When was President Trump convicted to cause impeachment?

Impeachment is equivalent to indictment in a criminal legal process.

The House is the prosecutor.

The House lawyer chosen will be the prosecutor in the Senate impeachment Trial, the President has his own Defense lawyers.

The senators are the Jury.

The chief justice is the presiding judge.

Due process is given, once the House votes to indict, impeach, and it goes to trial.

Just like in a criminal case... once officially charged with crimes, the defendant gets discovery, and gets to call defence witnesses and all that due process...

We ain't there yet, they are still investigating.

Yes but the simple question is:
What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

The Constitution is clear:
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.
"It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and
conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

A) There has been NO impeachment because
B) There has been NO conviction, because
there have been NO Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors even made about President Trump!


The Constitution is clear: "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction for Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

I'm simply asking WHAT
1) TREASON?? Zero
2) Bribery??? Zero
3) Other high crimes and misdemeanors" Zero

There has been NOTHING proving President Trump has done any of the above!

So again... WHAT are the reasons for impeachment? Nothing!
Impeachment is equivalent to indictment in a criminal legal process.

The House is the prosecutor.

The House lawyer chosen will be the prosecutor in the Senate impeachment Trial, the President has his own Defense lawyers.

The senators are the Jury.

The chief justice is the presiding judge.

Due process is given, once the House votes to indict, impeach, and it goes to trial.

Just like in a criminal case... once officially charged with crimes, the defendant gets discovery, and gets to call defence witnesses and all that due process...

We ain't there yet, they are still investigating.

Yes but the simple question is:
What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

The Constitution is clear:
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.
"It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and
conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

A) There has been NO impeachment because
B) There has been NO conviction, because
there have been NO Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors even made about President Trump!


The Constitution is clear: "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction for Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

I'm simply asking WHAT
1) TREASON?? Zero
2) Bribery??? Zero
3) Other high crimes and misdemeanors" Zero

There has been NOTHING proving President Trump has done any of the above!

So again... WHAT are the reasons for impeachment? Nothing!

Ok but you're changing the question. First it was asked "what was he convicted of?" and rightly it was pointed out by me and other posters that the conviction would happen in the senate after a real impeachment proceeding.

Now you're asking what are the reasons for impeachment? That's a completely different question. So take your pick. What question do you want answered? Because the first one was answered correctly.
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution. It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors..

What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

Would someone please tell me when President Trump was convicted?

Conviction results in removal.

Impeachment occurs in the house who must convene ALL members to hold a vote on an inquiry into the target of impeachment.

Little known fact, traitor Adam Stalin-Schitt can be impeached. When the GOP regains the majority in the house next year, they can impeach Schitt for treason and remove him from the house - IF they can find their balls, that is.
Sorry, this is so confusing for you. I will try and help you out.

The "conviction" comes from the Senate, which this case has not made it that far yet.

What the House does is akin to what a grand jury does while the Senate is the actual jury giving the verdict.

This is why Bill was not removed from office, he was impeached but not found guilty by the Senate

What the democrats in the house are doing is a Soviet Star Chamber. Impeachment requires the ENTIRE house, not just the politburo.
Impeachment is equivalent to indictment in a criminal legal process.

The House is the prosecutor.

The House lawyer chosen will be the prosecutor in the Senate impeachment Trial, the President has his own Defense lawyers.

The senators are the Jury.

The chief justice is the presiding judge.

Due process is given, once the House votes to indict, impeach, and it goes to trial.

Just like in a criminal case... once officially charged with crimes, the defendant gets discovery, and gets to call defence witnesses and all that due process...

We ain't there yet, they are still investigating.

Yes but the simple question is:
What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

The Constitution is clear:
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.
"It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and
conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

A) There has been NO impeachment because
B) There has been NO conviction, because
there have been NO Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors even made about President Trump!


The Constitution is clear: "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction for Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

I'm simply asking WHAT
1) TREASON?? Zero
2) Bribery??? Zero
3) Other high crimes and misdemeanors" Zero

There has been NOTHING proving President Trump has done any of the above!

So again... WHAT are the reasons for impeachment? Nothing!

...Impeachment begins when the entire HOUSE votes to begin impeachment proceedings...

The US House of Representatives at-large votes upon any Articles of Impeachment drafted by House investigative committee(s).

The preliminary Inquiry does not require a vote.

Just to be on the safe side, a Federal judge ruled on that very issue, just yesterday.

Judge validates Trump impeachment inquiry, orders Mueller document release

...If the House thinks they have enough to impeach on, thus begins the articles of impeachment...

The US House of Representatives at-large votes upon any Articles of Impeachment drafted by House investigative committee(s).

The preliminary Inquiry does not require a vote.

...which moves to the Senate...
The one-and-only thing within that post which you actually got right.

...Now, slowly, review precedent...

1. Andrew Johnson... NO vote at-large to begin an Impeachment Inquiry

2. Richard Nixon... vote at-large to begin...

3. Bill Clinton... vote at-large to begin...

The lion's share of 'precedent' favors a vote at-large before beginning an Impeachment Inquiry; however...

Unfortunately for you, 'precedent' also exists for NOT holding a vote at-large to begin such an Inquiry, and...

A Federal judge has just ruled that (1) is entirely legal.

Given the recent history of Republicans to allow a Robber Baron to run amok with the power of the US government in his hands, well...

Let's just say that Teflon Don may not be able to shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it, after all... :21:

Despite your enabling of him to do just that and your politically-suicidal insistence upon defending the indefensible...

...Stay in your corner until you understand HISTORY.
This may be an excellent time to practice what you preach.
...Impeachment begins when the entire HOUSE votes to begin impeachment proceedings...

The US House of Representatives at-large votes upon any Articles of Impeachment drafted by House investigative committee(s).

The preliminary Inquiry does not require a vote.

Just to be on the safe side, a Federal judge ruled on that very issue, just yesterday.

Judge validates Trump impeachment inquiry, orders Mueller document release

...If the House thinks they have enough to impeach on, thus begins the articles of impeachment...

The US House of Representatives at-large votes upon any Articles of Impeachment drafted by House investigative committee(s).

The preliminary Inquiry does not require a vote.

...which moves to the Senate...
The one-and-only thing within that post which you actually got right.

...Now, slowly, review precedent...

1. Andrew Johnson... NO vote at-large to begin an Impeachment Inquiry
2. Richard Nixon... vote at-large to begin...
3. Bill Clinton... vote at-large to begin...

The lion's share of 'precedent' favors a vote at-large before beginning an Impeachment Inquiry; however...

Unfortunately for you, 'precedent' also exists for NOT holding a vote at-large to begin such an Inquiry, and...

A Federal judge has just ruled that (1) is entirely legal.

Given the recent history of Republicans to allow a Robber Baron to run amuk with the power of the US government in his hands, well...

Let's just say that Teflon Don may not be able to shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it, after all...

Despite your enabling of him to do just that and your politically-suicidal insistence upon defending the indefensible...

...Stay in your corner until you understand HISTORY.
This may be an excellent time to practice what you preach.

An Obama Judge spewing political crap does not alter 230 years of history in this nation. Under every impeachment inquiry ever held, the ENTIRE house was required.

The Soviet Star Chamber is not an impeachment, regardless of what an Obama Judge claims. This will go to the SCOTUS, you know.

Also, the kunt ordered the DOJ to reveal grand jury testimony in direct violation of federal law, she has no authority to compel people to commit felonies, and is in fact engaged in felony herself in doing so, Barr should arrest her.
...What the democrats in the house are doing is a Soviet Star Chamber...
Not at all. Republicans are also present on those investigative committees and have full access to all materials and processes.

...Impeachment requires the ENTIRE house...
Correct. And it will occur if-and-when the entire House votes upon the Articles drafted by the investigative committee(s).

...not just the politburo.
Maybe you should have won the 2018 mid-terms, eh? :21: Perhaps it's time to reflect upon WHY you lost the House in 2018. :206:
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution. It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors..

What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

Would someone please tell me when President Trump was convicted?
Wow, no more crack for you my friend.
/-----/ "Wow, no more crack for you my friend."
TRANSLATION: Impeach now. Orange Man Bad. It was Hillary's turn. CNN said he'd lose. Electoral College no fair. Trump says mean things.
big dope.png
Do we really want these morons running for president who don't even understand how a president is elected? You'd think Hillary, being in politics since the Earth cooled, would know how a president is elected. Yet she bitched she lost based on a method of electing a president that our country has never used.

Until every democratic candidate admits that our elections are based on the electoral college, they should be prevented from running thus eliminating the boo-hooing when they lose later on and blame the EC for it.
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Not at all. Republicans are also present on those investigative committees and have full access to all materials and processes.

Enemies were allowed to witness Stalin's show trials as well. Of course the few Republicans allowed to witness the Star Chamber may not subpoena witnesses or defend the president.

Correct. And it will occur if-and-when the entire House votes upon the Articles drafted by the investigative committee(s).

Of past impeachment inquiries - Johnson, Nixon, Clinton - were ANY done in secret without the entire house?

Maybe you should have won the 2018 mid-terms, eh? :21: Perhaps it's time to reflect upon WHY you lost the House in 2018. :206:

"The only way we can defeat Trump in 2020 is to impeach him" - Elijah Cummings.

Oh, we KNOW why you Stalinists are conducting your coup, we know full well
I don't understand the confusion here.
I'm asking a very simple question.
Talk about "impeachment" requires specific "high crimes and misdemeanors. "
I'm asking what crimes? What misdemeanors"?

None yet of course, that is what the current House investigations is looking into. Until such time as they come to a conclusion and put it up for a vote we will not know.

Maybe, just maybe, if you went back and got your GED you could add in a Government class and learn how the process works.

The fact is impeachment is as happened with Clinton because he lied under oath.
The specific charges against the president were lying under oath and obstruction of justice, charges that stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones.

The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starr for the House Judiciary Committee.[1]

On December 19, 1998, Clinton became the second American president to be impeached (the other being Andrew Johnson who was impeached in 1868),[a] when the House formally adopted the articles of impeachment and forwarded them to the United States Senate for adjudication.
On February 12, Clinton was acquitted on both counts as neither received the necessary two-thirds majority vote of the senators present for conviction and removal from office – in this instance 67. On Article One, 45 senators voted to convict while 55 voted for acquittal. On Article Two, 50 senators voted to convict while 50 voted for acquittal.[3] Consequently, Clinton remained in office for the balance of his second term.

The vote of the house was based on Starr Report which found Clinton lied under oath.
The Senate heard the prosecutors, i.e. the House and defended by the President's lawyers.
The Senate voted and Clinton was acquitted.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

BUT so far the House has NOT voted, much less heard the "treason, high crimes and misdemeanors.
What are they?
Take it to the House with open hearings... as the Starr report was created!

Thanks for the needless history lesson. Since you know this is the case, why did you ask your stupid question in the OP?

The House is not holding hearings, they are taking depositions from witnesses and those are always done in private so as to not impact the testimony of future people giving depositions.
I don't understand the confusion here.
I'm asking a very simple question.
Talk about "impeachment" requires specific "high crimes and misdemeanors. "
I'm asking what crimes? What misdemeanors"?

None yet of course, that is what the current House investigations is looking into. Until such time as they come to a conclusion and put it up for a vote we will not know.

Maybe, just maybe, if you went back and got your GED you could add in a Government class and learn how the process works.

The fact is impeachment is as happened with Clinton because he lied under oath.
The specific charges against the president were lying under oath and obstruction of justice, charges that stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones.

The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starr for the House Judiciary Committee.[1]

On December 19, 1998, Clinton became the second American president to be impeached (the other being Andrew Johnson who was impeached in 1868),[a] when the House formally adopted the articles of impeachment and forwarded them to the United States Senate for adjudication.
On February 12, Clinton was acquitted on both counts as neither received the necessary two-thirds majority vote of the senators present for conviction and removal from office – in this instance 67. On Article One, 45 senators voted to convict while 55 voted for acquittal. On Article Two, 50 senators voted to convict while 50 voted for acquittal.[3] Consequently, Clinton remained in office for the balance of his second term.

The vote of the house was based on Starr Report which found Clinton lied under oath.
The Senate heard the prosecutors, i.e. the House and defended by the President's lawyers.
The Senate voted and Clinton was acquitted.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

BUT so far the House has NOT voted, much less heard the "treason, high crimes and misdemeanors.
What are they?
Take it to the House with open hearings... as the Starr report was created!

Thanks for the needless history lesson. Since you know this is the case, why did you ask your stupid question in the OP?

The House is not holding hearings, they are taking depositions from witnesses and those are always done in private so as to not impact the testimony of future people giving depositions.

What goes around comes around. A very dangerous precedent to set. One that's never been used before as even a die hard liberal admitted openly that in the Clinton impeachment inquiry the democrats were allowed to call witnesses and issue subpoenas.
Impeachment is equivalent to indictment in a criminal legal process.

The House is the prosecutor.

The House lawyer chosen will be the prosecutor in the Senate impeachment Trial, the President has his own Defense lawyers.

The senators are the Jury.

The chief justice is the presiding judge.

Due process is given, once the House votes to indict, impeach, and it goes to trial.

Just like in a criminal case... once officially charged with crimes, the defendant gets discovery, and gets to call defence witnesses and all that due process...

We ain't there yet, they are still investigating.

Yes but the simple question is:
What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

The Constitution is clear:
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution.
"It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and
conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

A) There has been NO impeachment because
B) There has been NO conviction, because
there have been NO Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors even made about President Trump!


The Constitution is clear: "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction for Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors"

I'm simply asking WHAT
1) TREASON?? Zero
2) Bribery??? Zero
3) Other high crimes and misdemeanors" Zero

There has been NOTHING proving President Trump has done any of the above!

So again... WHAT are the reasons for impeachment? Nothing!

This isn't an impeachment, despite what the little Goebbels of the fascist media say. The Soviet Star Chamber of Adam Stalin-Schitt is 100% political. It is intended to alter and influence the 2020 election. Schitt and the Stalinists are running a taxpayer funded smear campaign. They have no intention of drafting articles of impeachment. This is just the democrats using the federal government to rig an election, once again.

The dims will be swept from the house over this. Regardless of proclamations from corrupt Obama judges.
What goes around comes around. A very dangerous precedent to set. One that's never been used before as even a die hard liberal admitted openly that in the Clinton impeachment inquiry the democrats were allowed to call witnesses and issue subpoenas.

I agree 100%. I have said more times than I can count I do not agree with this, I think that an impeachment of Trump would forever change our country for the worse. There is nothing I have seen talked about that rates impeachment in my opinion.
Yea the conviction they speak of is in the senate, not a court of law.

That's what makes impeachment a political move, not a legal one. However, once a REAL impeachment is voted on, that gives the minority party the right to subpoena witnesses which libtards do NOT want to happen.

The witnesses are all burying your hero's lies. That's why he keeps changing the story, and attacking the process. Neither the law, the witnesses or the process are on your side.

The only witness that matters is the President of the Ukraine. He has stated that there was no pressure and therefore no quid pro quo. Your investigation should have died right there.
The requirements to impeach a president are found in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution. It states that the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors..

What treasonous act has President Trump been convicted?
What bribery act has President Trump been convicted?
What other high crimes and misdemeanors acts has President Trump been convicted?

Would someone please tell me when President Trump was convicted?

The founding fathers laid out 2 specific reasons. Treason and bribery. The high crimes and misdemeanors was left vague so as not to tie the House's hands. It does not have to be a statutory crime in a civil court or criminal court. Try again.
Yea the conviction they speak of is in the senate, not a court of law.

That's what makes impeachment a political move, not a legal one. However, once a REAL impeachment is voted on, that gives the minority party the right to subpoena witnesses which libtards do NOT want to happen.

The witnesses are all burying your hero's lies. That's why he keeps changing the story, and attacking the process. Neither the law, the witnesses or the process are on your side.

The only witness that matters is the President of the Ukraine. He has stated that there was no pressure and therefore no quid pro quo. Your investigation should have died right there.

He has every reason to not to get involved in this. The fact is that there was pressure applied by Giuliani. There is sufficient evidence to impeach
Yea the conviction they speak of is in the senate, not a court of law.

That's what makes impeachment a political move, not a legal one. However, once a REAL impeachment is voted on, that gives the minority party the right to subpoena witnesses which libtards do NOT want to happen.

The witnesses are all burying your hero's lies. That's why he keeps changing the story, and attacking the process. Neither the law, the witnesses or the process are on your side.

The only witness that matters is the President of the Ukraine. He has stated that there was no pressure and therefore no quid pro quo. Your investigation should have died right there.

Did you expect a man who is utterly dependent on President Trump's approval internationally to sit next to Trump in front of the American press and call the President a liar? But Zelensky made a point of saying that he still didn't have an invitation to the White House in that presser, which showed that he was, in truth, being pressured.

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