Where Is Hillary & Obama?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.

I would love to see these two hang for their Treason and Treachery but The Deep State will probably cover for them.
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Hussein aka the Beach Bum is in Tahiti.....realxing at luxury on his permanent vacation.

Hilarious Clinton who knows...somewhere with Huma?
Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.
Clinton is working behind the scenes to drum up support to impeach Trump and see if Pence isn't a little more malleable. Obama made a quick trip to Hawaii to instruct one of his judges on how to block Trump's travel ban. Don't think for a minute that these UN representatives are going to go gently into that good night.
The shadow government needs to go. We didn't vote Obama in for a 3rd. term. He needs to back off.
Responses like this pretty much Verify that this is true, and this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

The same Intelligence Community that said Hillary Clinton was lying about Trump colluding with Russia and Putin.
She and her army of Hackers made up the Russian/Trump ruse and then actively worked to plant evidence and manipulate Social Media to give it legitimacy.

And now we find out she had an army of Hackers and internet Trolls trying to hack Twitter accounts and trying to plant false evidence on servers and trying to manipulate Social Media.

What a bunch of Criminal Scumbags.

I hope Karma pays a visit to them and if not I pray for justice in the next life and the kind that lasts an eternity.

Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.
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this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.
Appareny the Russian\Trump Collusion Story was dreamt up by a Computer Hacker working for Hillary Clinton, who may have actually tried to hack some servers in Trump Tower.

And what is being uncovered is that Hillary Clinton's Hacker was going around trying to plant false evidence on servers.

Add that to the unproven story of DNC Server being hacked by Russians..

The Clinton IT Worker who was offered immunity but plead the 5th 256 consecutive times

And add to that Obama going to British Intelligence and asking them to conduct surveillance on members of The Trump Team and this is a massive Criminal Operation by The DNC, Clinton, & Obama to Rig The Election.

The Russian Bank that was the target of this and who was tied by pings to a server in Trump Tower was cleared by The FBI as was Trump and they are asking The US Government to investigate who set up the ruse.

We already know who.

And now you know why these two pieces of shit have been in hiding since The Innauguration when they love running their mouth and being in the spotlight!

The entire Russian Narrative...all of it was a hoax created by the Democratic
Party who was desperate to hold on to The White House.

I would love to see these two hang for their Treason and Treachery but The Deep State will probably cover for them.

I'm not doubting you at all but, is there a link to that? I can write an article about it and include the source links in my website. Thanks and I hope it's true! I don't put anything past the DNC.
this story is coming from sources inside the Intelligence Community.

Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
Spicer is not a source from inside the intelligence community dummy. The British never wiretapped Trump. And in fact, the intelligence community unanimously agreed that Russia interfered with our election. Suck on that rube.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
Did you know Hillary Clinton Lost the Election and is a Liar and A Drunk?

Apparently Lefty doesn't realize that.

So being the helpful guy I am, I thought I'd help you Leftist Perverts out.

You can thank me later for letting you know the Election is over. That's pretty much accepted as fact these days.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years
I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years


we shall see won't we.
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.

President Trump will be in office for 8 years.

Just accept the fact.
He'll be lucky to make it 2 years


we shall see won't we.
Yup. And we can all suffer together while that complete buffoon remains in office.
The only thing you and your minions are doing is humiliating yourselves and digging a political hole for yourselves that you will never get out of.

You and your party are daily committing political suicide.

Sux to be you but even worse that you are deluded in to thinking you are accomplishing anything but your own demise.


find something new, that shit is tired.
The British wiretapping Trump is new from today. So was the scathing rebuttal from British intelligence making a mockery of the Trump regime.

I'm talking about that old tired tune "the Russians interfered blah blah blah" give it a break will you!
That's pretty much accepted at this point. Even Trump admitted it. You fringe nutjobs can keep denying it but it's not going away.

sorry but you are :cuckoo:

Mr Trump is President deal with it.
I am. By helping humiliate his sorry ass out of office. It'll be a miracle for him to make it all 4 years.
I thought the OP title was a legitimate question.
Obama is out enjoying magic mushrooms, partying with the "White Rabbit"
and Hillary went back to her evil lair in NY trying to strategise her destruction of the world for profit and gain.

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