When Progressives Govern: a Cautionary Tale


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In the early 1900's Russia's Kyshtim estate, blessed with cooper and other minerals, employed 100,000 people in various endeavors. Then a young engineer named Herbert Hoover visited them and found clever ways for them to boost production so that the estate now generated in excess of $2 million annually, a fortune at the time! The workers were all given a 25% pay raise

Then came the glorious Progressive Revolution! They too promised Hope and Change!

The Progressives got control of Russia and they took over operations at Kyshtim, no longer would the worker have to toil under the scumbag CEO

No longer were the capitalists allowed to exploit EXPLOIT EXPLOIT EXPLOIT the labors of the proletariat! Villains! Varmints! Capitalists!

The Progressive were running things now!

The workers (and new Progressive Management) were given a 100% Pay Raise! (OMG It's like ObamaCare!)

Happy Days Here Again!

One week later, the furnaces broke down, the mine ceased operations, eventually 100,000 people were unemployed.

Kyshtim, Detroit, Newark and finally the US government.

It all ends the same with Progressives: failure, poverty, destitution and misery

One day you'll see that "Pippin" was actually about letting Progressive rule.
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Look at how closely this resembles Detroit, Newark California, Cuba and every other Progressive states gone bad.

1. Take a prosperous entity

2. Apply Progressive principles (hatred of free enterprise, primacy of State control)

3. Watch formerly prosperous entity fail in record time

4. Proletariat get ass fucked while Progressive Leadership gets moved up to try to take over a bigger enterprise.
Watch it happen in Venezuela right now. They nationalised the oil fields and within a few months lost around 40% of the production. It will continue to decline until the revolution happens to get of that moron Chavez.
People always forget that there is a price that is paid with every action. Many times it is hidden but it is still there. Higher wages usually mean less employed. There is a balance and that balance needs to be maintained.
Watch it happen in Venezuela right now. They nationalised the oil fields and within a few months lost around 40% of the production. It will continue to decline until the revolution happens to get of that moron Chavez.

Unless some other Progressive dictator takes his place

Is that the new boogieman word?


It's the word you Leftists use to describe your progressive creep toward Socialism.

Is it?

The only perople I see using it are FOX viewers.

"I am somebody who is no doubt progressive. I believe in a tax code that we need to make more fair. I believe in universal health care. I believe in making college affordable. I believe in paying our teachers more money. I believe in early childhood education. I believe in a whole lot of things that make me progressive." -- Barack Hussein Obama

"Those were not casually chosen words. Barack Obama knows exactly what it means to say he is a "progressive." When he does so, he is not merely avoiding the word "liberal," as the sillier of his rightwing critics like to claim. Obama actually understands the subtle nuances of the American left. This is a man who moved to Chicago to be part of the political moment that began with the 1983 election of leftie Congressman Harold Washington as the city's first African American mayor, who studied the organizing techniques of Saul "Rules for Radicals" Alinsky, who worked with proudly radical labor leaders to defend basic industries and avert layoffs, who used his Harvard-minted legal skills to fight for expanded voting rights..."


And, yes, that makes you a fucking asshole
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When "progressives" took over Russia?

That's hilarious.

History has shown us over and over again that when there is a totalitarian takeover, the first "ALWAYS" to go are the educated, the artists, the scientists and the intellectuals.

That means the only ones left would be right wingers living in hovels with "dirt floors".
When "progressives" took over Russia?

That's hilarious.

History has shown us over and over again that when there is a totalitarian takeover, the first "ALWAYS" to go are the educated, the artists, the scientists and the intellectuals.

That means the only ones left would be right wingers living in hovels with "dirt floors".

Well, that saves your ass.
When "progressives" took over Russia?

That's hilarious.

History has shown us over and over again that when there is a totalitarian takeover, the first "ALWAYS" to go are the educated, the artists, the scientists and the intellectuals.

That means the only ones left would be right wingers living in hovels with "dirt floors".

Well, that saves your ass.

At least you didn't say I was wrong. Oh wait, you couldn't.
When "progressives" took over Russia?

That's hilarious.

History has shown us over and over again that when there is a totalitarian takeover, the first "ALWAYS" to go are the educated, the artists, the scientists and the intellectuals.

That means the only ones left would be right wingers living in hovels with "dirt floors".

Well, that saves your ass.

At least you didn't say I was wrong. Oh wait, you couldn't.

Progressivism is just another way of saying Socialism, Marxism, Statism, so as usual, you're wrong and will not be gathered up with the rest of the "Liberal Intellectual Elites"
Theodore Roosevelt.

1. Following the Wilson Presidency, and Harding’s landslide victory, he brought in such luminaries as Charles Evans Hughes, Sec’y of State, and Andrew Mellon, who served as Sec’y of Treasury for almost eleven years, of whom it was said “Three presidents served under Mellon.”

a. Under the eight years of Harding-Coolidge, GNP grew at an average rate of 4½ % per year.

2. Historians Schlesinger, Commager, William Alan White in his book “The Puritan in Babylon,” saw the Coolidge prosperity as ephemeral, and saw an intellectual shallowness. But Tucker makes the point that ‘the 20’s demonstrate the speed with which industrial productivity could transfer luxuries into necessities, and spread them down the class pyramid. The economic tide sweeping the country permeated the lower income sector of the economy. Prosperity was more widespread and more widely distributed than at any time in American history, right up until this point!
"The High Tide of American Conservatism," Garland Tucker, III
Look at New York City Progressive Mecca on the East run by its most Progressive Mayor ever, Emperor Bloomberg. Like Michelle Obama, he's going to tell you what to eat, that you shouldn't smoke and you can't drive a car in his city!

And with a $63 B budget, the Liberals and Union can't clear the fucking streets or run the subways!

A baby died in one of the most populated area on the planet because EMS Took 9 fucking hours to get to her!

And NYC has a 3-4 Billion annual deficit...what the fuck are we buying for $63Billion?

Progressives won't stop until every American city becomes Detroit.

So we must stop them
Theodore Roosevelt.

There he is, right next to Uncle Karl!


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