when will the left condemn China's increase in Russian oil purchases ?

We have attacked, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen among other countries. China? Russia? Maybe we need to clean up at home before condemning others.

Syria never happened and it should have. The Senate didn't approve going in. Assad committed genocide on his own people, with the help of Vladimir Putin. Allepo suffered the same fate that Putin is about to unleash on Kyiv.

Libya was a United Nations operation, not a US attack at all.

Afghanistan was sheer stupidity. And Iraq was no different than the Ukraine.

That doesn't mean we should stand by and let a pig like Putin just invade the Ukraine and murder anyone who gets in his way. He should have been stopped before this.
Stop with the partisan bullshit you fucking idiot. Donald Trump, who took millions in bribes out of China during his years in office, has been making the claim that Joe Biden wouldn't be tough on China.

Once again, Trump is accusing others of the very thing he was doing - taking bribes from Xi.

Just like he accused Hillary Clinton of taking bribes from Russia, when in fact, Donald Trump was helping Russian oligarchs launder money in New York Real Estate.

Trump accused Biden of what Trump himself was doing - taking bribes from China. Ivanka got dozens of personal Trademarks. Junior got a $500 million loan for Trump Indonesia.

Trump talked about being tough on Russia and China, but in reality, Putin helped elect him, and Xi was bribing him regularly.

And here you are promoting Trump and Putin's lies and propaganda.
sooo condemning China for financing Putin's war by increasing trade is promoting Putin's propaganda ? insanity ! leftists like you that give the Chicoms a pass on that issue and attacking those that condemn China's activity are the ones aiding Putin !
it is no secrete that the Russian governments main source of income is oil and coal ..... with that being said it appears that China's increase in Russian energy purchases will help to offset the recent sanctions put on Russian energy by the west .. the question being asked is will the left in the US condemn China's recent actions that will enable Russia to continue to wage war on Ukraine ?? China Welcomes Russian Oil Tankers With Alternative Payment Options

Who gives a shit, and do you think the Chinese listen to anyone?
Neither nation is good. It’s hard to say ours is better, after our government’s actions have caused the death and displacement of millions since 9/11. The economic sanctions alone have likely killed millions since the 1960s.
What sanctions are you talking about? Your continuous stream of bullshit is getting very old, you stupid menstrual pad!

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