Where did we come from?


Silver Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Under His Wings in the Shadow of the Almighty!
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance
from the earth.. the dirt...stardust.. same place everything in existence came from including our man made technology's....its just all clay with the breath of life added
Thank you for posting eots.

I forgot to post my answers. I believe:

I believe that the earth and universe:
b) Was created by God~6000 years ago

Where did life come from:
b) Was created by God~6000 years ago

Where did Human kind come from:
b) We were ceated by God ~6000 years ago
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Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created from the dust of the earth by God
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance

[eta: oh and I'm right :D]


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If you understood what created mean youd realize there is no difference between "was created" and "always existed"
God created the Earth, and then after creating some animals for food, he sent a tornado down to the dusty ground which kicked up lots of dirt and dust in the air.

When the storm cleared, Adam stood there, naked and dirty from the dust storm.

He then became horny, so he tore out one of his ribs and created a hot women out of his rib and parts of the carcass of a llama. He called her Eve because he wanted a name that he could spell both forward and backwards.

After some foreplay, they had sex, and created children.

Then after generations of rampant incest, the human race as we know it, was created.
God created the Earth, and then after creating some animals for food, he sent a tornado down to the dusty ground which kicked up lots of dirt and dust in the air.

When the storm cleared, Adam stood there, naked and dirty from the dust storm.

He then became horny, so he tore out one of his ribs and created a hot women out of his rib and parts of the carcass of a llama. He called her Eve because he wanted a name that he could spell both forward and backwards.

After some foreplay, they had sex, and created children.

Then after generations of rampant incest, the human race as we know it, was created.

nevermind :angel:
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance

You forgot the lake of goo that the rock was in.
ooops lol!

I misread that, I am MESSING UP tonight!

walking away...
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Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a)Has always existed
b)Was created
c)Came into existence from nothing
d)Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a)Always existed
b)Was created
c)Came from a rock
Amino acids, which came about through natural chemical reactions and eventually organized into proteins. This organization was catalyzed by ribozymes, which were formed through the synthesis of nucleotides.

Where did Human kind come from:
a)Always existed
b)Was created
c)Came from a tarsier through evolution
d)Came from a rock
Humans, like all animals, evolved. AFAIK, we did not evolve from tarsiers.
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance

You forgot the lake of goo that the rock was in.

Oh yes.... Thanks for reminding me

You mean.


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Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a)Has always existed
b)Was created
c)Came into existence from nothing
d)Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a)Always existed
b)Was created
c)Came from a rock
Amino acids, which came about through natural chemical reactions and eventually organized into proteins. This organization was catalyzed by ribozymes, which were formed through the synthesis of nucleotides.

It has already been proven that that is not scientifically possible, but okay you can believe that if you want.

And by came into existance from nothing, do you mean absolutely nothing, zero, nada, etc. like the text books say? As in:
4.2 billion years ago NOTHING exploded, it rained and rained on the rocks, the rocks turned to soup, and soup turned into living organisms and now here we are!!! ?
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance

You forgot the lake of goo that the rock was in.

Oh yes.... Thanks for reminding me

You mean.



A cute photo-shopped picture has nothing to do with your point. Nice try.
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a)Has always existed
b)Was created
c)Came into existence from nothing
d)Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a)Always existed
b)Was created
c)Came from a rock
Amino acids, which came about through natural chemical reactions and eventually organized into proteins. This organization was catalyzed by ribozymes, which were formed through the synthesis of nucleotides.

Where did Human kind come from:
a)Always existed
b)Was created
c)Came from a tarsier through evolution
d)Came from a rock
Humans, like all animals, evolved. AFAIK, we did not evolve from tarsiers.

Please explain to us just how COMMON decent from a single celled A SEXUAL life form....evolved into TWO DIFFERENT SEXES and began reproducing through PRO CREATION?

Biology textbooks that have bought into DARWINISM and having NATURE create itself BEFORE IT EXISTED (a paradox)...conveniently dismisses another scientific paradox along the line of supposed common descent. These books filled with nothing but philosophy dressed as physical science illustrate AMOEBAS evolving into intermediate organisms, which conveniently and UNEXPLAINED give rise to AMPHIBIANS , REPTILES, MAMMALS, AND EVENTUALLY HUMANITY. Yet, interestingly, we are NEVER INSTRUCTED or LEARN exactly how INDEPENDENT MALE AND FEMALE species evolved. Somewhere along this supposed evolutionary line both male and female were required to propagate the next rung up the ladder of evolution. Thus this simple question, "WHERE DID MALES AND FEMALES ACTUALLY COME FROM?" What is the path that evolution took to bring about two different genders...having began with a SINGLE unit?

Just how is it that somewhere along this path....a female member of one of the lower species that produces EGGS...and was internally equipped to nourish a nursing offspring...while AT THE SAME TIME...evolved the male of the same species...that produces motile SPERM CELLS, with BREASTS that are useless? Just how did this NEW DNA coding...evolve...from an inferior DNA signature...when mutations have been proven only to DEFORM...or take away from an already existing DNA signature? I may be wrong...but does it not TAKE TWO to tango?

JUST curious.....:eusa_eh: Or why exactly are there no fossil remains of these supposed rungs of evolution? Why does the actual fossil record demonstrate an EXPLOSION of macro biological life....with no fossil record of macro life...past the Cambrian era? Surely there must be SOME examples of these evolutionary steps of COMMON DESCENT...no? They have MANY confirmed examples of MICRO-life, past this era....Why no Macro-life? Surely macro examples would be far easier to find....IF THEY EXISTED. Or is THEORY still touting the "Coelacanth" as proof positive of FISH beginning to grow legs and walk on land? Or perhaps the Piltdown Man.....YOU have to admit....INTELLECTUAL HONESTY is not a known trait of the DARWINIAN cultist. Now it appears they have to back up and punt once again....it seems they have found Actual traces of BLOOD DNA...in a supposed extinct animal (Dinosaur) of some 65 million or so years....we are still waiting on the THEORY of how...BLOOD and Soft tissue can survive for millions of years.

{Discover Magazine -- Apr 2006 issue...article by Barry Yeoman "Schweitzer's DANGEROUS Discovery"}

Yes...very dangerous to Darwinism...the reason this story is COVERED up. No one can present any empirical evidence as to how this sample from a confirmed T-Rex....could survive for 65 million years. Give them about a decade to come with another THEORY to manipulate the gullible. My favorite of all time was when they presented a Special on NBC in the early 90s....touting the find of all history....actual dinosaur eggs FOUND. That was the last we heard about it...they had supposedly confirmed this find as being millions of years old, through the usual circular assumptions of dating...but then the truth came forth...it seems, the EGGS, were Gallstones from a COW. Attempt to find that story in the NBC archives. NBC had to run a retraction on the nightly news {Feb. 22..1990}...as they informed the world of the truth....the stones were only 50 years old.
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