When Muslims got blocked at American airports, U.S. veterans rushed to help


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Real Americans not some bloated arm chair generals in flyover country

The story stopped him cold. Buchalter, an Army veteran who works as a law-enforcement instructor at the Department of Homeland Security, had served multiple tours of duty as a military policeman in Iraq, service that cost him dearly.

He was decorated for injuries sustained from gunfire and improvised explosive devices. Exams revealed he'd suffered herniated discs, traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, and he spent 2 1/2 years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center trying to get right.

But he was still alive, and now the married father of two children. And he believes that's thanks in part to the work of Iraqi interpreters who acted as guides during his work in their country. So he told his younger daughter and son they were going to take a trip: a two-hour drive to Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., where, for the first time in his life, Buchalter would join a protest.

"This is not what we fought for, having been in Iraq and working with these interpreters," Buchalter said in a phone interview Sunday. When he saw an Iraqi family emerge from detention, he presented them with something he hoped would convey America's goodwill - a Purple Heart.
When Muslims got blocked at American airports, U.S. veterans rushed to help
You'd have to have a brain injury to want more muslims in the country.

Funny how vets are exploited when bed wetters can use them, but are immediately forgotten and undermined otherwise.

^^^ Amen to that! Our troops are never appreciated by certain people until they can be used by them certain people.

God bless you and our troops always!!!


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