WHEN was the last time YOU......


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.
Neighbor call the police on you again, eh?
I REALLY want to hear from all of the self-appointed "environmentalists" who are always whining about "plastic" and "climate change" and "pollution."

You see, I have a large sign in my car I printed with the program PAINT horizontally across an 11 inch piece of card stock. It reads

I show it to drivers and honk my horn every single time I drive anywhere. There are countless cars with one or more brake lights burned out. Whenever we're at a stop light and they're sitting next to me, I motion for them to roll their window down and then I say "No Hillary supporter helped you out!"
I'm always wearing my TRUMP hat. They always laugh and agree!
I called the power company. "hey there's a tree hanging on the wires." big tree so I reported it. Two weeks later I went up the road and the tree was on fire. The fire was spreading into the woods.. The fire department had to come. Put out the fire out, shut off the power. we named the tree Sparky. nobody listens?:rolleyes:
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

The first one...all the time. Especially nails or glass where there is a chance a car tire could run across them.
The next four don't apply and because the only thing that could be considered an electrical hazard for a child would be called in right away.
I actually got followed for several miles by another driver who wanted to "notify" me of my brake light out. I didn't appreciate it as it
was late at night, I knew he was following me, and I was pissed that now he would know where I live. If you get stopped by the cops, you can usually talk your way out of it.
And unless it's something egregious, I'll leave running a business to the business owners.
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

The first one...all the time. Especially nails or glass where there is a chance a car tire could run across them.
The next four don't apply and because the only thing that could be considered an electrical hazard for a child would be called in right away.
I actually got followed for several miles by another driver who wanted to "notify" me of my brake light out. I didn't appreciate it as it
was late at night, I knew he was following me, and I was pissed that now he would know where I live. If you get stopped by the cops, you can usually talk your way out of it.
And unless it's something egregious, I'll leave running a business to the business owners.
Me too! the guy was behind me waving? me, the stupid chick I was just waving back!
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.
Every day I'm out. I had an amazing Aesthetics of Sport coach at university, Ms. Ingram, and she spent six weeks of the trimester teaching sports jocks and physical education majors to pick up stuff wherever someone else left their trash, to brighten up the world so others could enjoy it. I liked what she said and believed in and decided to do the same. She also said to be discreet about it. :thup: to the memory of Ms. Ingram's Aesthetics of Sports class at Oregon State in Corvallis back in 1982. What a gal!

Thanks, Chem Engineer for a thread that perked up a very dear memory in my life. :yes_text12:
I called the power company. "hey there's a tree hanging on the wires." big tree so I reported it. Two weeks later I went up the road and the tree was on fire. The fire was spreading into the woods.. The fire department had to come. Put out the fire out, shut off the power. we named the tree Sparky. nobody listens?:rolleyes:
Cindi, I salute you for doing your part. :thup:
The next four don't apply and because the only thing that could be considered an electrical hazard for a child would be called in right away.
I actually got followed for several miles by another driver who wanted to "notify" me of my brake light out. I didn't appreciate it as it
was late at night, I knew he was following me, and I was pissed that now he would know where I live.

Well, NO, electrical hazards AREN'T called in right away. I've called in dozens of them, at the base of street lights, where the wiring access metal cover is missing, where metal covers are missing from junction boxes and a large door laying down exposing a 440 volt terminal three feet from the public sidewalk. I was walking on that sidewalk and noticed the door laying down on the concrete base. I called the city immediately and they sent someone to secure it immediately. The other one was improperly "fixed"and I raised cane with them about the schlocky job.
Now if you are afraid of someone "knowing where you live," you are really a frightened little flower.
You can't stand up for yourself? You can't man up? Come on.

1. Nobody wants to come in and harm you.
2. BUT IF THEY DO, you should be exercising, you should be fit and be ready to put their lights out instantly. The world is full of cowards who won't even come to the aid of a woman or man being assaulted. I've seen it on films too many times.
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

I kindly tried to warn a white woman that she was breaking a law by leaving her dog unleashed in the public park and she threatened to call the cops and claim i was threatening her and 3 white guys with shot guns wanted to gun me down...

i ran away and the police, seeing a black man running, ran after me........assuming, naturally, that I must be committing a crime.....

in 2 or 3 months when i am released from the hospital I will go on trial for all my crimes.....
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking

All the time. I will get out of my car, and pick up trash at the McDonald's parking lot, and toss it in the trash can. One other lot, didn't have a trash can, and I drove home, and threw it in my trash can.

- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia

Can't say that I've seen lights on during the day.

- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve

Sure. Gets muddy if you don't.

- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first

Yup. I'd want to know. So I let them know. Only for older cars though. Newer cars, tell you.

- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

No, but I did notify one on the way home, that I smelled gas leaking from the natural gas connection. The next day they had the gas company out, and fixed the leak.

I'm a conservative Christian, so this is all normal.
Until the lockdown, I used to take four-mile walks around the city three times a week.

Whenever I saw a burned-out pedestrian "Walk" or "Don't Walk" signal, I would report it.
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.
Last time I walked in the park I picked up trash by one of the trash cans and also the time before that.

I have a walking stick like this sort of, with a rubber tip at the end. The tip comes off and it has a pointed metal spike for walking on ice. I use that the stab the trash and put it in the can. Several other times actually.

I try to litter as often as possible, so the OP has something to do.
well hs
I try to litter as often as possible, so the OP has something to do.
Well it's not funny but I'm laughing. Here in maine we get 5 cents a beer bottle. Me and my ol man used chuck beers cans out in this one spot? There was like a big ditch on the side of the road. we'd wind them out there, every day... because this poor guy who needed the money.. he would come along on the side of the road and pick em up. He really needed the money. dave would say Cyndi, right now. throw it out!! the guy must have made a fortune., I kid you not!
- Picked up litter, a beer bottle, empty cigarette pack, nail, screw, or broken glass from the street, parking lot, sidewalk or park where you were walking
- Called SCE about a street light that was on in broad daylight and needs to be repaired to save taxpayer money and poor, pitiful polar bears
- Called your city about park lights or school lights burning in broad daylight, wasting money and killing Mother Gaia
- Called your local water department about a leaking irrigation valve
- Called your city about an electrical hazard which might be fatal to a small child
- Notified another driver about one of their brake lights that is burned out, usually the center one goes first
- Notified a business about wastefulness or a problem they need to address to serve their customers better and more profitably

Now, how often, if ever, have you done these things in the past five years? Ponder that even if you choose not to answer for the most obvious reason.

I've done of all these things at least once, a few multiple times, and picked up crap from those who litter 40-50 times the past 5 years.


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