry hasn't opposed an annual Pentagon appropriation since 1996. And he's voted for them far more often than against them."

And here's another interesting article that places Cheney and Bush 41 in the same military-cuts company as Kerry, thereby supporting my claim:

"Furthermore, Republicans including Bush's father and Vice President Cheney also proposed cuts or elimination in several of the same weapons at around the same time Kerry supposedly "voted against" them.

And while it's true that Kerry voted to cut intelligence spending in 1994, he did so as part of a much larger deficit-reduction bill at a time of massive federal deficits and growing agreement that military spending could safely be scaled back in the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse."


That's it--I'm gonna change my vote now that I know all that :tng:
Curmudgeon said:
I'm guilty of poor wordsmithing on two (even a third that you missed) sentences, and you're guilty of posting redundant information that doesn't exactly counter much of anything I said. My keyword was "specific" -- I knew what I meant and I simply should've clarified it better. So you get a small point. Congratulations.

And did you even read what you posted? Notice anything "specific"?

jimmy said:
Senator Kerry Voted Against B-1 Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against B-2 Stealth Bomber. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-14. (H. R. 5803, CQ Vote #319: Adopted 80-17: R 37-6; D 43-11, 10/26/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-15. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against F-16. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against AV-8B Harrier Vertical Takeoff And Landing Jet Fighters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against AH-64 Apache Helicopters. (H.R. 2126, CQ Vote #579: Adopted 59-39: R 48-5; D 11-34, 11/16/95, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Patriot Missiles. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Aegis Air Defense Cruiser. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Trident Missile System For U.S. Submarines. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against M-1 Abrams Tanks. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Bradley Fighting Vehicle. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)
Senator Kerry Voted Against Tomahawk Cruise Missile. (S. 3189, CQ Vote #273: Passed 79-16: R 37-5; D 42-11, 10/15/90, Kerry Voted Nay)

And that isn't specific enough for you?
How many tough votes has Bush had to cast during his political career?

Oh, that's right -- none.

Well, then how many vetoes has Bush ever used?

Oh, that's right -- none.

He's the first president since John Quincy Adams to finish a full term without using a single veto.

Not one veto? Boy, he's awfully agreeable.

Sure sounds like he's made some tough legislative decisions during his term.

Yeah, right.
Curmudgeon said:
How many tough votes has Bush had to cast during his political career?

Oh, that's right -- none.

Well, then how many vetoes has Bush ever used?

Oh, that's right -- none.

He's the first president since John Quincy Adams to finish a full term without using a single veto.

Not one veto? Boy, he's awfully agreeable.

Sure sounds like he's made some tough legislative decisions during his term.

Yeah, right.

by not using his veto, he is showing that he is trying to work with BOTH sides. Something the dems wouldn't understand. Even though his NOT using his veto power is NOT popular with his base, he ignores his base trying to "reach out". Which is funny, cuz according to the dems, he never tries to be a "uniter". Hell, the only ones that are not being uniters are the dems themselves.
Curmudgeon said:
How many tough votes has Bush had to cast during his political career?

Oh, that's right -- none.

Well, then how many vetoes has Bush ever used?

Oh, that's right -- none.

He's the first president since John Quincy Adams to finish a full term without using a single veto.

Not one veto? Boy, he's awfully agreeable.

Sure sounds like he's made some tough legislative decisions during his term.

Yeah, right.

I'm pretty confident he would have voted differently than Kerry on the military initiatives he voted against. You know, the very ones you claimed didn't exist.
jimnyc said:
I'm pretty confident he would have voted differently than Kerry on the military initiatives he voted against. You know, the very ones you claimed didn't exist.

While serving as Governor of Texas, George Bush voted and vetoed many times and sometimes not always the way I would saw it.

George Bush as President of the US was never a Congressman or Senator and subsequenlty did not vote in Congress. But as President he did vote with his Presidential initiative many times to make major decisions on both war and peace and has maintained America a country free from total destruction from terrorism.

If this country votes against Mr. Bush on Tuesday, they will get what they deserve. A man who has changed his own few votes and opinions so many times that no one knows what he means or will do to protect our families and this nation.
Curmudgeon said:
How many tough votes has Bush had to cast during his political career?

Oh, that's right -- none.

Well, then how many vetoes has Bush ever used?

Oh, that's right -- none.

He's the first president since John Quincy Adams to finish a full term without using a single veto.

Not one veto? Boy, he's awfully agreeable.

Sure sounds like he's made some tough legislative decisions during his term.

Yeah, right.

Apparently you haven't seen a non-lawyer President who never served in Congress. So he never cast one vote in that body.

During his term in office as president of the US, he made a few tough decisions dealing with you and your families security and tough decisions that, unlike Clinton, were made for the nation and not for his own legacy and book writing profits.

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