When The Message Just Doesn't Add Up....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....you'd best look for another explanation.

1. This month has seen the most widespread rioting and lawlessness in my lifetime. And the Democrat Party seems not the least be embarrassed to be supporters....nay- instigators....or the riots, arson, anarko-communist assaults on our nation.
And the alleged explanation?


The irony, of course, is that the Democrats were responsible for slavery, and now they're responsible for the supposed response to slavery.

2. And some of the main players in this passion play.....
"Hawley accuses LeBron, Nike, NBA of profiting off slave labor in China
He challenged all corporate leaders to take a '#slavefree' pledge
...the NBA was a “classic” example, and that all of their Nike uniforms are made with forced labor in China’s Uyghur concentration camps. 4

“Corporate America and the celebrities that hawk their products have been playing this game for a long time – talk up corporate social responsibility and social justice at home while making millions of dollars off the slave labor that assembles their products,”

Nike has long been accused of profiting off forced labor through the independent contractors that make its products overseas. On Tuesday President Trump sanctioned 11 Chinese firms over their use of forced labor and other forms of repression against the Uighur Muslims, an ethnic minority in China. "

3. "Nike should quit lecturing on social justice — and atone for using slave labor in China

Woke companies are constantly hectoring America on its failings.

The Social Justice Warriors who run Nike, for example, pompously inform us that they are fighting “against discrimination in communities worldwide.” Not only that but they are “work[ing] every day to erase the stain of racism and the damage of injustice.”

Really, Nike? Then why do you have your shoes made by an oppressive, morally bankrupt regime? China is the ugly poster child, the living exemplar, for all of the evils that you are so quick to condemn America for.

They’ve locked up over a million Uyghur men in concentration camps, aborted and sterilized hundreds of thousands of the women, and are busy selling the young — in batches of 100, no less — to Chinese factory owners as slave labor.

Secret drone footage has revealed some of the brutality of this campaign."

4. "An Australian Strategic Policy Institute report published this March, “Uyghurs for sale,” found Uyghur slave labor working in factories supplying 83 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing, shoe and automotive sectors, including Apple, GM, Gap — and Nike.

The poster child for all of this anti-American demagoguery is NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2018 signed a multi-million-dollar contract to become a megaphone for Nike products.

I wonder if the same man who kneels to protest America’s slave-owning past might one day stand for the freedom of slaves in China. "

5. "LeBron James Torched For Enabling and Benefiting From “Chinese Slave Labor” in Blistering Takedown
Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

Honestly, I don’t know how LeBron even responds to this torching from Senator Josh Hawley.

The social justice warriors in the NBA have really painted themselves into a corner.

Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

People like LeBron James and his “amazing virtue” are for sale to the highest Chinese bid."
....you'd best look for another explanation.

1. This month has seen the most widespread rioting and lawlessness in my lifetime. And the Democrat Party seems not the least be embarrassed to be supporters....nay- instigators....or the riots, arson, anarko-communist assaults on our nation.
And the alleged explanation?


The irony, of course, is that the Democrats were responsible for slavery, and now they're responsible for the supposed response to slavery.

2. And some of the main players in this passion play.....
"Hawley accuses LeBron, Nike, NBA of profiting off slave labor in China
He challenged all corporate leaders to take a '#slavefree' pledge
...the NBA was a “classic” example, and that all of their Nike uniforms are made with forced labor in China’s Uyghur concentration camps. 4

“Corporate America and the celebrities that hawk their products have been playing this game for a long time – talk up corporate social responsibility and social justice at home while making millions of dollars off the slave labor that assembles their products,”

Nike has long been accused of profiting off forced labor through the independent contractors that make its products overseas. On Tuesday President Trump sanctioned 11 Chinese firms over their use of forced labor and other forms of repression against the Uighur Muslims, an ethnic minority in China. "

3. "Nike should quit lecturing on social justice — and atone for using slave labor in China

Woke companies are constantly hectoring America on its failings.

The Social Justice Warriors who run Nike, for example, pompously inform us that they are fighting “against discrimination in communities worldwide.” Not only that but they are “work[ing] every day to erase the stain of racism and the damage of injustice.”

Really, Nike? Then why do you have your shoes made by an oppressive, morally bankrupt regime? China is the ugly poster child, the living exemplar, for all of the evils that you are so quick to condemn America for.

They’ve locked up over a million Uyghur men in concentration camps, aborted and sterilized hundreds of thousands of the women, and are busy selling the young — in batches of 100, no less — to Chinese factory owners as slave labor.

Secret drone footage has revealed some of the brutality of this campaign."

4. "An Australian Strategic Policy Institute report published this March, “Uyghurs for sale,” found Uyghur slave labor working in factories supplying 83 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing, shoe and automotive sectors, including Apple, GM, Gap — and Nike.

The poster child for all of this anti-American demagoguery is NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2018 signed a multi-million-dollar contract to become a megaphone for Nike products.

I wonder if the same man who kneels to protest America’s slave-owning past might one day stand for the freedom of slaves in China. "

5. "LeBron James Torched For Enabling and Benefiting From “Chinese Slave Labor” in Blistering Takedown
Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

Honestly, I don’t know how LeBron even responds to this torching from Senator Josh Hawley.

The social justice warriors in the NBA have really painted themselves into a corner.

Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

People like LeBron James and his “amazing virtue” are for sale to the highest Chinese bid."
2 + 2 cannot be made to equal 5 and the cacophony is all just cover for the left's unswerving agenda. One can ignore the sideshow and the fresh coat of lipstick on their pig:

....you'd best look for another explanation.

1. This month has seen the most widespread rioting and lawlessness in my lifetime. And the Democrat Party seems not the least be embarrassed to be supporters....nay- instigators....or the riots, arson, anarko-communist assaults on our nation.
And the alleged explanation?


The irony, of course, is that the Democrats were responsible for slavery, and now they're responsible for the supposed response to slavery.

2. And some of the main players in this passion play.....
"Hawley accuses LeBron, Nike, NBA of profiting off slave labor in China
He challenged all corporate leaders to take a '#slavefree' pledge
...the NBA was a “classic” example, and that all of their Nike uniforms are made with forced labor in China’s Uyghur concentration camps. 4

“Corporate America and the celebrities that hawk their products have been playing this game for a long time – talk up corporate social responsibility and social justice at home while making millions of dollars off the slave labor that assembles their products,”

Nike has long been accused of profiting off forced labor through the independent contractors that make its products overseas. On Tuesday President Trump sanctioned 11 Chinese firms over their use of forced labor and other forms of repression against the Uighur Muslims, an ethnic minority in China. "

3. "Nike should quit lecturing on social justice — and atone for using slave labor in China

Woke companies are constantly hectoring America on its failings.

The Social Justice Warriors who run Nike, for example, pompously inform us that they are fighting “against discrimination in communities worldwide.” Not only that but they are “work[ing] every day to erase the stain of racism and the damage of injustice.”

Really, Nike? Then why do you have your shoes made by an oppressive, morally bankrupt regime? China is the ugly poster child, the living exemplar, for all of the evils that you are so quick to condemn America for.

They’ve locked up over a million Uyghur men in concentration camps, aborted and sterilized hundreds of thousands of the women, and are busy selling the young — in batches of 100, no less — to Chinese factory owners as slave labor.

Secret drone footage has revealed some of the brutality of this campaign."

4. "An Australian Strategic Policy Institute report published this March, “Uyghurs for sale,” found Uyghur slave labor working in factories supplying 83 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing, shoe and automotive sectors, including Apple, GM, Gap — and Nike.

The poster child for all of this anti-American demagoguery is NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2018 signed a multi-million-dollar contract to become a megaphone for Nike products.

I wonder if the same man who kneels to protest America’s slave-owning past might one day stand for the freedom of slaves in China. "

5. "LeBron James Torched For Enabling and Benefiting From “Chinese Slave Labor” in Blistering Takedown
Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

Honestly, I don’t know how LeBron even responds to this torching from Senator Josh Hawley.

The social justice warriors in the NBA have really painted themselves into a corner.

Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

People like LeBron James and his “amazing virtue” are for sale to the highest Chinese bid."
2 + 2 cannot be made to equal 5 and the cacophony is all just cover for the left's unswerving agenda. One can ignore the sideshow and the fresh coat of lipstick on their pig:

View attachment 373822

So, their membership in the International Left entitles them to be shameless, lying hypocrites.

Being a Liberal is a movable feast with absolution for any and all sins.
....you'd best look for another explanation.

1. This month has seen the most widespread rioting and lawlessness in my lifetime. And the Democrat Party seems not the least be embarrassed to be supporters....nay- instigators....or the riots, arson, anarko-communist assaults on our nation.
And the alleged explanation?


The irony, of course, is that the Democrats were responsible for slavery, and now they're responsible for the supposed response to slavery.

2. And some of the main players in this passion play.....
"Hawley accuses LeBron, Nike, NBA of profiting off slave labor in China
He challenged all corporate leaders to take a '#slavefree' pledge
...the NBA was a “classic” example, and that all of their Nike uniforms are made with forced labor in China’s Uyghur concentration camps. 4

“Corporate America and the celebrities that hawk their products have been playing this game for a long time – talk up corporate social responsibility and social justice at home while making millions of dollars off the slave labor that assembles their products,”

Nike has long been accused of profiting off forced labor through the independent contractors that make its products overseas. On Tuesday President Trump sanctioned 11 Chinese firms over their use of forced labor and other forms of repression against the Uighur Muslims, an ethnic minority in China. "

3. "Nike should quit lecturing on social justice — and atone for using slave labor in China

Woke companies are constantly hectoring America on its failings.

The Social Justice Warriors who run Nike, for example, pompously inform us that they are fighting “against discrimination in communities worldwide.” Not only that but they are “work[ing] every day to erase the stain of racism and the damage of injustice.”

Really, Nike? Then why do you have your shoes made by an oppressive, morally bankrupt regime? China is the ugly poster child, the living exemplar, for all of the evils that you are so quick to condemn America for.

They’ve locked up over a million Uyghur men in concentration camps, aborted and sterilized hundreds of thousands of the women, and are busy selling the young — in batches of 100, no less — to Chinese factory owners as slave labor.

Secret drone footage has revealed some of the brutality of this campaign."

4. "An Australian Strategic Policy Institute report published this March, “Uyghurs for sale,” found Uyghur slave labor working in factories supplying 83 well-known global brands in the technology, clothing, shoe and automotive sectors, including Apple, GM, Gap — and Nike.

The poster child for all of this anti-American demagoguery is NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who in 2018 signed a multi-million-dollar contract to become a megaphone for Nike products.

I wonder if the same man who kneels to protest America’s slave-owning past might one day stand for the freedom of slaves in China. "

5. "LeBron James Torched For Enabling and Benefiting From “Chinese Slave Labor” in Blistering Takedown
Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

Honestly, I don’t know how LeBron even responds to this torching from Senator Josh Hawley.

The social justice warriors in the NBA have really painted themselves into a corner.

Here at home, they’re preaching about the importance of treating people fairly, and supporting riots of people rising up against “injustice,” and they cheer on the removal of (Democrat) salve owner statues, all while wearing shoes and uniforms that are made in China by forced slave labor.

People like LeBron James and his “amazing virtue” are for sale to the highest Chinese bid."
Thanks for this absolutely fantastic post, PC. Nicely done.
It's fair to say Dems have focused on the conditions that caused the protests and police brutality while Repubs have focused on the small minority of violent protesters.

That does not mean Dems condone the violence.

Time to start another horseshit thread.
6. "..., the NBA has stayed mum as China ransacked all rights in Hong Kong, unleashed COVID-19 on the world and herded countless more Uighur Muslims onto trains bound for slave labor camps.

...we’re being treated to the world’s most privileged Black Lives Matter protest.
Inside the Disney bubble, players and coaches sport BLM T-shirts. The slogan is painted on every court. Instead of their last names, players have league-approved slogans like Justice Now; Anti-Racist and Respect Us on their jerseys.
The few players who don’t kneel during the national anthem are asked to explain their rebelliousness.

The Fox News host famously advised LeBron James to lay off the politicking and “shut up and dribble” two years ago. That inflamed America’s woke citizenry, which sees sports stars as social justice martyrs in the mold of Muhammad Ali.

If James had the courage of his convictions, he’d demand Nike move its manufacturing plants from China to his hometown of Akron. Problem is, you just can’t find good slave labor in Ohio these days."
Yes, PC, it's not like you have to prove anything...
Just throw it out there and see how many people LOVE your unsubstantiated opinions, eh?

Or do you have proof? Do you have proof that Democrats are supporting violence?
Is it in the Democratic Platform? Do you have Nancy or Chuck on video?
Come on, let's see your proof, or are you above having to prove yourself?
Yes, PC, it's not like you have to prove anything...
Just throw it out there and see how many people LOVE your unsubstantiated opinions, eh?

Or do you have proof? Do you have proof that Democrats are supporting violence?
Is it in the Democratic Platform? Do you have Nancy or Chuck on video?
Come on, let's see your proof, or are you above having to prove yourself?

"... unsubstantiated...."

So they don't teach you that words have meaning in your government school non-education??

Everything I posted was documented and linked.

By the way....

Definition of substantiate

transitive verb
1: to give substance or form to : EMBODY
2: to establish by proof or competent evidence : VERIFYsubstantiate a charge

See.....just now you learned more than in all of your 'education.'
If the NBA wants to prosper in the USA they will have to remove themselves from China....and I mean right now.....we should not be partnering with slave owners...and someone tell that big dumbass Lebron he will never be as good as Jordan.....

.....and scrape off that "Black Lives Matter' graffiti from the court.

(Spelling corrected with Gidget's approval)
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"Lakers’ LeBron James considered joining nationwide protests for racial reforms"

"Exposed: LeBron James’ Financial Interests in Communist China Run Deep

LeBron James spoke out stridently against Rockets GM Daryl Morey on Monday night, calling his tweet in support of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy demonstrations, potentially financially harmful.

However, James may not have been just been concerned about the NBA losing money, he may have been thinking about himself.

Fox Business examined LeBron’s financial dealings and interests with China, and found that the NBA superstar has both merchandising and entertainment ventures that could suffer serious consequences from a prolonged rift with the communist nation."


It's so very ......rewarding.....to be a Liberal.
Speaking of China and their human rights violations......y'know, slavery and all....

....why the heck is the Democrat Party carrying their water?????

Pelosi: No Regrets About Downplaying Coronavirus Threat

Pelosi (D., Calif.) said Sunday that she does not regret initially downplaying the threat of coronavirus in late February. "No, not at all," Pelosi said on CNN's State of the Union when asked if she regretted underestimating the extent of widespread infection in the United States at the time.
Pelosi wrote in a press release on Feb. 29 that "there are no current indications of widespread infections in the United States," the same day that the first confirmed death from the virus was recorded in Washington. Pelosi also visited San Francisco's Chinatown neighborhood on Feb. 24 and urged Californians to "come and visit and enjoy Chinatown." She said she thought it was "very safe" to be in a potentially crowded neighborhood.
On Feb. 26, the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the first possible instance of community spread of the virus.” Pelosi: No Regrets About Downplaying Coronavirus Threat
Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump
As COVID-19 spreads across the nation, Rep. Sean Casten (D., Ill.) has repeatedly attempted to blame Trump and Republicans for the death toll, accusing them of spreading fatal misinformation about the pandemic. Casten himself, however, has misinformed the public about China's role in the pandemic. When one of his constituents asked about the early Chinese response to the outbreak at a March 21 electronic town hall, the congressman refused to talk about the regime's coverup of the virus. Instead, he incorrectly said that China had successfully isolated the outbreak in Wuhan.

"China, to their credit, once they realize they had a problem, shut down the entire province that this was in and they seem to have largely isolated the cases in China," Casten said. "We have missed that window in the United States."
In reality, however, China has failed to isolate the cases in the province of Wuhan, the origin of the illness. The virus has spread to nearly every part of the country, killing thousands in distant provinces such as Guangdong and Zhejiang. And while China's self-reported data indicate the worst has passed, reports of funeral homes overflowing with urns have led critics to believe that the regime is grossly underreporting the impact of the pandemic.” Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump

More Democrats groveling at the feet of the Chinese Communists....

"‘I Take My Hat Off to China’: Obama’s China Ambassador Praises Chinese Response to Virus

Barack Obama's China ambassador Max Baucus, who established extensive business ties with China after leaving the ambassadorship in 2017, extolled China's government on Tuesday for the way the country has responded to the coronavirus outbreak.

"I think that the big lesson here [is] that when you take charge and when you tell the entire country, Wuhan, other provinces what to do, they get in gear and get the job done," Baucus said during an interview on MSNBC. "I take my hat off to China for doing so."

The former Montana senator's praise of China comes amid a propaganda campaign waged by China's state-run media outlets, which have been pushing the narrative that China isn't responsible for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic."

"Democratic Michigan Sen. Gary Peters on Friday praised the Chinese government as the deadly disease which started in China continues to spread throughout the world.

Peters went on Morning Joe to discuss the crisis and was asked about how the U.S. avoids a recession, to which he began to praise the Chinese government, especially naming the Hubei province, saying they handled the spread of the virus very well and that the United States needs to follow in China’s footsteps."
Sen. Gary Peters Praises Chinese Government As Coronavirus Continues To Spread
"Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined the growing list of Democrats who are calling on President Trump to not blame the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization for the United States' epidemic of COVID-19.

...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.

"The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did," Murphy told CNN on Tuesday."

Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic

.04/18/2020 13:08:48PM EST.


“Another Democrat Protecting Communist China

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) went on Fox News to defend China on Saturday. Porter attempted to obscure the communist regime's responsibility for unleashing the deadly Wuhan coronavirus on the world.

To absolve China, Porter was throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck. Nothing did. The California representative characterized the Wuhan coronavirus as a "global phenomenon" and said evidence proves that outbreaks in the U.S. had their origins in Europe, not China.” WATCH: Another Democrat Protecting Communist China


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