Where's Bibi's boy?

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Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012

Looks like Netanyahu's son is another protected Hunter​

Israeli soldiers blast Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair, 32, for 'abandoning' them by staying in Miami while 360,000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas​

I would never send men to war in a battle I wouldn't be willing to fight myself. Bibi should have known this would be exposed.

This is why even global war mongerers such as Napoleon were respected in their time. He lead his troops in battle.

Looks like Netanyahu's son is another protected Hunter​

Israeli soldiers blast Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair, 32, for 'abandoning' them by staying in Miami while 360,000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas​

Maybe the poor guy has a “bone spur”.
During the first Gulf War, the males of Kuwait were not exactly getting into the defend the country mood. They were hiring mercenaries and were rich enough to pay them with the oil. Saddam wanted Kuwait because of oil. At the time the Kuwaitis were into Disco.
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