Where's the steady global warming?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
So why isn't Florida under water by now? GW alarmists said it would be, back in the day. Why isn't the trend always above zero, which is the average temperature departure over the past 35 or so years? There's no evidence here that the alarmists predictions are even close to accurate, so why should we be pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into high speed rail and loaning or giving our tax dollars to companies who are not financially sustainable? Why does it have to be so expensive, are there no cheaper ways to combat GW?

We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc
We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc

Do you think any of those things are due to GW? And if so, why? Correlation does not prove causation.
So why isn't Florida under water by now? GW alarmists said it would be, back in the day.

Why did you make up such a crazy claim? If you didn't just make it up, I'm sure you can demonstrate who said Florida would be underwater by now.

Why isn't the trend always above zero, which is the average temperature departure over the past 35 or so years?

Go learn about climate and statistics. You're embarrassing yourself. You actually seem to think a new temperature record has to be set every year. That's not how the world works.

There's no evidence here that the alarmists predictions are even close to accurate,

The predictions have been very accurate, and all the directly measured physical evidence also confirms global warming theory. If you were told otherwise, you were lied to. In contrast, your political cult has gotten every single thing about climate wrong for 40 years running now. Credibility matters, and your side has negative credibility.
So why isn't Florida under water by now? GW alarmists said it would be, back in the day. Why isn't the trend always above zero, which is the average temperature departure over the past 35 or so years? There's no evidence here that the alarmists predictions are even close to accurate, so why should we be pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into high speed rail and loaning or giving our tax dollars to companies who are not financially sustainable? Why does it have to be so expensive, are there no cheaper ways to combat GW?

Here we go again. Either the denialists are claiming it is all to complex to understand, or that it must be really simple. And failing to see the contradictions in their logic. The Earth's weather and climate system has a lot of variability built into it. So the graph of yearly temperatures is going to reflect that variability. What you look for is the slope of the line that represents the average for that period. And it is very obvious from that graph that the slope of the line is up, left to right.

As for sea level rise in Florida, let the papers from Florida describe that.

Miami Beach to begin new $100 million flood prevention project in face of sea level rise

[email protected]

Miami Beach to begin new $100 million flood prevention project in face of sea level rise
We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc

lol..........winter finally ends in New York tomorrow!! Been freezing cold since mid-October 2016.........the standard joke around here has been, "When the hell is global warming going to reach here?":2up:
Lets face it........one of the reasons global warming has fallen off the radar of almost every voter is because the alarmists and their advocates did the typical progressive overreach thing and made 10,000 goofball predictions over the past 20 years, so many of which fell flat on their face: hurricanes, tornado's, drought, ice in the arctic, glaciers, floods, forest fires etc.........etc.

Cat 5 hurricanes..........every alarmist in here posted up how thee would be off the hook high in frequency......haven't seen one in 12 years.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Drought..........every alarmist said CO2 induced warming would take drought conditions through the roof.......they are now at record lows.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tornados........a few years back, we had a spring with a lot of tornado's. Every alarmist k00k pulled the climate change card. But tornado's have been at record low levels over the past several years.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Arctic ice........lmao.........no elaboration needed s0ns!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Scores of links can be found in THIS THREAD >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/more-proof-the-skeptics-are-winning.313851/ .....highlighting all the prediction fails by alarmists.:bye1:

WHO'S NOT WINNING?:spinner::spinner:
We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc

People caused that fire.

This is one reason why it's so hard to buy into the GW alarmist pov. Look at what the averages were in the early 80s for the balloon and satellite data sets, it's difficult to get all ramped about an impending catastrophe when there's little reason or evidence to support the conclusion that the alarmists are projecting. Especially when they want to spend gobs of money that we ain't got.

We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc

People caused that fire.

"That fire"? :lol: Which one?

Some people caused some of the fires. There were dozens going on all over the region -- so much that where I live at least a hundred miles from the nearest one it was like fog. You couldn't see the sun even with the lack of clouds. I had smoke all in my house. Everybody was making evacuation plans even for fires that far away.

These fires (part of the same drought that took out Gatlinburg) literally took months to get under control before the rain finally came. Rain in this region is usually a more-often-than-not occurrence; we commonly have more than Seattle. I've lost tomato plants to mildew when they're denied a chance to dry out. I've seen it rain here for 11 days in a row. So this drought was highly out of pattern. Historically so.

Here's the thread I started on it at the time. And of course in a thread simply about a community alert and resources to deal with it, in came yet another of the corporapologists determined to undermine any suggestion that such a drought could possibly ever have anything to do with Industry (Praised be Its Holy Name) -- even though no such suggestion was even hinted. Nipping it in the bud, like some internet Barney Fife.

And then the winter -- never happened. We never even saw single digits. I don't think I even armed my heat system until December.
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Lets face it........one of the reasons global warming has fallen off the radar of almost every voter is because the alarmists and their advocates did the typical progressive overreach thing and made 10,000 goofball predictions over the past 20 years, so many of which fell flat on their face: hurricanes, tornado's, drought, ice in the arctic, glaciers, floods, forest fires etc.........etc.

Cat 5 hurricanes..........every alarmist in here posted up how thee would be off the hook high in frequency......haven't seen one in 12 years.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Drought..........every alarmist said CO2 induced warming would take drought conditions through the roof.......they are now at record lows.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tornados........a few years back, we had a spring with a lot of tornado's. Every alarmist k00k pulled the climate change card. But tornado's have been at record low levels over the past several years.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Arctic ice........lmao.........no elaboration needed s0ns!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Scores of links can be found in THIS THREAD >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/more-proof-the-skeptics-are-winning.313851/ .....highlighting all the prediction fails by alarmists.:bye1:

WHO'S NOT WINNING?:spinner::spinner:

Let's face it --- for an issue that's purportedly "of no interest", it's your obsession on this board, desperately flailing about with naked Denialism of "but.... but... nobody cares" while you continually trot out these pathetic "wait'll next year" moronic posts and threads complete with Charlie Sheenesque superfont slogans.

How desperate? About 1200 emoticons per post. That's eloquent. Pretty nervous, aintchya?
We never got a winter here.

And last month, violent storms. In April.

And last fall, a major drought causing massive forest fires. In the wettest region of Appalachia.

Etc etc etc

Do you think any of those things are due to GW? And if so, why? Correlation does not prove causation.

Again --- I never implied any causation. Including in the forest fire thread I just linked. The post is a simple address of the question in the title. Granted, it does not indulge in the moronic Sean Hannity style cherrypicking that purports to be too stupid to understand the distinction between "climate" and "weather", crowing with eye-popping wonder at snowfall .... in the fucking WINTER.

Again -- as always -- I don't have the temporal perspective to declare what the causation is. Nobody does. And that includes in the negative, and that definitely includes Snookie with his endless diarrhea of emoticons. You want to jump on a false correlation --- go get on him.
This is one reason why it's so hard to buy into the GW alarmist pov. Look at what the averages were in the early 80s for the balloon and satellite data sets, it's difficult to get all ramped about an impending catastrophe when there's little reason or evidence to support the conclusion that the alarmists are projecting. Especially when they want to spend gobs of money that we ain't got.


Warmers don't like real data...they prefer models which provide them the narrative they wish to hear...then they can just sit back and bask in the beauty of the emperor's clothes.
So why isn't Florida under water by now? GW alarmists said it would be, back in the day. Why isn't the trend always above zero, which is the average temperature departure over the past 35 or so years? There's no evidence here that the alarmists predictions are even close to accurate, so why should we be pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into high speed rail and loaning or giving our tax dollars to companies who are not financially sustainable? Why does it have to be so expensive, are there no cheaper ways to combat GW?


/---- Florida was saved because Dear Leader Barack kept the seas at bay.
good gas mileage is for Europeans and lesbians

Soooooo do you just go to the gas pump, run your card and then spray it all over the ground, because fuck it?

Getting less out of what you pay for is just fucking stupid. Why the fuck would you just throw money away?
good gas mileage is for Europeans and lesbians

Soooooo do you just go to the gas pump, run your card and then spray it all over the ground, because fuck it?

Getting less out of what you pay for is just fucking stupid. Why the fuck would you just throw money away?

Giving up safety and convenience for the sake of a few more miles per gallon is also stupid...don't believe me?....just ask the idiot in a prius who pulled out in front of a Ram 2500 diesel doing 60....oh wait...you can't ask him, or his passenger...they were both pronounced dead at the scene.
good gas mileage is for Europeans and lesbians

Soooooo do you just go to the gas pump, run your card and then spray it all over the ground, because fuck it?

Getting less out of what you pay for is just fucking stupid. Why the fuck would you just throw money away?

Giving up safety and convenience for the sake of a few more miles per gallon is also stupid...don't believe me?....just ask the idiot in a prius who pulled out in front of a Ram 2500 diesel doing 60....oh wait...you can't ask him, or his passenger...they were both pronounced dead at the scene.

I've never given up safety or convenience, not to worry. Well OK I did give up convenience when I bought a car that was too big on a dare. But I can still get 32-35 mpg out of it.

You can't buy the minimal basic intelligence required to not pull out in front of oncoming traffic. But mass does not equal "safe"; it equals mass. And mass is inversely proportional to maneuverability. I've danced through more than a couple of sudden situations that should have resulted in body parts being hosed off the road, without a scratch because my vehicle was nimble enough to avoid it --- something that Ram 2500 or that inverted bathtub laughingly called an "SUV" can never dream of doing, because it will roll over like a speeding water bed.

And before you bring it up, those things are not "safety tests" -- those are CRASH tests. They study what happens assuming the crash is already happening. "Safety" means you don't crash in the first place, because you can get out of it.

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