Where The Money Scott Walker Is Cutting From Universities Is Going

I didn't know I needed to "support" them. They're a private company. It's not like they're on a ballot somewhere. My interactions with Walmart are whether or not they have a price I want to pay on an item I want to buy. Their interactions with their workers are their business, until such time as they impact the interaction with me.
You have to ask yourself how they keep the prices so low... much like other companies, they love exploiting third world labor, paying workers cheaply, and then coming out with a laughable wage increase to make themselves seem like the good guys.

No, I really don't. And if I want buzzwords, I'll look them up on the Internet. Please try to keep your chat from deginerating into mindless parroting of bumper sticker slogans. I can get a more intellectual conversation from my six-year-old, and he's cuter.

"Exploiting squawrk! Polly want a cracker!"
So you don't care about the conditions of laborers as long as you get a cheap phone? Fuck off.

Ah, the famous tolerance of "You don't agree with me, fuck off". I LOVE leftists and their complete indifference to practicing what they preach.

Hey, Junior, when you grow up and get your first pair of big-boy pants, why dontcha come on back and see if you can debate without a tantrum, huh?

Run along. We're done here, and the grownups want to talk now.
I never said for you to fuck off because you don't agree with me, I said fuck off because you've admitted you don't care about how a product is made, as long as it is cheap. Child labor? Slavery? A-OK, I JUST NEED CHEAP PHONES.

Crybaby, you lost the debate the minute you resorted to "fuck off." Everything else is just me using your bullshit to educate people with more brain cells and usefulness than you.

You know what "child labor, slavery, A-OK" means? It means you're a crybaby pitching a tantrum because someone doesn't agree with you. I didn't say any of that. You projected it because your diaper was getting full and you wanted to whine.
When I see any of you people work a fraction as hard as I've seen the wealthy, I might consider what you say to be worth my time.
Oh jesus christ, do you know who the walton family is? The CEO of nestle? The owners of sweatshops? Fuck, all of the work is done by laborers, actual people, and the CEO's reap the profits off of the laborers, while doing very little for what they earn.

So? Sucks to be them, they can start their own company and be their own CEO.
This is the mentality that scares me, can you imagine? Stupid slaves, they should stop bitching and start their own plantation.

Slaves? Do you even shop in Walmart? Nary a whip to be seen, and the only chains on people's necks are jewelry.

I always love that line about "all the work is done by laborers". Spoken like someone who's never had the education to be more than an unskilled menial, and has no idea whatsoever what managers do . . . other than firing him.

I'm also laughing over "actual people". What are CEOs? Androids?
How the products in walmart are made sweetie.
Mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Managers do labor. So do CEO'S. Doesn't mean CEO'S aren't exploiting the value produced.

ThinkProgress and now Wikipedia. You're just all KINDS of showing everyone how much they should respect your intellect, arentcha?

Let me get right on treating an argument based on Wikipedia with the seriousness it deserves: FLUSH!
Where The Money Scott Walker Is Cutting From Universities Is Going ThinkProgress

Money spent anywhere other than so called "universities", which amount to little more than Leftist Indoctrination centers, is better spent.

A trade school... would be a MAJOR improvement.

But a Basketball Stadium is as good as any. That will at least support itself... and produce something worth havin'.

I tend to be skeptical about buying other people educations beyond the basics of primary school. My experience is that higher education is not valued when it is given, rather than earned.
"Buying other people's education" Ah, If I wanted buzzwords, I'd talk to my nephew. ;) Anyways, it is consistently proven that higher education is a better investment for people, as shown in scandinavia, germany, etc..

You might want to look up "buzzword", because it doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. "Buying other people's education" is a factual description of what you want to do: you want me to give my money to other people so they can go to school without paying for it themselves. Show me where that is factually incorrect.

Now, "investment" to describe taxing people and redistributing it, THAT is a buzzword.

You do know you're welcome to move to Scandinavia or Germany or any other country you like better, right? No one here would have any interest in stopping you, and it would be better than you trying to force the rest of us to live in a society we don't want because you've beneficently decided it's better for us.
Let's be realistic now. Let's assume you pay the taxes for your current amount of income, let's assume we put money towards higher education, tell me, based on your taxes, what you think the individual amount would be that was going to paying for a low income child's education? A penny? No, but you'd probably rather have it go to a failed stealth bomber project that cost more then what we spend on food stamps.. "taxing and redistribution" The two words that scream EVIL, EVIL EVIL to so many people, primarily in America, well, mostly america, most places have grown up and realize taxation and redistribution is necessary for a healthy economy and working class. I would rather stay here with my family, and I don't think I'd be able to acquire citizenship, it's not that easy for Scandinavia especially, but that's a different topic.
Oh jesus christ, do you know who the walton family is? The CEO of nestle? The owners of sweatshops? Fuck, all of the work is done by laborers, actual people, and the CEO's reap the profits off of the laborers, while doing very little for what they earn.

So? Sucks to be them, they can start their own company and be their own CEO.
This is the mentality that scares me, can you imagine? Stupid slaves, they should stop bitching and start their own plantation.

Slaves? Do you even shop in Walmart? Nary a whip to be seen, and the only chains on people's necks are jewelry.

I always love that line about "all the work is done by laborers". Spoken like someone who's never had the education to be more than an unskilled menial, and has no idea whatsoever what managers do . . . other than firing him.

I'm also laughing over "actual people". What are CEOs? Androids?
How the products in walmart are made sweetie.
Mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Managers do labor. So do CEO'S. Doesn't mean CEO'S aren't exploiting the value produced.

ThinkProgress and now Wikipedia. You're just all KINDS of showing everyone how much they should respect your intellect, arentcha?

Let me get right on treating an argument based on Wikipedia with the seriousness it deserves: FLUSH!
Don't attack the website, attack the information if it's false, fuck, I'll listen to fox news if it has factual information. Here, there's something on wikipedia called sources, most sites use them, why don't you read into them?
News About Congo Congo with 24 Trillion in Mineral Wealth BUT still Poor
An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
Kingamyambo Musonoi Tailings SARL
Just a few... It's a clear fact that the congo mining is horrid and relied on by many corporations, but no, ignore it and yell WIKIPEDIA, OH NUUU
You have to ask yourself how they keep the prices so low... much like other companies, they love exploiting third world labor, paying workers cheaply, and then coming out with a laughable wage increase to make themselves seem like the good guys.

No, I really don't. And if I want buzzwords, I'll look them up on the Internet. Please try to keep your chat from deginerating into mindless parroting of bumper sticker slogans. I can get a more intellectual conversation from my six-year-old, and he's cuter.

"Exploiting squawrk! Polly want a cracker!"
So you don't care about the conditions of laborers as long as you get a cheap phone? Fuck off.

Ah, the famous tolerance of "You don't agree with me, fuck off". I LOVE leftists and their complete indifference to practicing what they preach.

Hey, Junior, when you grow up and get your first pair of big-boy pants, why dontcha come on back and see if you can debate without a tantrum, huh?

Run along. We're done here, and the grownups want to talk now.
I never said for you to fuck off because you don't agree with me, I said fuck off because you've admitted you don't care about how a product is made, as long as it is cheap. Child labor? Slavery? A-OK, I JUST NEED CHEAP PHONES.

Crybaby, you lost the debate the minute you resorted to "fuck off." Everything else is just me using your bullshit to educate people with more brain cells and usefulness than you.

You know what "child labor, slavery, A-OK" means? It means you're a crybaby pitching a tantrum because someone doesn't agree with you. I didn't say any of that. You projected it because your diaper was getting full and you wanted to whine.
I told you to fuck off because you truly don't care how the product is made, as long as it's cheap, you've even attested to this. If you want to pretend the mining industry in the congo doesn't exist, go right ahead, I'll be attacking information, not the website.
Sounds like Walker is doing the right thing.

True dat....giving taxpayer money to billionaires is always the right thing

What's the word I'm thinking of...?

Redistribution of wealth...that's it
Closedcaption, once you get the people who are so scared of the evil redistribution of wealth to realize that it has been happening, the wealth has been going to the rich and away from working families, but, of course, this is all perfectly ok to them... It just shows how.. disgusting their thoughts are, as shown by the defense of walker giving a stadium with tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to a extremely wealthy man, with little to no benefits being proven from previous runs of this shit.
Overwhelming majorities of Americans don't want tax dollars to build stadiums and they don't support tax breaks for NFL teams.

Poll Americans dislike public-funded stadiums and tax breaks for NFL teams NJ.com

Now this is the poll I was looking for. It's easy to say ppl want the stadium...it's impossible to say ppl want the stadium MORE THAN or INSTEAD OF funding education.

That poll doesn't exist because the majority don't believe the publics money should be given to Billionaires just so they can build a new place to take even more of your money.

This hunch here is not the majority. If a Republican likes it, they blindly love it so much they are literally AGAINST college education for our future.
Overwhelming majorities of Americans don't want tax dollars to build stadiums and they don't support tax breaks for NFL teams.

Poll Americans dislike public-funded stadiums and tax breaks for NFL teams NJ.com

Now this is the poll I was looking for. It's easy to say ppl want the stadium...it's impossible to say ppl want the stadium MORE THAN or INSTEAD OF funding education.

That poll doesn't exist because the majority don't believe the publics money should be given to Billionaires just so they can build a new place to take even more of your money.

This hunch here is not the majority. If a Republican likes it, they blindly love it so much they are literally AGAINST college education for our future.
Politics in this country is a sick game, based on perversion, loaded questions, partisan bullshit.. American politics is a joke to other countries, fuck, our "left wing" party is on the right, and our "right wing party" is.. nuts.
Overwhelming majorities of Americans don't want tax dollars to build stadiums and they don't support tax breaks for NFL teams.

Poll Americans dislike public-funded stadiums and tax breaks for NFL teams NJ.com

Now this is the poll I was looking for. It's easy to say ppl want the stadium...it's impossible to say ppl want the stadium MORE THAN or INSTEAD OF funding education.

That poll doesn't exist because the majority don't believe the publics money should be given to Billionaires just so they can build a new place to take even more of your money.

This hunch here is not the majority. If a Republican likes it, they blindly love it so much they are literally AGAINST college education for our future.
Politics in this country is a sick game, based on perversion, loaded questions, partisan bullshit.. American politics is a joke to other countries, fuck, our "left wing" party is on the right, and our "right wing party" is.. nuts.

Yes it is.. and every scintilla of perversion common to Politics in the US, is attributable to the socialism that has infected the US.

I hope that helps...
Overwhelming majorities of Americans don't want tax dollars to build stadiums and they don't support tax breaks for NFL teams.

Poll Americans dislike public-funded stadiums and tax breaks for NFL teams NJ.com

Now this is the poll I was looking for. It's easy to say ppl want the stadium...it's impossible to say ppl want the stadium MORE THAN or INSTEAD OF funding education.

That poll doesn't exist because the majority don't believe the publics money should be given to Billionaires just so they can build a new place to take even more of your money.

This hunch here is not the majority. If a Republican likes it, they blindly love it so much they are literally AGAINST college education for our future.
Politics in this country is a sick game, based on perversion, loaded questions, partisan bullshit.. American politics is a joke to other countries, fuck, our "left wing" party is on the right, and our "right wing party" is.. nuts.

Yes it is.. and every scintilla of perversion common to Politics in the US, is attributable to the socialism that has infected the US.

I hope that helps...
^^ Perfect dupe of the greedy idiot rich lying GOP. We already have socialism here now, it just panders to the rich and is unfair. Thanks to fools like you. At least you're in the "white party"...still, even the USA keeps progressing...
American politics is a joke to other countries

Which explains why so many Americans are fleeing to other countries and we're having to build a wall to keep our disgruntled workers in. Which explains why no one from other countries wants to come here. Yep. The proof is in the pudding. Our country is a joke and everywhere else is grand.

If I may ask, what do you do for a living?
American politics is a joke to other countries

Which explains why so many Americans are fleeing to other countries and we're having to build a wall to keep our disgruntled workers in. Which explains why no one from other countries wants to come here. Yep. The proof is in the pudding. Our country is a joke and everywhere else is grand.

If I may ask, what do you do for a living?
Americans aren't fleeing because they have no reason to, that, and most Americans have no idea how bad america is on education, healthcare, etc, etc.. but that's a different thing entirely. The people that want to come here our from third world countries, mostly, or india/china, I don't think anyone from european countries or scandinavia/etc wants to come here. Besides, none of that changes how american politics is compared to other countries. What I do for a living? :gives:
Sounds like Walker is doing the right thing.
I'm not sure if you're trying to make a joke, or you're being serious. How the hell is cutting education for a new stadium the right thing to do?
Well, if you want to call being brainwashed by socialist "teachers" (who have no idea what it's like to live in the real world) education, then yes, it's the right thing to do. Makes me want to vote for him even more. Go Scott!

Poorly paid teachers know more about the real world than pandering and pampered politicians do since they're little more than lackeys to lobbyists' largess.
Sounds like Walker is doing the right thing.
I'm not sure if you're trying to make a joke, or you're being serious. How the hell is cutting education for a new stadium the right thing to do?
Well, if you want to call being brainwashed by socialist "teachers" (who have no idea what it's like to live in the real world) education, then yes, it's the right thing to do. Makes me want to vote for him even more. Go Scott!

Poorly paid teachers know more about the real world than pandering and pampered politicians do since they're little more than lackeys to lobbyists' largess.
Groucho Marx and John Lennon, the true heroes of the working class. X.D.
American politics is a joke to other countries

Which explains why so many Americans are fleeing to other countries and we're having to build a wall to keep our disgruntled workers in. Which explains why no one from other countries wants to come here. Yep. The proof is in the pudding. Our country is a joke and everywhere else is grand.

If I may ask, what do you do for a living?
Americans aren't fleeing because they have no reason to, that, and most Americans have no idea how bad america is on education, healthcare, etc, etc.. but that's a different thing entirely. The people that want to come here our from third world countries, mostly, or india/china, I don't think anyone from european countries or scandinavia/etc wants to come here. Besides, none of that changes how american politics is compared to other countries. What I do for a living? :gives:
Some places in this country, education is good and in others, not so good to bad. Otherwise, people from China, India, Russia and other countries wouldn't be making great sacrifice to send their kids here.
Obama tried to make our health care better but Republicans hate his race so much, they constantly make up the most outrageous things about him and his family and are even willing to hurt their own base if they think is somehow hurts Obama.
In the past 10 years, we have had engineers from Russia, Ireland, Spain, Germany and Poland work for a year or two in an effort to get experience from an American company. Also engineers from Mexico, China, Bolivia, Brazil, Kenya, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. What I've learned from that is engineers are in demand and can be a very mobile bunch.
American politics is a joke to other countries

Which explains why so many Americans are fleeing to other countries and we're having to build a wall to keep our disgruntled workers in. Which explains why no one from other countries wants to come here. Yep. The proof is in the pudding. Our country is a joke and everywhere else is grand.

If I may ask, what do you do for a living?
Americans aren't fleeing because they have no reason to, that, and most Americans have no idea how bad america is on education...

Sounds like Walker is doing the right thing.
I'm not sure if you're trying to make a joke, or you're being serious. How the hell is cutting education for a new stadium the right thing to do?
Well, if you want to call being brainwashed by socialist "teachers" (who have no idea what it's like to live in the real world) education, then yes, it's the right thing to do. Makes me want to vote for him even more. Go Scott!

Poorly paid teachers know more about the real world than pandering and pampered politicians do since they're little more than lackeys to lobbyists' largess.
Groucho Marx and John Lennon, the true heroes of the working class. X.D.

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be

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