When you cross the border illegally.......

tell us what Bush and team did to stop this illegal imigration?

why are you blaming the left?

why are you blaming the left?

Just to bring you up to date...
We had an election and Obama won...
President Bush in no longer President....
We have a Democrat in the WH.
He has been there for a few years.

I thought this might be common knowledge by now...
I guess I was wrong. :confused:
These 'open border' idiots always seem to overlook the fact that 100% of illegal aliens have by definition violated the laws of the US.

What is the "point" here? I haven't seen anyone here deny that illegals are illegals. What ever made you state this? Undocumented entry into the US is a misdemeanor. I see no point here, I see a false accusation. No one is over looking how these people entered.

Well yes, yes really. Entering and/or staying in the country illegally is - - - wait for it - - - ILLEGAL. Apologists and enablers like you may want to dismiss or diminish it by making some specious comparison to speeding

Again, no one has claimed that this isn't illegal. It is a misdemeanor, the same class as a serious traffic violation. Again, what's your point? You think it should be more than a misdemeanor? That is your opinion to have. That and $4 will get you a decent cup of coffee.

While I certainly don't advocate a repeat of that program, for obvious reasons, it does go to show that a serious effort at immigration control nets more reduction in illegal immigration than just the number of individuals actually deported personally.

Again, the WB program never rounded up anymore than 80,000 or so illegals. And it had to be stopped because even in 1954, it drew sharp opposition for it's obvious short comings. Again, what point are we to take from this? That what you call a "serious" effort may net 80,000 illegals? All the while, we have deported over 350,000 illegals in consecutive years? With another million that have self deported? What exactly is your point? That the WB program is an abject failure when compared to current deportation practices?

Fact is, you have no point. What you have is time to kill and you seem to like to do so by making completely baseless and uniformed complaints on the internet.

I have no more inclination to speak with you.
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