Where is BLM and their protests over these murders?

It's not about how gruesome the deaths were.

It's because Floyd was killed by someone with authority who was expected to protect citizens.

I get it, it’s super complex and trivial....but shouldn’t they change the name of the organization to “Black Lives Only Matter When Taken By A Person Of Authority”?

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101

You dumbasses don't have a clue.
Has the killer/s gotten away w/it OP?

We are dealing with stupid.

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101

You dumbasses don't have a clue.
Pejorative flame post.

Tell me what was wrong with my OP? I'll patiently wait.

You're an idiot, why was BLM created and what are they protesting?

Is this where you pretend that only ignorant oppressed dark folks and woke white guilt whackos with purple hair, nose rings, neck tattoos and extreme daddy issues can understand the complexity of the BurnLootMurder bullshit?

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101

You dumbasses don't have a clue.
Has the killer/s gotten away w/it OP?

We are dealing with stupid.

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101

You dumbasses don't have a clue.
Pejorative flame post.

Tell me what was wrong with my OP? I'll patiently wait.

You're an idiot, why was BLM created and what are they protesting?

Is this where you pretend that only ignorant oppressed dark folks and woke white guilt whackos with purple hair, nose rings, neck tattoos and extreme daddy issues can understand the complexity of the BurnLootMurder bullshit?

How long did it take you to type that bullshit.
again, she's a trained professional, and used of deadly force should be the LAST resort.

He was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching TV. He didn't have a weapon. He wasn't a threat.

No, deadly force is not the last resort. It's why we passed our Stand Your Ground law in January and will go into effect this April. The law is you can legally use deadly force if you believe you are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. She didn't know what he had or didn't have because she couldn't see him.

What you don't realize is that the bad guys could care less if you're a cop or not, and as you can imagine, make a lot of enemies in their line of work. When they get out of prison, they my be seeking revenge on the police officer responsible for their arrest and conviction. If it's somebody in prison that belonged to a gang, a gang member on the outside may be seeking revenge on his part. These are the kinds of things that's in a police officers mind on or off duty.

If I were a police officer, came home and somebody was on my couch in the dark, that would probably be the first thing I would think of.
again, she's a trained professional, and used of deadly force should be the LAST resort.

He was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching TV. He didn't have a weapon. He wasn't a threat.

No, deadly force is not the last resort. It's why we passed our Stand Your Ground law in January and will go into effect this April. The law is you can legally use deadly force if you believe you are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. She didn't know what he had or didn't have because she couldn't see him.

What you don't realize is that the bad guys could care less if you're a cop or not, and as you can imagine, make a lot of enemies in their line of work. When they get out of prison, they my be seeking revenge on the police officer responsible for their arrest and conviction. If it's somebody in prison that belonged to a gang, a gang member on the outside may be seeking revenge on his part. These are the kinds of things that's in a police officers mind on or off duty.

If I were a police officer, came home and somebody was on my couch in the dark, that would probably be the first thing I would think of.
Ray, come on. Joe can read minds. This was 100% racism because Joe says so.
No, deadly force is not the last resort. It's why we passed our Stand Your Ground law in January and will go into effect this April. The law is you can legally use deadly force if you believe you are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. She didn't know what he had or didn't have because she couldn't see him.

What you don't realize is that the bad guys could care less if you're a cop or not, and as you can imagine, make a lot of enemies in their line of work. When they get out of prison, they my be seeking revenge on the police officer responsible for their arrest and conviction. If it's somebody in prison that belonged to a gang, a gang member on the outside may be seeking revenge on his part. These are the kinds of things that's in a police officers mind on or off duty.

If I were a police officer, came home and somebody was on my couch in the dark, that would probably be the first thing I would think of.
I'd like to see this law exercised on a few off-duty or perhaps even undercover cops getting a little out-of-pocket, and see how that all plays out.
I'd like to see this law exercised on a few off-duty or perhaps even undercover cops getting a little out-of-pocket, and see how that all plays out.

Look how it played out for the average citizen. She got ten years for making a mistake that caused the death of a man.
Look how it played out for the average citizen. She got ten years for making a mistake that caused the death of a man.
Police don't tend to get the "average citizen" treatment, unless they're black.
Everything is race with you. Black males make up 6% of the US population but 85% of the NBA rosters. NBA is racist.....?
It's not about how gruesome the deaths were.

It's because Floyd was killed by someone with authority who was expected to protect citizens.

I get it, it’s super complex and trivial....but shouldn’t they change the name of the organization to “Black Lives Only Matter When Taken By A Person Of Authority”?

I don't think so but you can take that request up with them.

I think the question is whether or not there is an expected change to be made to protect those lives. In these incidents in the OP, the killers are expected to be charged appropriately so there is no need to protest.
You weren't there. Have you ever gone on a ride along with a police officer? Two of my best friends are cops in Austin, TX. Those are stressful situations. Yes, she likely overreacted and she was tried and convicted. You and your warped reality amuse me. Welcome to the real world. It is not the world according to JoeB the failed resume writer.

Uh, what are you arguing here, exactly? We both seem to agree she was in the wrong...

The only difference is you are fine with the light sentence she got, while I'm really not.
No, deadly force is not the last resort. It's why we passed our Stand Your Ground law in January and will go into effect this April. The law is you can legally use deadly force if you believe you are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. She didn't know what he had or didn't have because she couldn't see him.

She saw him well enough to put a bullet in him. He was sitting on a couch, how much of a threat could he have posed?

Look, man, I know you are looking forward to April when you think you'll have a darkie hunting license, but it's not going to end well for you.

What you don't realize is that the bad guys could care less if you're a cop or not, and as you can imagine, make a lot of enemies in their line of work. When they get out of prison, they my be seeking revenge on the police officer responsible for their arrest and conviction. If it's somebody in prison that belonged to a gang, a gang member on the outside may be seeking revenge on his part. These are the kinds of things that's in a police officers mind on or off duty.

Bullshit. Only 48 cops were killed in the line of duty last year being shot by bad guys. (Five were shot by their fellow cops by accident, the same year.) 211 died of Covid. YOu know, that thing you guys on the right keep claiming is a "hoax".

Meanwhile, nearly 1000 Americans were killed by police last year. Compared to the UK, where police only kill 2-5 people Or Germany, where they kill around 10 people. Only a few of those cases were controversial, usually when it involved a cop shooting an unarmed black person, or a child, or escalating a simple domestic or traffic call into a deadly force incident.
She saw him well enough to put a bullet in him. He was sitting on a couch, how much of a threat could he have posed?

Look, man, I know you are looking forward to April when you think you'll have a darkie hunting license, but it's not going to end well for you.

It always ends well for me.

As stated already, all she seen is a silhouette of a person as she was coming out of bright lights (your eyes cannot immediately adjust to sudden darkness) and if somebody was waiting for her, they would likely have the gun next to them which of course she couldn't possibly see.

Say what you want about STG laws, but the point is that using deadly force is not a persons last resort in states where real Americans live. In commie states, perhaps a different subject.

Bullshit. Only 48 cops were killed in the line of duty last year being shot by bad guys. (Five were shot by their fellow cops by accident, the same year.) 211 died of Covid. YOu know, that thing you guys on the right keep claiming is a "hoax".

Meanwhile, nearly 1000 Americans were killed by police last year. Compared to the UK, where police only kill 2-5 people Or Germany, where they kill around 10 people. Only a few of those cases were controversial, usually when it involved a cop shooting an unarmed black person, or a child, or escalating a simple domestic or traffic call into a deadly force incident.

Drifting off the point. A police officer carries their gun off duty to protect themselves from people who might seek retaliation for past arrests. Cops go after bad guys, so 1,000 killed is not that large of a number in a population of 340 million. If anything, it's an attribute to how many weren't killed given the hundreds of thousands a time per year they have to address dangerous subjects.

Quit comparing nearly all white countries with ours. Much of our violent crime comes from minorities which police in Europe don't have to deal with. White people generally respect our officers and are much less violent than people of color. Before you say anything about racism, those are statistics--not an opinion. Check out the stats yourself, because it would be a waste of time for me to post them.

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101
Was this 15 year old a public official?
So black lives only matter if a public official is the killer? Good to know.
Are you going to blame the All Lives Matter movement for any white on white murders.

I was going ask about Blue Lives Matter, but after the Capitol insurrection we now k ow that answer.
It always ends well for me.

As stated already, all she seen is a silhouette of a person as she was coming out of bright lights (your eyes cannot immediately adjust to sudden darkness) and if somebody was waiting for her, they would likely have the gun next to them which of course she couldn't possibly see.

Oh, come on... She didn't know where she was because she was too busy sending dirty texts to her partner she was fucking. This idea that she was following some awesome super cop procedure is just stupid.

She went to the wrong place, she saw a black man, she panicked, and she murdered him. End of story.

Say what you want about STG laws, but the point is that using deadly force is not a persons last resort in states where real Americans live. In commie states, perhaps a different subject.

Actually, it was that kind of incident that started BLM, when Zimmerman, a drug-addled, cop wannabe with a long record of domestic abuse, shot an innocent black child who was on his way home from the store. Meanwhile, a black woman named Marissa Alexander who fired a warning shot at an abusive husband in the same state got 20 years.

I'm sure you'll find a reason why the black person totally had it coming.

Drifting off the point. A police officer carries their gun off duty to protect themselves from people who might seek retaliation for past arrests. Cops go after bad guys, so 1,000 killed is not that large of a number in a population of 340 million. If anything, it's an attribute to how many weren't killed given the hundreds of thousands a time per year they have to address dangerous subjects.

No, it just shows how lax the use of force rules are. If every cop was thoroughly investigated for use of force, they'd be a lot less likely to do it.

Quit comparing nearly all white countries with ours. Much of our violent crime comes from minorities which police in Europe don't have to deal with. White people generally respect our officers and are much less violent than people of color. Before you say anything about racism, those are statistics--not an opinion. Check out the stats yourself, because it would be a waste of time for me to post them.

1) Keep telling us how not racist you are, that shit never gets old.
2) Japan is white country? The UK has a very large non-white population.
3) While people of color are disproportionately killed by police, they still manage to kill a lot of white people.
4) we have 19,000 homicides a year in this country, and the police are responsible for 1000 of them. That's kind of a lot.
You weren't there. Have you ever gone on a ride along with a police officer? Two of my best friends are cops in Austin, TX. Those are stressful situations. Yes, she likely overreacted and she was tried and convicted. You and your warped reality amuse me. Welcome to the real world. It is not the world according to JoeB the failed resume writer.

Uh, what are you arguing here, exactly? We both seem to agree she was in the wrong...

The only difference is you are fine with the light sentence she got, while I'm really not.
We are arguing, you waste of life, the fact that the sentence was correct or incorrect. It is not up to me nor you to decide. The judge was also black. Not sure what you're missing here. Manslaughter carries that sentence and her life is basically ruined forever.

In both cases they are a lot more gruesome than the George Floyd case. Yet we hear crickets. I guess "black lives matter" to BLM only when they can exploit the situation? Where is the media outrage? Where are the marches?


Where is Joe Biden?

Hypocrisy 101
Was this 15 year old a public official?
So black lives only matter if a public official is the killer? Good to know.
Are you going to blame the All Lives Matter movement for any white on white murders.

I was going ask about Blue Lives Matter, but after the Capitol insurrection we now k ow that answer.
There is an All Lives Matter movement? I blame leftists for 90% of the problems in America.
Oh, come on... She didn't know where she was because she was too busy sending dirty texts to her partner she was fucking. This idea that she was following some awesome super cop procedure is just stupid.

She went to the wrong place, she saw a black man, she panicked, and she murdered him. End of story.

If she only seen a silhouette, how do you figure she knew he was black; not that it made a difference anyway. Your problem is not that everybody is racist, your problem is you make them racist in that disturbed little world you live in.

Bottom line is it was an accident. True, she was not paying attention, but how many of us don't pay attention when we do routine things we really don't need to concentrate on?

Actually, it was that kind of incident that started BLM, when Zimmerman, a drug-addled, cop wannabe with a long record of domestic abuse, shot an innocent black child who was on his way home from the store. Meanwhile, a black woman named Marissa Alexander who fired a warning shot at an abusive husband in the same state got 20 years.

I'm sure you'll find a reason why the black person totally had it coming.

You mean that innocent black kid that attacked him and was in the process of felonious assault when he was killed? That innocent black kid? Zimmerman had every right to use deadly force. That's what police ruled, that's what the court ruled, and that's the law in Florida. The lowlifes like BLM don't like those laws because it stops them from getting away with crimes they otherwise would get away with.

No, it just shows how lax the use of force rules are. If every cop was thoroughly investigated for use of force, they'd be a lot less likely to do it.

They are investigated every single time.

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