Liberals Hate Freedom, Not War
By Nathan Tabor (08/17/05)
By Nathan Tabor (08/17/05)
How DARE you imply that we hate freedom?
Thats what red-faced Liberals say, even as they protest against the war for freedom in Iraq and call our President a war criminal.
Liberals are such hypocrites, and I for one am sick of it.
Our brave men and women in uniform are fighting and dying on foreign soil, thousands of miles away from their homes, so that these misguided, misanthropic Liberals can exercise their Constitutionally protected rights to whine, moan and protest in public.
It reminds me of a flashback to the radical anti-war protests of the 1960s and 70s. These modern radical Leftists might not be wearing their old-fashioned Birkenstocks and tie-dyed t-shirts, but their cowardly, anti-American mentality is the same as it has always been. They don't want to pay the price for their own freedom, let alone anyone elses. Their last presidential nominee even threw his own Vietnam War medals away. Yet they assume an obnoxious air of moral superiority because they are supposedly anti-war.
Conservatives, on the other hand, truly love freedom so much so that when necessary, they are willing to fight to preserve and protect it, as well as to export it around the world and extend it to other peoples less fortunate than we are.
Let me give you a few examples of how patriotic Americans should support our troops.
Bill Clinton was one of the worst Presidents in American history. He disgraced the Oval Office, and he spent more time hiding his numerous girlfriends from Hillary than he did working on foreign policy matters except maybe when he was cutting shady deals that would benefit the Chinese and Indonesians and other foreigners who were making sizable illegal contributions to his campaign coffers.
Yet when newly elected President Clinton launched his 1993 nation-building experiment in Somalia, by turning U.S. troops over to incompetent United Nations commanders, most Conservatives supported our soldiers even though they disagreed with Clintons unconstitutional action and the deadly disaster that it ultimately produced at Mogadishu.
When Clinton later sought NATO military action in the former Yugoslavia, intervening in behalf of the desperate Bosnian Muslims who were being slaughtered in a ruthless campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Serbs, most Conservatives did not protest despite the fact that no vital U.S. interest was being threatened in the Balkans. (If you remember, Clinton completely bypassed the UN on this one.)
When Clinton invaded Haiti with UN approval, supposedly to restore law and order and democracy, most Conservatives didnt protest even though the Marxist dictator Aristide was restored as ruler of Haiti through the intervention of our American military.
Finally, when Clinton decided to bomb Iraq and obliterate its infrastructure with cruise missiles, merely to deflect attention from his own proven perjury and pending impeachment trial, there was no outcry from most Conservatives.
Why? Conservatives love freedom!
But when newly elected President Bush responded to the devastating 9-11 terrorist attacks by deposing, first the Talibans misogynist mullahs in Afghanistan and later the brutal tyrant Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the clueless Liberals literally screamed bloody murder.
Where are the NOW-NARAL feminists protesting against Saddam for his brutal campaign of rape and murder against the women in his own country? Are the feminists thanking President Bush for liberating their sisters half a world away from the Talibans rigid repression?
Where are the Liberal gun control freaks thanking Bush for disarming Saddams war machine and for making absolutely sure that no weapons of mass destruction can be exported from Iraq for terrorists to use on American soil?
And just where were all of these bleeding-heart Liberals during the eight long years when Clinton was carrying out his unconstitutional military misadventures all over the world? If they hated war so much, why didnt they protest against Clinton?
The answer to all these questions is simple. Liberals dont really hate war. They hate freedom. It is time for these misguided, guilt-ridden, hypocritical Leftists to fess up and just be honest with the American people.
Heres the hard truth. Liberals are pro-abortion, pro-death, pro-gay, and anti-American. They dont love our freedoms, let alone the Constitution that guarantees them. And they dont really mind the States using war to advance their utopian goals of universal peace.
Listen up, Liberals! Why dont you want the women and children of Iraq to have the same freedoms as you do here in America? If you dont love freedom, move to Cuba. Then you wont have the rights you now enjoy, and you wont have to worry about your spoiled, pampered children having to go to war to defend them.
Copyright © 2005 by Nathan Tabor