Where is Moderation?


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2004
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Yes. I’m still here. I think that I have become more of a political moderate. I wonder - Are moderates a quiet percentage of the voting public? I guess that their comments would be somewhat boring – not as emotionally charged as extreme political rhetoric. As an example, I think that there should be some government welfare available to help those who “fall through the cracks” or to help those who fall onto hard times. The questions become “How much?” and “How is it to be distributed?” I think there should be “minimum wage”. It should not be set at $1 per hour and it should not be set at $100 per hour.

Look. I think that we all set what we consider to be reasonable limits – we “draw the line”. While smoking is an unhealthy habit, some people do not oppose keeping cigarettes legal. Yet, they oppose legalizing marijuana. Some would legalize marijuana but oppose the legalization of cocaine. I think that I would legalize marijuana but keep it controlled – perhaps allowing it only by prescription under special circumstances as an addictive pain-reducing medication.

As for animal rights – At one extreme, some people would go so far as to outlaw any and all fishing and hunting. Closer to the “middle”, some people have no problem with eating pigs (pork) and cows (beef). Yet these same people would not only refuse to eat cats but would also support laws that would prohibit others from eating cats. At the other extreme some people have no qualms with eating any kind of animal. As I said, people draw the line.

Look at the abortion issue. Some people would outlaw abortions under any and all circumstances. Some people would allow abortions for any and all reasons and for no reason at all. I would outlaw abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother’s physical health is at serious risk. (Hmmm. Does that, by itself, make me a Liberal, or a conservative, or a moderate?)

As for Marriages/Unions, I think that if government is going to recognize them for couples of the opposite sex, it should recognize them for couples of the opposite sex. Yet, I would not support government-recognized marriages between humans and other animals. I won’t explain this line myself (perhaps it has no reason) except to say that that is where I would draw it.

Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays – May whatever you believe in give you peace.
mattskramer said:
Yes. I’m still here. I think that I have become more of a political moderate. I wonder - Are moderates a quiet percentage of the voting public? I guess that their comments would be somewhat boring – not as emotionally charged as extreme political rhetoric. As an example, I think that there should be some government welfare available to help those who “fall through the cracks” or to help those who fall onto hard times. The questions become “How much?” and “How is it to be distributed?” I think there should be “minimum wage”. It should not be set at $1 per hour and it should not be set at $100 per hour.

Look. I think that we all set what we consider to be reasonable limits – we “draw the line”. While smoking is an unhealthy habit, some people do not oppose keeping cigarettes legal. Yet, they oppose legalizing marijuana. Some would legalize marijuana but oppose the legalization of cocaine. I think that I would legalize marijuana but keep it controlled – perhaps allowing it only by prescription under special circumstances as an addictive pain-reducing medication.

As for animal rights – At one extreme, some people would go so far as to outlaw any and all fishing and hunting. Closer to the “middle”, some people have no problem with eating pigs (pork) and cows (beef). Yet these same people would not only refuse to eat cats but would also support laws that would prohibit others from eating cats. At the other extreme some people have no qualms with eating any kind of animal. As I said, people draw the line.

Look at the abortion issue. Some people would outlaw abortions under any and all circumstances. Some people would allow abortions for any and all reasons and for no reason at all. I would outlaw abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother’s physical health is at serious risk. (Hmmm. Does that, by itself, make me a Liberal, or a conservative, or a moderate?)

As for Marriages/Unions, I think that if government is going to recognize them for couples of the opposite sex, it should recognize them for couples of the opposite sex. Yet, I would not support government-recognized marriages between humans and other animals. I won’t explain this line myself (perhaps it has no reason) except to say that that is where I would draw it.

Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays – May whatever you believe in give you peace.

You're going to have to give me a better definition of what a moderate is before I could begin to tell ya where they are. It's sorta hard to debate an issue when one person is in the middle. What does that accomplish?
dilloduck said:
You're going to have to give me a better definition of what a moderate is before I could begin to tell ya where they are. It's sorta hard to debate an issue when one person is in the middle. What does that accomplish?

Point taken. Even dictionary.com seems to give a somewhat circular, abstract, and subjective definition of moderate:

Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme: a moderate price.
Not violent or subject to extremes; mild or calm; temperate: a moderate climate.

Of medium or average quantity or extent.
Of limited or average quality; mediocre.
Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion.
mattskramer said:
Point taken. Even dictionary.com seems to give a somewhat circular, abstract, and subjective definition of moderate:

Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme: a moderate price.
Not violent or subject to extremes; mild or calm; temperate: a moderate climate.

Of medium or average quantity or extent.
Of limited or average quality; mediocre.
Opposed to radical or extreme views or measures, especially in politics or religion.

The issues that I have stronger feelings about will probably be accompanied by stronger language. The ones that I don't even care about, I won't even respond to. Maybe that's where all the moderates are---silent and apathetic.
mattskramer said:
Yes. I’m still here. I think that I have become more of a political moderate. I wonder - Are moderates a quiet percentage of the voting public? ...

Look at the abortion issue...

As for Marriages/Unions...

I believe the determining factor in conservatism/liberalism has less to do with one's opinion on specific matters such as these, than with his answer to the central question of our age: Whose call is it? Who should set policy on the conduct of our everyday lives - the judiciary or the people?

What is a moderate's answer?

mattskramer said:
Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays – May whatever you believe in give you peace.

Thank you, matt - and, to you.
musicman said:
I believe the determining factor in conservatism/liberalism has less to do with one's opinion on specific matters such as these, than with his answer to the central question of our age: Whose call is it? Who should set policy on the conduct of our everyday lives - the judiciary or the people?

What is a moderate's answer?

Thank you, matt - and, to you.

That is the ultimate question of the day. All this fluff with abortion, death penalty, women's rights, immigration etc is all meant to distract everyone from the real battle. Do we want government to run our lives or not?

The right and left doesnt even matter really. What matters is that people understand that its a power struggle between those that want to run your lives and those that want you to take responsibility for your own life.
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