When the Terror Comes Home?

Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
How will your opinions regarding the US Empire change if the daily violence we see across many parts of the planet ever come home to roost?

"...(T)he United States must face the reality that ISIS -- with money, passports, and a base of operations -- will emerge as a threat to our friends in the region, to Europe and ultimately to us.

"We shouldn't run scared.

"ISIS's own ideology will produce a counterreaction among Iraqis who will oppose its harsh, unforgiving ideology.

"Indeed as the International Crisis Group points out, ISIS is its own worst enemy.

"The region is littered with the remains of failed jihadi efforts, including al Qaeda central. In 2013, there were 17,800 global fatalities as a result of terrorist attacks.

"Only 16 of those were Americans.

"Terror is not a strategic threat to the homeland right now.

"But it may well require a coordinated counterterror effort with our regional and international partners to prevent it from becoming one."

Opinion: How to keep ISIS terror from U.S. shores - CNN.com
Bah...terrorists, if from anywhere, will come from canada. The government already knows this. And given that canadians are inviting 10K Syrian refugees to North America...the threat is even greater.
Bah...terrorists, if from anywhere, will come from canada. The government already knows this. And given that canadians are inviting 10K Syrian refugees to North America...the threat is even greater.
Blowback often takes generations to flower.

"Another often cited example (of blowback) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
King Abdullah and Prince Bandar were treated as family 2001-2009, no terrorists that own the President since baby Bush retired to his CONDO in Houston; forget the rancher boy photo ops with spotless shirt, suede boots, and manicured nails. Bush II is on vacation full time now.....even more so than he was while stumbling through the White House.
If this is all the US' fault......then Obama gets the blame, socialist.

Ooops, you didn't think that one through.....
King Abdullah and Prince Bandar were treated as family 2001-2009, no terrorists that own the President since baby Bush retired to his CONDO in Houston; forget the rancher boy photo ops with spotless shirt, suede boots, and manicured nails. Bush II is on vacation full time now.....even more so than he was while stumbling through the White House.
Within 24 hours of the 911 attack a photo taken on a White House balcony showed Dick, Dubya, Condi, and Bandar Bush kicking back with smiles on their faces. We need to find out what those redacted 28 pages of the Joint Commission's investigation actually say about Saudi state financing of those attacks. I don't think elected Republicans OR Democrats really want to go there anytime soon.
The various terrorist groups have been recruiting and training Americans and europeans for a long time. They are coming back to join with those now coming through our non existent border. They will be joined by those the obama regime brought here as refugees.

Liberals imagine these allies will forget about putting veils on women and hanging gays if they get to kill Christians and Jews. Not so. Muslims can do it all.

It is a concern. It will be a tragedy of proportions not seen since the civil war. It is also necessary. With enough tenacity we can rid the land of both muslims and liberals at the same time.
Bah...terrorists, if from anywhere, will come from canada. The government already knows this. And given that canadians are inviting 10K Syrian refugees to North America...the threat is even greater.
Blowback often takes generations to flower.

"Another often cited example (of blowback) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Such evil, those Jooos. To have supported such an inhumane cause!
The Islamic charity Mujama al-Islamiya was established in Gaza by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 1973, and started to offer clinics, blood banks, day care, medical treatment, meals and youth clubs. They provided much needed social care to those oppressed or forgotten by the PLO, particularly those living in refugee camps. It also extended financial aid and scholarships to young people who wanted to study in Saudi Arabia and the West.

Regrettably, it didn't take long for Islamic rads to gain control.
How will your opinions regarding the US Empire change if the daily violence we see across many parts of the planet ever come home to roost?

"...(T)he United States must face the reality that ISIS -- with money, passports, and a base of operations -- will emerge as a threat to our friends in the region, to Europe and ultimately to us.

"We shouldn't run scared.

"ISIS's own ideology will produce a counterreaction among Iraqis who will oppose its harsh, unforgiving ideology.

"Indeed as the International Crisis Group points out, ISIS is its own worst enemy.

"The region is littered with the remains of failed jihadi efforts, including al Qaeda central. In 2013, there were 17,800 global fatalities as a result of terrorist attacks.

"Only 16 of those were Americans.

"Terror is not a strategic threat to the homeland right now.

"But it may well require a coordinated counterterror effort with our regional and international partners to prevent it from becoming one."

Opinion: How to keep ISIS terror from U.S. shores - CNN.com

When the terror comes here, we've earned it, with interest...
How will your opinions regarding the US Empire change if the daily violence we see across many parts of the planet ever come home to roost?

"...(T)he United States must face the reality that ISIS -- with money, passports, and a base of operations -- will emerge as a threat to our friends in the region, to Europe and ultimately to us.

"We shouldn't run scared.

"ISIS's own ideology will produce a counterreaction among Iraqis who will oppose its harsh, unforgiving ideology.

"Indeed as the International Crisis Group points out, ISIS is its own worst enemy.

"The region is littered with the remains of failed jihadi efforts, including al Qaeda central. In 2013, there were 17,800 global fatalities as a result of terrorist attacks.

"Only 16 of those were Americans.

"Terror is not a strategic threat to the homeland right now.

"But it may well require a coordinated counterterror effort with our regional and international partners to prevent it from becoming one."

Opinion: How to keep ISIS terror from U.S. shores - CNN.com

When the terror comes here, we've earned it, with interest...
That's hard to argue with; the worst part is knowing that when the next 911 hits, the last vestige of US democracy will be its first victim. We're living in a country that's so rich it can wage wars without having to think about them (or how to pay for them). This is a multigenerational pathology that is going to extract an existential payback when it finally comes due.
The various terrorist groups have been recruiting and training Americans and europeans for a long time. They are coming back to join with those now coming through our non existent border. They will be joined by those the obama regime brought here as refugees.

Liberals imagine these allies will forget about putting veils on women and hanging gays if they get to kill Christians and Jews. Not so. Muslims can do it all.

It is a concern. It will be a tragedy of proportions not seen since the civil war. It is also necessary. With enough tenacity we can rid the land of both muslims and liberals at the same time.
Who gets rich from that jihad, the same parasites who prospered from US soldiers and Marines who threw the bottles they urinated in to Muslim children begging for water along roadsides in Iraq and Afghanistan?
The terror is already here, but in the form of the racist far left.

They try and terrify people with their fake "rights" agendas.

The far left is far more dangerous than any Islamic terrorist group out there.
Bah...terrorists, if from anywhere, will come from canada. The government already knows this. And given that canadians are inviting 10K Syrian refugees to North America...the threat is even greater.
Blowback often takes generations to flower.

"Another often cited example (of blowback) is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza."

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Such evil, those Jooos. To have supported such an inhumane cause!
The Islamic charity Mujama al-Islamiya was established in Gaza by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in 1973, and started to offer clinics, blood banks, day care, medical treatment, meals and youth clubs. They provided much needed social care to those oppressed or forgotten by the PLO, particularly those living in refugee camps. It also extended financial aid and scholarships to young people who wanted to study in Saudi Arabia and the West.

Regrettably, it didn't take long for Islamic rads to gain control.
Obviously, the solution is for greedy Jews to stop stealing the land and water of Arabs. As a bonus the IDF could stop using Palestinian children for target practice?
The various terrorist groups have been recruiting and training Americans and europeans for a long time. They are coming back to join with those now coming through our non existent border. They will be joined by those the obama regime brought here as refugees.

Seems like you have a lot of information and specific knowledge about terrorists activities.

Perhaps you ought to pass it along to the CIA.
"Finally, our partners in the region need our support. Jordan deserves special attention and assistance. Jordan is already dealing with an influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the conflict in Syria. Jordan is a close partner of the United States and a likely target of ISIS's attention. In recent days, the group captured the border crossing between Iraq and Jordan.

"The United States should find ways to make clear that the United States will defend Jordan's security, including militarily if necessary.

"Some will argue that the challenges faced by Iraq or countries such as Jordan are none of our business. That we have spent too many years, lives, and dollars trying to make Iraq and the broader Middle East a better place.

"None of the options before us are ideal, but the question is whether we take action against ISIS now or deal with the consequences later here on U.S. soil.

"The stakes are too high for us to continue to ignore this problem."

Opinion: Stop ISIS terrorists now, before it's too late - CNN.com

No big surprise, here. Another champion of the 1% calling for more war that no one in his family will get close to, Republican OR Democrat next November?
I've said many times that if we experience another 9/11 scale terrorist attack, there is already a shrink-wrapped Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business.

Out will come the flag pins again. Out will come the waterboards again. Out will come the "enhanced interrogation" again. And the New Right will forget all about that pesky Constitution again. Glenn Beck will start openly wearing an armband.

But wait, there's more.

Under PAII, meter maids will be allowed to shoot double parkers. After all, anyone who is blocking traffic is a domestic terrorist.

Did you just say the President is an asshole? Off to Camp Yankee in the Antarctic for you, bud.

Free speech zones? Yeah, we still have those. On the moon.

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