Where’s the Hot Spot?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

A model is a theory, a hypothesis. A model that is falsified by observation is a wrong hypothesis. That really is all there is to it.

Where's the Hot Spot?
Point Claudia was the hottest spot. edit: Point Claudia was on the 17th parallel aka Quang Tri aka Quaviet River aka DMZ.
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Point Claudia was the hottest spot. edit: Point Claudia was on the 17th parallel aka Quang Tri aka Quaviet River aka DMZ.
The Mid Tropospheirc Hot spot is supposed to be globally circumferential, residing from -20 Deg S latitude to -20 deg N latitude. Guess what does not exist and what the models got very wrong. Without this hot spot, AGW as a hypothesis dies a sordid death.

Satellite measurements show it does not exist.

erbe sat data.PNG
View attachment 277879

A model is a theory, a hypothesis. A model that is falsified by observation is a wrong hypothesis. That really is all there is to it.

Where's the Hot Spot?
Its nice to see other papers that discredit the existence of a hot spot.

Two points for you..

1. A hypothesis is a guess based on observations that require empirical tests and observations to prove or disprove it. A hypothesis does not become a theroy if it fails empirical verification, which is AGW's problem.

2. A theroy is a verified hypothesis, which AGW is not.

Excellent post however...
The politicization of climate science, coupled with the media bias, allowed it to go straight past the "evidence to support the hypothesis" steps right to "settled science"....
Trenbreth's energy calculations require a hot spot in order to gain a return of energy to the surface. This return of energy to the surface has been greatly exaggerated to say the least.


The "back radiation" number is actually 59W/m^2, measured by empirical experiment. Thus conduction and convection are removing much more energy than first thought and it is being lost to space. Trenbreths cartoon is useless, except as bird cage cover.
The politicization of climate science, coupled with the media bias, allowed it to go straight past the "evidence to support the hypothesis" steps right to "settled science"....
I heard it put very well. With computers GIGO stands for "garbage in, garbage out". With climate models GIGO stands for "garbage in, gospel out".

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