Where does your racism come from ?

Most racism in this country comes from Republicans. It’s something you would expect from a party that is 90% white in a country as diverse as ours.
Most racism in this country comes from Republicans. It’s something you would expect from a party that is 90% white in a country as diverse as ours.

Don't be an idiot. This is a non sequitur. It can't be helped if most blacks don't hold conservative ideas and values and choose to vote a different party. I'm not going to be called a racist just because of that.

Like so many others here, with things like this that you don't agree with, don't understand or are simply too lazy to give any critical scrutiny, the only possible explanation is that the other guy MUST be racist.
The left wants to confuse racism with being fed up. I was raised in a very mixed New York neighborhood. I never lived in an all white neighborhood, well, ever. Starting about ten years ago blacks started getting on my nerves. Their endless whining, complaining, attitude, random attacks on innocent people, the antics of black lives matter, the utter ignorance of black elected officials, has left me exhausted and empty of any sympathy empathy or any other feeling but contempt. I'm done. Go grouse after someone else, call me WAYYYCISS, I don't care just go away.
Well on your previous postings I suspect that you are a racist. It seems that you are offended by black people looking for equality. I suppose that might be a general complaint.
Equality! That takes ir.
Excuse me. Hello! How are you? I'm writing to you to make you aware that I'm going to place you on my ignore list.

Hello, NC. Frankly, you could have PMed me with your beef instead of spamming the OP's thread with a personal message directed at another member.

Blacks. However, there are also tens of millions that are criminals, welfare queens, druggies, gang thugs and general American hating racist assholes.

Tens of millions...that is an absurd, ignorant comment, my friend/

Do you communicate with family, friends or co-workers using the same nasty, foul language you use here on USMB?

How was I raised? Grew up in Montana, and didn't see any black people until I was a senior in high school, and then we had one guy named Jimmy Goode. Now, Jimmy was just like the rest of us, he wore jeans and boots with a cowboy hat, and he was on the varsity football team. I never gave it much thought, but I saw how a lot of people reacted to him, especially the parents of the students. The students accepted him as just a regular guy, but the parents (especially of his girlfriend) were less than cordial to him.

And, there was also the fact that I was raised by my Grandparents (orphaned at 8), who were of the view that if you weren't white, you weren't right. On the day I shipped out to boot camp, my Grandparents told me that I would meet some of the best people and to bring anyone home to visit, just make sure they are white.

That statement flabbergasted me. I mean, I had heard my Grandparents say racial things in passing, but I never really thought they were hard core racist until then.

Then, when I was in A school, my roomie was from LA and black as the ace of spades. We became really good friends, and after that, I really never understood people who had a bias against others because of their skin color. LA was one of the smartest dudes I've ever met, and if it hadn't been for him, I might not have made it through A school.

Wow! That PN "A" school must have been really touch! All of those paper cuts and learning how to use a two-hole punch! How did you ever survive with a Cat IV AFQT? :D

However, you point is well taken. We had one black guy in all of ET "A" school when I was there: my roommate.

It wasn't so much learning the information that was hard, it was learning how to type in 2 weeks that almost got me dropped. In order to graduate PN school, you had to be able to type a minimum of 30 words per minute. LA would sit there and run typing drills with me. As far as my AFQT? It was 72, what was yours?

Excuse me. Hello! How are you? I'm writing to you to make you aware that I'm going to place you on my ignore list. Reason being is that you keep spamming the threads with the same memes all of the time. This is compunded by the fact that your memes consume upwards of half of any given web page, and this, of course, renders scrolling through discussion unstimulating for me. I feel that honesty and openess is more often the most diplomatic means of communication in matters such as these.

Alright, then. Enjoy your morning. No, need to respond, I won't be able to see it anyway.

K, bye.
I’ve just done the same for the same reason.
It’s a pity cos he seems like a nice guy.
I’ve just done the same for the same reason.
It’s a pity cos he seems like a nice guy.

Yeah. Seems so. Normally, I wouldn't take time to tell anyone if I place them in that list. So, you know. Will see how it goes.
How was I raised? Grew up in Montana, and didn't see any black people until I was a senior in high school, and then we had one guy named Jimmy Goode. Now, Jimmy was just like the rest of us, he wore jeans and boots with a cowboy hat, and he was on the varsity football team. I never gave it much thought, but I saw how a lot of people reacted to him, especially the parents of the students. The students accepted him as just a regular guy, but the parents (especially of his girlfriend) were less than cordial to him.

And, there was also the fact that I was raised by my Grandparents (orphaned at 8), who were of the view that if you weren't white, you weren't right. On the day I shipped out to boot camp, my Grandparents told me that I would meet some of the best people and to bring anyone home to visit, just make sure they are white.

That statement flabbergasted me. I mean, I had heard my Grandparents say racial things in passing, but I never really thought they were hard core racist until then.

Then, when I was in A school, my roomie was from LA and black as the ace of spades. We became really good friends, and after that, I really never understood people who had a bias against others because of their skin color. LA was one of the smartest dudes I've ever met, and if it hadn't been for him, I might not have made it through A school.

Wow! That PN "A" school must have been really touch! All of those paper cuts and learning how to use a two-hole punch! How did you ever survive with a Cat IV AFQT? :D

However, you point is well taken. We had one black guy in all of ET "A" school when I was there: my roommate.

It wasn't so much learning the information that was hard, it was learning how to type in 2 weeks that almost got me dropped. In order to graduate PN school, you had to be able to type a minimum of 30 words per minute. LA would sit there and run typing drills with me. As far as my AFQT? It was 72, what was yours?

My AFQT was a 98 in my sophomore year. I was A nuke ET.
Nobody disputes the fact that racial discrimination exist in the US. I practiced it and have no apologies for it. It was deserved. I had a division to run and I wasn't about to hire some stupid lazy affirmation person just to meet some discriminatory racial quota.
From the conversations I've had I'd say close to 90% of this board believes that the only racism that exists in 2018 is against white people.

Do the math again, or have more conversations.
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.
I'm really sorry to hear that you were subjected to this type of behavior and your teachers really should have known better.
Nobody disputes the fact that racial discrimination exist in the US. I practiced it and have no apologies for it. It was deserved. I had a division to run and I wasn't about to hire some stupid lazy affirmation person just to meet some discriminatory racial quota.

When Blacks get off welfare, stop committing crimes, get off drugs, stop hating Whites and the police and stop electing filthy ass destructive Democrats then maybe people like myself will start treating them with more respect.

Racial hatred also exist and it is predominate in the Black community. For instance, that asshole Obama attended a "church" for 20 years that preached racial hatred but the stupid Moon Bats elected him President. The Black Muslims are the biggest racial hatred group in the US.
You don't find it the least bit conflicting that you begin your statement with an admission of continuous unlawful behavior spanning 25 years yet you're blaming the black community for an assortment of ills which however also affect the white community, that you probably directly contributed to.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is a civil action to be "discriminatory", not criminal. If you are one of these assholes think that it would be proper to bring discriminatory action against me for protecting my division from incompetency then find one of the people I discriminated against and get them to engage the filthy ass government to give them a remedy.

5% of Whites are on welfare, 50% of Blacks.

4% of Whites serve time jail, 40% of Blacks.

97% of the filthy ass Blacks vote in these destructive Democrats. How stupid is that? Look at that shithead Obama they voted for, The worst President this country ever had.

God only knows what percentage of them are druggies.

Blacks are killed mostly by other Blacks. Blacks are the ones that commit most of the gun crimes in this country. They burn down their neighborhoods. They think it is cool not to show respect to the US flag. The other day they were looting stores after the hurricane in NC, just like they do after almost all disasters.

If Blacks want to be treated with respect then they need to stop acting like thugs.

I'll be glad to stop being racist when Blacks prove to me that they deserve respect.

Your "statistics" are incorrect. Far more than 5% of welfare recipients are white. And far less than 50% are black.

Your numbers regarding prison time served are also wrong.

White people are also killed mostly by other white people as is true with every other race of people.The majority of homicide cases are intra racial.

As for the rest of your post, MLK once quoted:

"There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity".
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.

Did you fight John Denver?
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.
I'm really sorry to hear that you were subjected to this type of behavior and your teachers really should have known better.

To hear all these people here tell it, they all went to mostly black schools and were beat up only because they were white. He came to an mostly black school from rural West Virginia. But he got beat up and treated badly only because he was white. Randy Moss lived in rural West Virginia and he tells a tale of serious racism against blacks in that's so severe he wanted to leave the state to play football elsewhere. Sorry, but this guy is lying. He grew up during the rise of white victimization. He chose to believe the race baiting of whites that told him how white men were being persecuted.
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.
I'm really sorry to hear that you were subjected to this type of behavior and your teachers really should have known better.

To hear all these people here tell it, they all went to mostly black schools and were beat up only because they were white. He came to an mostly black school from rural West Virginia. But he got beat up and treated badly only because he was white. Randy Moss lived in rural West Virginia and he tells a tale of serious racism against blacks in that's so severe he wanted to leave the state to play football elsewhere. Sorry, but this guy is lying. He grew up during the rise of white victimization. He chose to believe the race baiting of whites that told him how white men were being persecuted.

I find it difficult to believe that a white family in America would move from predominately white, rural "anywhere in America" and place their children in a predominately black public school. Anything is possible, but that sounds unusual.
And when did you realise that you were racist ?

Was it through your family ? Peers ? Did you pick it up in school or work ?

People arent born racist so how did you get there ?
I'm a equal opportunity racist,....I hate sell out black people, conservative whites and ignorant immigrants who worship whites...next inquiring question?
My views regarding race evolved gradually over a long period of time.The seeds were probably sown in the late 80s when I was one of the only white kids in a mostly-black elementary school. But I was young and naive and did not really associate the problems I encountered there as having anything to do with race.

Fast forward to my high school years when my innate conservative mindset began to blossom. At the time I didn't care about politics but I found myself feeling dissatisfied with American society and how undignified and debased it was in comparison to the stories I liked to immerse myself in. I started noticing how entertainment media pushed certain agendas on kids in my age range which made me feel very resentful towards the so-called "mainstream".

It was pretty much a domino effect from then as I started to pay attention to politics especially after 9/11. Once I began using the internet I was exposed to more and more of the mainstream media's narrative and their hypocritical view of how things aught to be which read to me like: "Tolerate the intolerable, glorify the profane"

More and more people started living by that mantra, people I was close to and cared about engaged in behavior that I found reprehensible. Eventually the MSM narrative dropped all pretense and turned openly hostile towards white men who apparently are the only obstacle towards reshaping society to fit their twisted morality.

Their loyal sheep followed suit so I was forced to choose sides.
Were you mistreated at the all black school you attended?

Even the teacher harassed me for being different. That school was like a warzone. For some reason, we weren't allowed to use the playground equipment during recess so all we ever did was fight. Having to constantly defend myself with my fists was a huge culture shock for me coming from the generally peaceful school life I had in rural West Virginia.
I'm really sorry to hear that you were subjected to this type of behavior and your teachers really should have known better.

To hear all these people here tell it, they all went to mostly black schools and were beat up only because they were white. He came to an mostly black school from rural West Virginia. But he got beat up and treated badly only because he was white. Randy Moss lived in rural West Virginia and he tells a tale of serious racism against blacks in that's so severe he wanted to leave the state to play football elsewhere. Sorry, but this guy is lying. He grew up during the rise of white victimization. He chose to believe the race baiting of whites that told him how white men were being persecuted.

I find it difficult to believe that a white family in America would move from predominately white, rural "anywhere in America" and place their children in a predominately black public school. Anything is possible, but that sounds unusual.

I have no reason to lie about that. Besides, what's so "unusual" about a family moving from out in the boonies to a city? It was the local government that placed me in that school, my parents had no say in the matter. It was probably the same for lots of white kids in cleveland, I was bussed way to the other side of town 45 minutes away to diversify that shitty black school. Seemed like some kind of cruel punishment to me at the time but apparently my mere presence there created mountains of equality... or something.

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