Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Watts Up With That?

Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?​

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach

April, 2021


I listed some of the following in my previous post, and a commenter said they were important enough to deserve a post on their own … I agree.

Despite my asking over and over in a host of forums, to date nobody has been able to tell me just what this supposed “CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!” actually is and where I might find evidence that it exists. Here are some facts for the folks that think that the climate is a real danger to humanity.

Deaths from climate-related phenomena are at an all-time low. If you think deaths from climate-related catastrophes are an emergency, please point in the graph below to the start of the “emergency”.


LINK for a lot more charts


I posted this very article in another forum two months ago to see that after 13 pages of replies not a single counterpoint answer comes against it by warmist/alarmists. Their replies are evasive goal post moving and totally laughable.

I doubt the wisdom of any of these doofuses who actually would endeavor to try and change the climate.

I guess anything "can" be done, but changing the climate would lead to unexpected consequences. Why risk working to change the climate, when we don't know what all the ramifications would be.
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.

So can political activism.

There is no incentive for political activists to lie.
The reality is there is a risk that if not stopped soon, the retention of additional solar heat can reach a tipping point when it will start adding enough water vapor into the atmosphere, that a race, positive feedback situation can occur.
That could greatly accelerate warming and make it impossible to stop.
That is what causes Venus to have a temperature of molten lead, not the fact it is a little closer to the sun.
Venus is an example of what greenhouse gases can do.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.

So can political activism.

There is no incentive for political activists to lie.
The reality is there is a risk that if not stopped soon, the retention of additional solar heat can reach a tipping point when it will start adding enough water vapor into the atmosphere, that a race, positive feedback situation can occur.
That could greatly accelerate warming and make it impossible to stop.
That is what causes Venus to have a temperature of molten lead, not the fact it is a little closer to the sun.
Venus is an example of what greenhouse gases can do.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?

There is no need for me to prove anything, since we have all seen the increases in temperature, the missing glaciers, etc.
Remember that the Arctic Ocean was never navigable even in summer, until 2009.
Until 2009, the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year. Arctic sea ice decline has rendered the waterways more navigable for ice navigation.[6][7][8][9]
Now the Northwest Passage is always open.
There is no incentive for political activists to lie.

There is EVERY incentive for political activist to lie...

A political activist believes a course of action is required and if they can't convince through argument, they will attempt to convince through propaganda. If they can't convince through propaganda, they will, if they feel they can, convince through violence.

All that matters to a political activist of any stripe is the politics. If the truth is trampled to implement those politics then "the truth will justify the means".
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?

There is no need for me to prove anything, since we have all seen the increases in temperature, the missing glaciers, etc.
Remember that the Arctic Ocean was never navigable even in summer, until 2009.
Until 2009, the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year. Arctic sea ice decline has rendered the waterways more navigable for ice navigation.[6][7][8][9]
Now the Northwest Passage is always open.
Still nothing you say this is climate emergency situation, are you drinking tonight?
There is no incentive for political activists to lie.

There is EVERY incentive for political activist to lie...

A political activist believes a course of action is required and if they can't convince through argument, they will attempt to convince through propaganda. If they can't convince through propaganda, they will, if they feel they can, convince through violence.

All that matters to a political activist of any stripe is the politics. If the truth is trampled to implement those politics then "the truth will justify the means".

There is no money to be made from environmental political activism.
Did Greta make any money?
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?

There is no need for me to prove anything, since we have all seen the increases in temperature, the missing glaciers, etc.
Remember that the Arctic Ocean was never navigable even in summer, until 2009.
Until 2009, the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year. Arctic sea ice decline has rendered the waterways more navigable for ice navigation.[6][7][8][9]
Now the Northwest Passage is always open.
Still nothing you say this is climate emergency situation, are you drinking tonight?

Sure it is.
Lots of areas rely on mountain or glacier snow pack for water storage.
That is all gone, so then many states already have water shortages.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.

C.mon, man, you just admitted these changes takes tens of thousands and millions of years, which means that YOU HAVE NEVER LIVED THROUGH or seen even one yourself, so all of this is pure gifted speculation and THEORY, especially since, if it happened 10,000 years ago, it has been happening since the Earth was formed, and last I checked, life has gone through something like 11 major and near total planet-wide extinctions, been boiled, froze and spattered by asteroids, and life is STILL HERE.
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.

Yet you post zero evidence to support your climate fearmongering, did you bother to read the article?

There is no need for me to prove anything, since we have all seen the increases in temperature, the missing glaciers, etc.
Remember that the Arctic Ocean was never navigable even in summer, until 2009.
Until 2009, the Arctic pack ice prevented regular marine shipping throughout most of the year. Arctic sea ice decline has rendered the waterways more navigable for ice navigation.[6][7][8][9]
Now the Northwest Passage is always open.
Still nothing you say this is climate emergency situation, are you drinking tonight?

Sure it is.
Lots of areas rely on mountain or glacier snow pack for water storage.
That is all gone, so then many states already have water shortages.
Still nothing you say this is climate emergency situation, are you drinking tonight?

California water shortages are largely self inflicted, but you are too busy drinking to know that.

You have ignored the article that shows the very opposite with data, this is why I am laughing tonight, keeping me awake reading your ignorance.
Silly thread.
Climate change can cost trillions and kill millions through starvation.
Look at how quickly the dry Sahara desert resulted from the swamps that were here before it only about 10,000 years ago.
And we are accelerating the process down to only a couple hundred years or so.
Sure there would still be places with a useful climate, but almost every one would have to move, and most animals would be unlikely to adapt.
What does that have to do with man made climate change?

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