Where Is Hillary & Obama?

Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.

I would love to see these two hang for their Treason and Treachery but The Deep State will probably cover for them.

Where is Hillary and Obama?
Apparently with Waldo in Al Capone's Vault.
And all 3 of them are pleading the 5th about what they are doing in there with Valerie Jarrett.
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.

Actually that is false info, the intelligence agencys and the state vote investigations showed and stated there was no evidence Russia tampered the with voting in this election.
The symantics is blaming Russia for the hacks and claiming that swayed votes & the elections, but it was the content not the hack and the culprit of the wikileaks was said NOT TO BE THE RUSSIANS.
The Russian blame is to hide the fact it was either a DNC insider whistle blower or the Pakistani IT guys and one girl hired by the idiots who forgot who they just killed in Pakistan.
I'm guessing it's the Pakistani imigrant which is why the cover up.
If anyone tampered with the election itcwas the justice dept in not prosecuting Hillary over her destruction of evidence, the same you blame on Russians for meddling. Sort of circular logic there.

Now that being cleared, explain where were these same concerned election purists when Obama tampered and interfered with Israeli elections?
And when Clinton fast tracked without proper vetting imigrants to register them to vote, the stolen identity dead votes, registered illegals to vote and had created a network to swap votes to circumvent the electorate set up. Election purists please explain Dems claiming "0" illegals voted when one state found a 6% illegal vote total?
God you dupes believe a pile of crap...

Trump was not the candidate that hired a secret army of Hackers and IT Contractors who when given Immunity by The FBI plead the 5th 256 times. They also created the Fake Russian narrative, hacked McDonald's Twitter account, and hacked a Russian bank and a Trump Tower server and put a ping between the two to create false evidence.

The NSA looked at this and there were no transactions of any sort. Just a phucking ping, set up by one of Hillary's Hackers.

That's a pretty weak way to establish a "hacking" narrative.
Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.

I would love to see these two hang for their Treason and Treachery but The Deep State will probably cover for them.

Where is Hillary and Obama?
Apparently with Waldo in Al Capone's Vault.
And all 3 of them are pleading the 5th about what they are doing in there with Valerie Jarrett.

Is you sure? Aren't Obama hiding in the walls at Trump Tower, are that true; and HRC are plotting with Saul Alinksky's spirit to write the new Rules for the Radical Chic? Are that true too?
Obama and Clinton have big mouths and love the spotlight.

I think they know their goose is going to be cooked here eventually, unless they were extremely careful in covering their tracks and their plants in the Deep State continue to help them cover up their crimes.

This is why both of them have gone in to hiding, because they colluded together to try to disenfranchise voters, and affect the outcome of the election through various nefarious and illegal actions that they themselves took.
Here are my guesses:

Obama is sucking cock, and Hillary is in a coma. Bill is next to Hillary's hospital bed trying to convince a nurse to give him a "therapeutic" hand job,
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.

Actually that is false info, the intelligence agencys and the state vote investigations showed and stated there was no evidence Russia tampered the with voting in this election.
The symantics is blaming Russia for the hacks and claiming that swayed votes & the elections, but it was the content not the hack and the culprit of the wikileaks was said NOT TO BE THE RUSSIANS.
The Russian blame is to hide the fact it was either a DNC insider whistle blower or the Pakistani IT guys and one girl hired by the idiots who forgot who they just killed in Pakistan.
I'm guessing it's the Pakistani imigrant which is why the cover up.
If anyone tampered with the election itcwas the justice dept in not prosecuting Hillary over her destruction of evidence, the same you blame on Russians for meddling. Sort of circular logic there.

Now that being cleared, explain where were these same concerned election purists when Obama tampered and interfered with Israeli elections?
And when Clinton fast tracked without proper vetting imigrants to register them to vote, the stolen identity dead votes, registered illegals to vote and had created a network to swap votes to circumvent the electorate set up. Election purists please explain Dems claiming "0" illegals voted when one state found a 6% illegal vote total?
God you dupes believe a pile of crap...

Trump was not the candidate that hired a secret army of Hackers and IT Contractors who when given Immunity by The FBI plead the 5th 256 times. They also created the Fake Russian narrative, hacked McDonald's Twitter account, and hacked a Russian bank and a Trump Tower server and put a ping between the two to create false evidence.

The NSA looked at this and there were no transactions of any sort. Just a phucking ping, set up by one of Hillary's Hackers.

That's a pretty weak way to establish a "hacking" narrative.

I don't think so at all.
  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?

Both of them were hacked. The FBI looked at the ping set up, and all it did was simply ping the Hacked Russian server to create a FALSE FLAG.
The Russian Bank is asking THE US GOVERNMENT to find out who did this.
And President Trump wants to know who hacked in to the Trump Tower server as well.

But worst yet, it appears as though Our Government is trying to cover this up.

But they have no problems, releasing Trump's tax returns, releasing classified transcripts of Flynn's Congratulatory Call with an ambassador, or the transcripts of President Trump's call with The Mexican President, or even releasing classified information on our surveillance methods.
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That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p
That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump
That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump

That is an answer that can only come from someone of low intelligence.

Trump Tower server was hacked, and there is no reason to hack your own server, unless you were trying to plant FAKE EVIDENCE like was done at THE DNC apparently. We don't know though because THE DNC won't let anyone look at the server.
This is one of the things Trump is basing his claim that Obama was illegally conducting surveillance on him.

That and the Flynn Wire Tap, as well as The Transcripts of Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.
HIllary won the popular vote because 65% of those who voted in Cally and New York have the same IQ as Maxine Waters or Elizabeth Warren

Interesting, an you know this because Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity told you? From reading your posts, the empirical evidence suggests you are 1) biddable, 2) ignorant, and 3) a troll in training. Of course what needs to be ruled out are the reasons for your easily observable 1, 2, & 3 characteristics, i.e. the Axis I, III & IV influences.
Here are my guesses:

Obama is sucking cock, and Hillary is in a coma. Bill is next to Hillary's hospital bed trying to convince a nurse to give him a "therapeutic" hand job,

Yep, vulgarity, a sign of the sexually repressed/confused homophobic and gay curious male conservative. Of course it is also likely that such a person engaged in homosexual activity and enjoyed it, yet hate themselves for liking it. See a therapist, it may help your inner most conflicts.
Here are my guesses:

Obama is sucking cock, and Hillary is in a coma. Bill is next to Hillary's hospital bed trying to convince a nurse to give him a "therapeutic" hand job,

Yep, vulgarity, a sign of the sexually repressed/confused homophobic and gay curious male conservative. Of course it is also likely that such a person engaged in homosexual activity and enjoyed it, yet hate themselves for liking it. See a therapist, it may help your inner most conflicts.
That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump

That is an answer that can only come from someone of low intelligence.

Trump Tower server was hacked, and there is no reason to hack your own server, unless you were trying to plant FAKE EVIDENCE like was done at THE DNC apparently. We don't know though because THE DNC won't let anyone look at the server.
This is one of the things Trump is basing his claim that Obama was illegally conducting surveillance on him.

That and the Flynn Wire Tap, as well as The Transcripts of Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.

Question on the 3 million votes Hillary won the popular vote by---->

If you are a lefty and 2 right leaning Republicans were running against each other for an office, pray tell, which one would you, as a leftist, vote for?

Neither you say?

And with that I concur!

So why would you think that Republicans would come out en mass to vote in California when that scenario is played in reverse there, with them knowing Trump would never carry California either?

Yep, that is the law in California The two top vote getters are put on the ballot, even if they are from the same party, meaning there is no Republican choice to vote for in many congressional districts, and was the case for senator. Why vote! You already knew Trump was not going to win.

So when leftists point at those 3 million votes, take it with a grain of salt. Make the elections in California a Democrat against a Republican, and the numbers would be totally different. This is exactly why California is known as a one party state. Even if the leftist loses, the other leftist wins. Imagine, if you will; if we followed the lefty lead in the heartland. There probably wouldn't be one Democrat anywhere on that states ballot.

This is how the left works to keep control once they get it, but most of us already knew that. They are in essence, socialist totalitarians.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
It Obama and Hillary were this good, Trump would be in black ops prison somewhere in the ME
They were that connected to the Entrenched Establishment and intelligence community. Between HIllary's Husband and Obama they both had 16 years to populate our Government with their cronies. That makes up the biggest component of the current "Dark State."

They were however, not "THAT GOOD" good, but not that good. Both of them are Idealistic Morons, and Dirty as Hell. They just happen to know people in our government every bit as dirty as they are. And they both have a pattern of getting those people to do their dirty work for them.
That's pretty much accepted at this point [the fake Russian hack job that has been thoroughly debunked and tied to Crooked Hillary]. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump

That is an answer that can only come from someone of low intelligence.

Trump Tower server was hacked, and there is no reason to hack your own server, unless you were trying to plant FAKE EVIDENCE like was done at THE DNC apparently. We don't know though because THE DNC won't let anyone look at the server.
This is one of the things Trump is basing his claim that Obama was illegally conducting surveillance on him.

That and the Flynn Wire Tap, as well as The Transcripts of Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.

Question on the 3 million votes Hillary won the popular vote by---->

If you are a lefty and 2 right leaning Republicans were running against each other for an office, pray tell, which one would you, as a leftist, vote for?

Neither you say?

And with that I concur!

So why would you think that Republicans would come out en mass to vote in California when that scenario is played in reverse there, with them knowing Trump would never carry California either?

Yep, that is the law in California The two top vote getters are put on the ballot, even if they are from the same party, meaning there is no Republican choice to vote for in many congressional districts, and was the case for senator. Why vote! You already knew Trump was not going to win.

So when leftists point at those 3 million votes, take it with a grain of salt. Make the elections in California a Democrat against a Republican, and the numbers would be totally different. This is exactly why California is known as a one party state. Even if the leftist loses, the other leftist wins. Imagine, if you will; if we followed the lefty lead in the heartland. There probably wouldn't be one Democrat anywhere on that states ballot.

This is how the left works to keep control once they get it, but most of us already knew that. They are in essence, socialist totalitarians.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The way they rig California is Absurd. I have no clue how a Republican could even get one vote in that state with how crooked that system is. It is set up to lock out everyone but The Democrat Candidates.
YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump

That is an answer that can only come from someone of low intelligence.

Trump Tower server was hacked, and there is no reason to hack your own server, unless you were trying to plant FAKE EVIDENCE like was done at THE DNC apparently. We don't know though because THE DNC won't let anyone look at the server.
This is one of the things Trump is basing his claim that Obama was illegally conducting surveillance on him.

That and the Flynn Wire Tap, as well as The Transcripts of Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.

Question on the 3 million votes Hillary won the popular vote by---->

If you are a lefty and 2 right leaning Republicans were running against each other for an office, pray tell, which one would you, as a leftist, vote for?

Neither you say?

And with that I concur!

So why would you think that Republicans would come out en mass to vote in California when that scenario is played in reverse there, with them knowing Trump would never carry California either?

Yep, that is the law in California The two top vote getters are put on the ballot, even if they are from the same party, meaning there is no Republican choice to vote for in many congressional districts, and was the case for senator. Why vote! You already knew Trump was not going to win.

So when leftists point at those 3 million votes, take it with a grain of salt. Make the elections in California a Democrat against a Republican, and the numbers would be totally different. This is exactly why California is known as a one party state. Even if the leftist loses, the other leftist wins. Imagine, if you will; if we followed the lefty lead in the heartland. There probably wouldn't be one Democrat anywhere on that states ballot.

This is how the left works to keep control once they get it, but most of us already knew that. They are in essence, socialist totalitarians.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The way they rig California is Absurd. I have no clue how a Republican could even get one vote in that state with how crooked that system is. It is set up to lock out everyone but The Democrat Candidates.

Once I thought you were dishonest, then I figured, no, you were simply a right wing hack. Today I've concluded you are stupid - that does not rule out your dishonesty or ignorance; stupid people can be both as you've proved again and again.
YOU ARE INSANE (and or really, really stupid). SORRY! :p

I'll ask these questions again.

  • Why would a Presidential Candidate hire private IT contractors, and Hackers, and also Pay Internet Trolls to manipulate Social Media?
  • Why would these same 'contractors' plead the 5th 256 consecutive times when being interviewed by The FBI despite being given Immunity?
  • Why would Hillary Clinton Bleach Bit 30,000 emails despite being give TWO COURT ORDERS not to do that very thing?
  • Why would she pay Thugs to go to Trump Rallies and disrupt them, and bloody Trump Supporters and carry out orders to instigate violence, to riot, to commit vandalism?
  • Why would Clinton after losing the election put Jill Stein up to challenging the results of the election in only those states Trump flipped?
  • Why hire a bunch of hackers if you aren't going to hack anyone?
  • And who set up the ping between a Trump Tower server and a Russian Bank?
Ask Trump

That is an answer that can only come from someone of low intelligence.

Trump Tower server was hacked, and there is no reason to hack your own server, unless you were trying to plant FAKE EVIDENCE like was done at THE DNC apparently. We don't know though because THE DNC won't let anyone look at the server.
This is one of the things Trump is basing his claim that Obama was illegally conducting surveillance on him.

That and the Flynn Wire Tap, as well as The Transcripts of Trump's Conversation with The Mexican President.

Question on the 3 million votes Hillary won the popular vote by---->

If you are a lefty and 2 right leaning Republicans were running against each other for an office, pray tell, which one would you, as a leftist, vote for?

Neither you say?

And with that I concur!

So why would you think that Republicans would come out en mass to vote in California when that scenario is played in reverse there, with them knowing Trump would never carry California either?

Yep, that is the law in California The two top vote getters are put on the ballot, even if they are from the same party, meaning there is no Republican choice to vote for in many congressional districts, and was the case for senator. Why vote! You already knew Trump was not going to win.

So when leftists point at those 3 million votes, take it with a grain of salt. Make the elections in California a Democrat against a Republican, and the numbers would be totally different. This is exactly why California is known as a one party state. Even if the leftist loses, the other leftist wins. Imagine, if you will; if we followed the lefty lead in the heartland. There probably wouldn't be one Democrat anywhere on that states ballot.

This is how the left works to keep control once they get it, but most of us already knew that. They are in essence, socialist totalitarians.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The way they rig California is Absurd. I have no clue how a Republican could even get one vote in that state with how crooked that system is. It is set up to lock out everyone but The Democrat Candidates.

The problem is also in knowing they can spare CA votes they can swap votes with States they need the votes, which is what they were doing literally organizing a network to bring swap voters together so they could circumvent the electoral process by swapping state votes. Even though It's legal it's unethical and shows a total disregard to the process. They need to do something about that crazy tactic, it's ludicrous allowing a cheat & workaround the whole intent of the electoral system.

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