When politicians use the word "comprehensive"- watch your back- they're from the gov't and want to


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
do something to appease, though clearly their something is nothing except punishing people who don't bow to them or their self righteous bullshit-

Here was Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, a Texas Democrat, talking this week to Politico.com:

Our party should be concerned. If we go off the rails, itā€™s going to be bad for us. Biden is going to be dealing with a minority in Congress if he continues down some of these paths.
ā€˜Recipe for disasterā€™: Dem fears mount over immigration overhaul, by Sabrina Rodriguez and Marc Caputo, February 19, 2021

What to do, then? The lobbyists have to be appeased. And it would be really, really nice to have a big fat tranche of new Democrat voters in place before November 2024.

And I should say before proceeding that while Iā€™ve been flinging around the time-honored expression ā€œComprehensive Immigration Reformā€ with gay abandon, this weekā€™s bill is not actually a good fit for that term, as I have defined it. Most to this point: There does not seem to be any boob-bait for the Bubbas. Where are they, those clear promises to secure the border, punish employers of illegal aliens, and the rest?

The optimistic assumption must be that the Congressional drones who drafted this bill know that we know how bogus those promises were in past efforts at ā€œComprehensive Immigration Reform,ā€ and decided that it wasnā€™t worth their time to go on lying.

I call this the optimistic assumption because it does at least signal a slight increase in honesty.

The mooted solution: piecemeal reform. The magic word here is ā€œreconciliation.ā€ Hereā€™s an explanatory quote from the New York Times:

[Open-borders activist Loretta Praeli] and other proponents ā€¦ called on the President to promise that he would ā€¦ use a budgetary tool known as reconciliation to enact smaller components of the legislation even as he pushes ahead with the larger effort.
Under Senate rules, legislation that significantly affects the nationā€™s budget can be passed with only a majority vote, avoiding filibuster rules that require the support of 60 senators. With the current 50-50 Senate, that would give Democrats the ability to pass reconciliation bills without Republican support and with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tiebreaking voteā€”if they can stay united.
Biden Signals Heā€™s Flexible on Immigration Overhaul, by Michael D. Shear, February 17, 2021

Reconciliation is supposed to be restricted to issues of government tax and spending. But since well-nigh everything Congress does has some effect on those issues, the rules are highly fudgeable.

Bidenā€™s Great Replacement Acceleration Act

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