Where was "God" last night?

Irregularities in Kentucky. No surprise.

As for Virginia - 99% of the population of the state depends on Washington and government contracts. That means leaning very heavily to the Left and the Dimocrap party,

I think Bevins will win in a recount. Also, I haven't heard about absentee ballots which are usually military and lean GOP.
Irregularities in Kentucky. No surprise.

As for Virginia - 99% of the population of the state depends on Washington and government contracts. That means leaning very heavily to the Left and the Dimocrap party,

I think Bevins will win in a recount. Also, I haven't heard about absentee ballots which are usually military and lean GOP.
Bevin wasnt well liked. He pissed off a lot of people. Trump got his vote count way up, but it just wasnt enough.
Irregularities in Kentucky. No surprise.

As for Virginia - 99% of the population of the state depends on Washington and government contracts. That means leaning very heavily to the Left and the Dimocrap party,

I think Bevins will win in a recount. Also, I haven't heard about absentee ballots which are usually military and lean GOP.
Bevin wasnt well liked. He pissed off a lot of people. Trump got his vote count way up, but it just wasnt enough.
I agree. Trump made the vote about him only because Bevin has an R in hi portfolio. Trump failed to check his unfavorability rate and not even Trump's coattails could save his job. Trump was foolish to think he could lipstick that pig to look like him.
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
If you believe in god and the message of jesus you cant follow a con man, adulterer, bully and a filthy human being.
Don't bring Bill Clinton into this.
I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
First of all, God does what He wants

Secondly, I do not understand why you are saying
Trump got his ass wiped last night and relate an election
that he's not running in as his 'hour of need'

Furthermore, God did put Trump in office....
and Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Putin, Hitler

God is not upstairs scratching His head
He doesn't go on vacation or play golf
He isn't drinking and chasing angels

He is creating the circumstances
to bring about what He has planned
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
If you believe in god and the message of jesus you cant follow a con man, adulterer, bully and a filthy human being.
And if you don't??? And, Jesus should be capitalized-didn't you know that?
Jesus peace be upon him would not approve of trump or his followers.
Jesus put Trump here as a test-to see if you still love Trump as you would Jesus per his teachings.
Jesus didn't put anyone anywhere.
And you know this, how?
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
If you believe in god and the message of jesus you cant follow a con man, adulterer, bully and a filthy human being.
And if you don't??? And, Jesus should be capitalized-didn't you know that?
Jesus peace be upon him would not approve of trump or his followers.
Jesus put Trump here as a test-to see if you still love Trump as you would Jesus per his teachings.

Jesus sat back and watched Trump get his ass kicked last night.
I thought he directed the action? And was Trump running? I missed that part.
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
What are you reading? Where do you get this God stuff-your next door neighbor? Keep God out of this. If Kentucky was a wipeout with a vote close enough for recount-you better look up the definition. From my Independent viewpoint, Virginia has become a blue state thanks to blacks and other Democrat ethnics. Kentucky did elect a lot of republicans for the statehouse, but losing the top spot is a danger signal. Not much else-Alabama was expected. You better calm down aerostar-the election is still a year away.

Oh, come on! The right-wing evangelical twits say this sort of stuff all the time.
God must have guided my hand yesterday at the voting both here in Virginia. I was very pleased to learn the results this morning.
People wanted the people they voted for-it was not God OR Trump that made it happen. Grow up people.
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
All of this impeachment crap has diverted everyone attention from the election. Everyone had put more focus on impeachment, gun confiscation and etc.., Instead of focusing on the election that was rigged. That Kentucky election was rigged. The Dems had played an old trick, by clapping their hands to draws everyone's attention, while they monkey around with the voter machines. Nobody wasn't looking out for any suspicious activities during this election. It is because that we were looking at the Dems clapping real loudly on stage.
This election was a test run for the 2020 presidential election. To see the public reaction when a Red state all of a sudden turns blue. And so when they rig the machines in the 2020 election. They will know that the public will not ask to check out the machines.
While they are shouting out impeach. We are suppose to be shouting out back, saying to inspect the voter machines.
I don't know why anyone has not caught on what they were doing. "I'm going to take your guns, Impeaching without a cause, Men using women bathroom, I'm going to raise up taxes 100%. Give me a break! They are having everybody to look the other way, while they are extending their middle fingers up our anuses.

Kentucky Election Results 2016

If you believe in god and the message of jesus you cant follow a con man, adulterer, bully and a filthy human being.
And if you don't??? And, Jesus should be capitalized-didn't you know that?
Jesus peace be upon him would not approve of trump or his followers.
Jesus put Trump here as a test-to see if you still love Trump as you would Jesus per his teachings.

Jesus sat back and watched Trump get his ass kicked last night.
I thought he directed the action? And was Trump running? I missed that part.

Trump said it was about him.
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
What are you reading? Where do you get this God stuff-your next door neighbor? Keep God out of this. If Kentucky was a wipeout with a vote close enough for recount-you better look up the definition. From my Independent viewpoint, Virginia has become a blue state thanks to blacks and other Democrat ethnics. Kentucky did elect a lot of republicans for the statehouse, but losing the top spot is a danger signal. Not much else-Alabama was expected. You better calm down aerostar-the election is still a year away.

Oh, come on! The right-wing evangelical twits say this sort of stuff all the time.
God must have guided my hand yesterday at the voting both here in Virginia. I was very pleased to learn the results this morning.
People wanted the people they voted for-it was not God OR Trump that made it happen. Grow up people.

You mean like the 3 million more people who voted for Trump's opponent?
I didn't waste time reading this thread..............but I assume the OP is bragging that the Devil won last night in a few political races and is happy about it.


Not exactly. More like the version of god that Trump supporters always mention got his ass kicked.
Election 2019: Republican Gov Loses Close Race In Kentucky, Dems Win Virginia State House, Airbnb Loses Jersey City
Not quite so fast-

AP: Race between Bevin and Beshear 'too close to call' as Democrats claim victory
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
If you believe in god and the message of jesus you cant follow a con man, adulterer, bully and a filthy human being.
And if you don't??? And, Jesus should be capitalized-didn't you know that?
Jesus peace be upon him would not approve of trump or his followers.
Jesus put Trump here as a test-to see if you still love Trump as you would Jesus per his teachings.

Jesus sat back and watched Trump get his ass kicked last night.
Jesus wouldn't approve scrums like trump.
Progressives and socialist retards like you made some of them gay.
Gooddamn you are dumb, son.
You would certainly know being the yardstick for all petulant ignorance! No one knew we had any gays until you idiots went out and discovered them! Then to add insult to injury, you decided that it was just a casual choice rather than a serious medical condition needing further research and treatment!
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
Every race but one was won by republicans. Stop lying.
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
What are you reading? Where do you get this God stuff-your next door neighbor? Keep God out of this. If Kentucky was a wipeout with a vote close enough for recount-you better look up the definition. From my Independent viewpoint, Virginia has become a blue state thanks to blacks and other Democrat ethnics. Kentucky did elect a lot of republicans for the statehouse, but losing the top spot is a danger signal. Not much else-Alabama was expected. You better calm down aerostar-the election is still a year away.

Oh, come on! The right-wing evangelical twits say this sort of stuff all the time.
God must have guided my hand yesterday at the voting both here in Virginia. I was very pleased to learn the results this morning.
People wanted the people they voted for-it was not God OR Trump that made it happen. Grow up people.

I would hope that you recognized my sarcasm. Some people see the Supreme Being involved in anything and everything. "The Lord blessed me by saving my home from the tornado," but the next town was absolutely leveled. "The intensely destructive tornado was do to the homosexuals." "HIV is God's curse on homosexuals," so I guess cancer, ebola, and all other diseases and potentially fatal conditions are the result of "sinning." It's amazing what BS people will spout (and pretend to be devout). I'm the one who marked my ballot in Virginia because this act reflected exactly what I made up my own mind to do.
And if you don't??? And, Jesus should be capitalized-didn't you know that?
Jesus peace be upon him would not approve of trump or his followers.
Jesus put Trump here as a test-to see if you still love Trump as you would Jesus per his teachings.

Jesus sat back and watched Trump get his ass kicked last night.
I thought he directed the action? And was Trump running? I missed that part.

Trump said it was about him.
do you believe everything he says?
What happened Tuesday in Virginia should terrify Republicans - CNNPolitics

I do not understand how Trump got his ass wiped last night in Kentucky and Virginia. If, as we hear so often from the devout, he is actually "ordained by "God," would you not surmise that this "God" would watch over and protect those he ordained, more than any others? If so, then how did Trump lose so badly, with the associated embarrassment?

Was "God" on vacation, or playing golf on some cloud, or out having a few brews or chasing angels? Where the hell was he in Trump's hour of need?

Go figure.
What are you reading? Where do you get this God stuff-your next door neighbor? Keep God out of this. If Kentucky was a wipeout with a vote close enough for recount-you better look up the definition. From my Independent viewpoint, Virginia has become a blue state thanks to blacks and other Democrat ethnics. Kentucky did elect a lot of republicans for the statehouse, but losing the top spot is a danger signal. Not much else-Alabama was expected. You better calm down aerostar-the election is still a year away.

Oh, come on! The right-wing evangelical twits say this sort of stuff all the time.
God must have guided my hand yesterday at the voting both here in Virginia. I was very pleased to learn the results this morning.
People wanted the people they voted for-it was not God OR Trump that made it happen. Grow up people.

You mean like the 3 million more people who voted for Trump's opponent?
Of course! You are not stupid are you? You can count right?

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