When Justice Eludes…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…or, just the way the Democrats like it!

1.It takes a certain level of mind-numbed robot, the bottom the barrel type, to have lived through the last three years, yet still deny the existence of the Deep State, and its special definition of 'justice.'

“…questions regarding the sentencing of political operative Roger Stone. Last January, he was subjected to a pre-dawn raid by federal officials carrying assault rifles….[but] former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, no longer must worry about being prosecuted. On Friday, a questionable decision was made not to issue any charges and drop the investigation into McCabe,…” The Deep State Wins Again at the DOJ

It’s a two-tiered system: jail for Republicans, CNN anchor jobs for Democrats.

2. “This was not a banner week for the idea that justice is alive and blind in America.

Three separate stories converged to drive home the obvious truth that America has a two-tiered justice system: the Justice Department's decision to not indict the guilty-as-sin plotter Andrew McCabe, the attempt to give Roger Stone an outrageous jail sentence, and the Army's decision to shrug that one of its officers attempted to orchestrate the removal of his commander-in-chief.

Even in the unlikely scenario that the Barr-Durham investigations send the full stable of coup-plotters to jail for decades, it will not erase the obvious fact that it pays to be a Democrat if you are going to commit crimes, particularly if they are political.

The most obvious reason is that the entire federal bureaucracy is one giant Democrat machine. This cannot be repeated enough. Nearly every member of almost every single department is a Democrat.

How bad is it? Back in 2016, 95 percent of campaign contributions for the presidential race went to Her Royal Awfulness. The Justice Department overachieved, coming in at 97 percent.” https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/02/twotiered_justice_system_on_full_display.html

“Every effort needs to be made to break the corrupt Democrat triumvirate of government, media, and academia. America's future depends on it.

In the meantime, Americans will continue to live under a two-tiered justice system, which will breed far more righteous anger. That fury is building toward a dangerous boiling point.”

But Americans are catching on....and don't like it.
An observer might be led to believe that this building anger is the price for another four years of Trump.
The HR departments need to be cleaned out and started over to hire both parties equally. Otherwise we end up with:
"The most obvious reason is that the entire federal bureaucracy is one giant Democrat machine. This cannot be repeated enough. Nearly every member of almost every single department is a Democrat."
…or, just the way the Democrats like it!

1.It takes a certain level of mind-numbed robot, the bottom the barrel type, to have lived through the last three years, yet still deny the existence of the Deep State, and its special definition of 'justice.'

“…questions regarding the sentencing of political operative Roger Stone. Last January, he was subjected to a pre-dawn raid by federal officials carrying assault rifles….[but] former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, no longer must worry about being prosecuted. On Friday, a questionable decision was made not to issue any charges and drop the investigation into McCabe,…” The Deep State Wins Again at the DOJ

It’s a two-tiered system: jail for Republicans, CNN anchor jobs for Democrats.

2. “This was not a banner week for the idea that justice is alive and blind in America.

Three separate stories converged to drive home the obvious truth that America has a two-tiered justice system: the Justice Department's decision to not indict the guilty-as-sin plotter Andrew McCabe, the attempt to give Roger Stone an outrageous jail sentence, and the Army's decision to shrug that one of its officers attempted to orchestrate the removal of his commander-in-chief.

Even in the unlikely scenario that the Barr-Durham investigations send the full stable of coup-plotters to jail for decades, it will not erase the obvious fact that it pays to be a Democrat if you are going to commit crimes, particularly if they are political.

The most obvious reason is that the entire federal bureaucracy is one giant Democrat machine. This cannot be repeated enough. Nearly every member of almost every single department is a Democrat.

How bad is it? Back in 2016, 95 percent of campaign contributions for the presidential race went to Her Royal Awfulness. The Justice Department overachieved, coming in at 97 percent.” https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/02/twotiered_justice_system_on_full_display.html

“Every effort needs to be made to break the corrupt Democrat triumvirate of government, media, and academia. America's future depends on it.

In the meantime, Americans will continue to live under a two-tiered justice system, which will breed far more righteous anger. That fury is building toward a dangerous boiling point.”

But Americans are catching on....and don't like it.
An observer might be led to believe that this building anger is the price for another four years of Trump.

perhaps, before trump, there was just ONE DEEP STATE.....all working together to fuk us over.....

but today....only a bottom of the barrel moronicon monkey would deny that Hair Trump now has his OWN deep state

and YOU are part of it.
3. “…Democrat donors remaining in the Mueller lynch mob decided that Roger Stone, an absolutely harmless gadfly whose real crime was being aligned with Donald Trump and therefore with you, should be sent away for seven to nine years for “crimes” that the Department of Injustice promptly gave a pass on to the loathsome Andrew McCabe. This is the same institution that also gave a pass to Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, Comey the Looming Doofus, and those fugly FBI sexting twins.

You would not get a pass.

… it got worse as the garbage Stone conviction was revealed to have been obtained with an anti-Trump Democrat activist as the jury foreperson. Think about that – an active partisan on the jury. The judge – wanna guess who appointed her? – refused to dump this partisan off the jury because of course, a Democrat candidate for office could be neutral and how dare you question the integrity of the system harrumph harrumph harrumph.

…tell me, without bursting into laughter, that I am still supposed to respect our federal law enforcement institutions. I keep hearing about these wonderful keepers of norms and rules and stuff deserve our awe, and then I see the tawdry, self-serving and scummy way they operate, and gee – there’s a disconnect. A big one. If the price of our society is submitting to these corrupt and incompetent people of garbage, well, then I say burn it all down.

That’s the only way to save it: to level it and start over.”
Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over

The cancer in our government has been exposed.

It needs to be excised.
…or, just the way the Democrats like it!

1.It takes a certain level of mind-numbed robot, the bottom the barrel type, to have lived through the last three years, yet still deny the existence of the Deep State, and its special definition of 'justice.'

“…questions regarding the sentencing of political operative Roger Stone. Last January, he was subjected to a pre-dawn raid by federal officials carrying assault rifles….[but] former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, no longer must worry about being prosecuted. On Friday, a questionable decision was made not to issue any charges and drop the investigation into McCabe,…” The Deep State Wins Again at the DOJ

It’s a two-tiered system: jail for Republicans, CNN anchor jobs for Democrats.

2. “This was not a banner week for the idea that justice is alive and blind in America.

Three separate stories converged to drive home the obvious truth that America has a two-tiered justice system: the Justice Department's decision to not indict the guilty-as-sin plotter Andrew McCabe, the attempt to give Roger Stone an outrageous jail sentence, and the Army's decision to shrug that one of its officers attempted to orchestrate the removal of his commander-in-chief.

Even in the unlikely scenario that the Barr-Durham investigations send the full stable of coup-plotters to jail for decades, it will not erase the obvious fact that it pays to be a Democrat if you are going to commit crimes, particularly if they are political.

The most obvious reason is that the entire federal bureaucracy is one giant Democrat machine. This cannot be repeated enough. Nearly every member of almost every single department is a Democrat.

How bad is it? Back in 2016, 95 percent of campaign contributions for the presidential race went to Her Royal Awfulness. The Justice Department overachieved, coming in at 97 percent.” https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/02/twotiered_justice_system_on_full_display.html

“Every effort needs to be made to break the corrupt Democrat triumvirate of government, media, and academia. America's future depends on it.

In the meantime, Americans will continue to live under a two-tiered justice system, which will breed far more righteous anger. That fury is building toward a dangerous boiling point.”

But Americans are catching on....and don't like it.
An observer might be led to believe that this building anger is the price for another four years of Trump.
Maybe the problem lies, not so much with gov't workers but with Trump himself:
But Trump also constantly attacked federal institutions. During his primary campaign, he described the federal government as a corrupt, bloated body run by “very, very, stupid people.”
I can't imagine why they wouldn't support him? Those same people gave several times as much to Romney's campaign as they did to Trump's. Same people, different candidate.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
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LOL- now you see it- then you didn't. How ironic is that? Can you say "Homeland Security Act"? Can you say an evisceration of the 4th amendment? Can you say subscribe to the same borrow to spend monetary policy?
The red, white and blue blinders worn by partisan hacks (Republican and Democrat) are equally guilty of egregious behavior.
Justice has been blinded by for decades- can you say OJ Simpson (the first to come to mind), or the many prisoners who have been found not guilty after serving near life time sentences? Can you say asset forfeiture by the "law and order crowd?

State Thieves and Forfeiture for Profit

Former Houston Police Officer Charged With Murder Over Botched Drug Raid

Those two are mere tips of the ice berg.

Partisan attacks does absolutely nothing to right the wrongs or change the direction of the course we're on. Hitting a brick wall at 99mph is no better than hitting it at 100mph-

This Country, the entire world, in fact, is an "us vs them" world. If you're not a part of the solution (partisan attacks aren't), then you're part of the problem- with partisan attacks as your main focus- meanwhile Liberty takes a back seat- Liberty will cure the ills of the world- restricting Liberty does just that- restrict.
More lunacy. This fool is brainwashed.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....
Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.
4. The Democrats don’t want to win policy arguments, or simply win elections…..they want to jail their opponents.

Remember when Schumer threatened Trump, warning him of what was going to happen?

"As Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) truly told President Trump, “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” As we shall see, Intelligence officials have proved Schumer correct."
Abolish CIA & FISA
There's nothing in that threat about justice or equal treatment....and sure enough......

5.The 'intelligence agencies,' the Deep State, is populated by Obamunists....
Here, from the former CIA Moscow Station head...

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....

Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.

The evidence clearly shows that Stone didn't get "names confused", but lied in a deliberate attempt to delay and impede the investigation that would be potentially damaging to Trump.

It's not credible to think that Stone would forget he had been communicating to Corsi and not Credico and that he would simultaneously forget that he had extensive email and text message communications with both of them.

The evidence supports that these were deliberate lies. If similar facts were present in the case of Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, they would likely be indicted as well. So far there is no such evidence and therefore the facts of the matters and the strength of the case is entirely different. This only seems like a double standard if you are unaware of the facts.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....

Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.

The evidence clearly shows that Stone didn't get "names confused", but lied in a deliberate attempt to delay and impede the investigation that would be potentially damaging to Trump.

It's not credible to think that Stone would forget he had been communicating to Corsi and not Credico and that he would simultaneously forget that he had extensive email and text message communications with both of them.

The evidence supports that these were deliberate lies. If similar facts were present in the case of Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, they would likely be indicted as well. So far there is no such evidence and therefore the facts of the matters and the strength of the case is entirely different. This only seems like a double standard if you are unaware of the facts.

WTF is the difference whose name he named? How is that even relevant to anything? There was no effect on the Mueller investigation, there was no Russia collusion that he was hiding. Its a ticky-tack process "crime" that democrats always get a pass on. Like McCabe for example. Brennan and Clapper too for instance.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....

Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.

The evidence clearly shows that Stone didn't get "names confused", but lied in a deliberate attempt to delay and impede the investigation that would be potentially damaging to Trump.

It's not credible to think that Stone would forget he had been communicating to Corsi and not Credico and that he would simultaneously forget that he had extensive email and text message communications with both of them.

The evidence supports that these were deliberate lies. If similar facts were present in the case of Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, they would likely be indicted as well. So far there is no such evidence and therefore the facts of the matters and the strength of the case is entirely different. This only seems like a double standard if you are unaware of the facts.

WTF is the difference whose name he named? How is that even relevant to anything? There was no effect on the Mueller investigation, there was no Russia collusion that he was hiding. Its a ticky-tack process "crime" that democrats always get a pass on. Like McCabe for example. Brennan and Clapper too for instance.

What difference does telling the truth or lying make? Well, one is a lie and one is the truth. Remember, he wasn't convicted of lying to Mueller, he was convicted of lying to the House Intelligence Committee that was under control of the Republicans at that time. They were investigating the illegal hacking of the DNC computer. They were pursuing leads to give insight to how and where Wikileaks got the hacked emails which includes talking to the people who talked to Wikileaks.

Roger Stone clearly felt that it was important enough to lie about, otherwise he wouldn't have committed so many felonies to do so. It would have been easier for him to tell the truth.

Roger Stone has no one to blame but himself, yet all we hear from Trump supporters is complaints about this person or that person. Never about the mistakes Stone made.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....

Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.

The evidence clearly shows that Stone didn't get "names confused", but lied in a deliberate attempt to delay and impede the investigation that would be potentially damaging to Trump.

It's not credible to think that Stone would forget he had been communicating to Corsi and not Credico and that he would simultaneously forget that he had extensive email and text message communications with both of them.

The evidence supports that these were deliberate lies. If similar facts were present in the case of Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, they would likely be indicted as well. So far there is no such evidence and therefore the facts of the matters and the strength of the case is entirely different. This only seems like a double standard if you are unaware of the facts.

Take the blinders off, dunce.

3. “…Democrat donors remaining in the Mueller lynch mob decided that Roger Stone, an absolutely harmless gadfly whose real crime was being aligned with Donald Trump and therefore with you, should be sent away for seven to nine years for “crimes” that the Department of Injustice promptly gave a pass on to the loathsome Andrew McCabe. This is the same institution that also gave a pass to Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, Comey the Looming Doofus, and those fugly FBI sexting twins.

You would not get a pass.

… it got worse as the garbage Stone conviction was revealed to have been obtained with an anti-Trump Democrat activist as the jury foreperson. Think about that – an active partisan on the jury. The judge – wanna guess who appointed her? – refused to dump this partisan off the jury because of course, a Democrat candidate for office could be neutral and how dare you question the integrity of the system harrumph harrumph harrumph.

…tell me, without bursting into laughter, that I am still supposed to respect our federal law enforcement institutions. I keep hearing about these wonderful keepers of norms and rules and stuff deserve our awe, and then I see the tawdry, self-serving and scummy way they operate, and gee – there’s a disconnect. A big one. If the price of our society is submitting to these corrupt and incompetent people of garbage, well, then I say burn it all down.

That’s the only way to save it: to level it and start over.”
Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over

The cancer in our government has been exposed.

It needs to be excised.
6. And the participants in the corruption, those Deep Staters, America’s enemies, are aghast that some want the corruption cut out:

“More Than 1,100 Former DOJ Staffers, Including Current MSNBC and CNN Analysts, Call on AG Barr to Resign
…[over] the fact that he instructed the U.S. Attorney’s Office to reverse their recommendation for Roger Stone to serve between seven and nine years in prison…. The DOJ alumni applauded the prosecutors who withdrew from the Stone case and/or resigned from the Department and said they want the agency's other employees to do the same.

How many of those 1,100 former prosecutors and officials called for action when the IG reported that the FBI lied to the FISA Court 17 times? The Washington Post on Twitter

…how many of these same officials claiming to be principled said a word about James Comey, Andy McCabe, and others who got caught red handed by the IG report?

…it’s safe to say these former staffers would rather see corruption and FISA abuse continue than to have someone like Barr drain the swamp.”
More Than 1,100 Former DOJ Staffers, Including Current MSNBC and CNN Analysts, Call on AG Barr to Resign

Every one of the dolts who support this, I'll bet.....are government school grads steeped in Militant Secularism.
Maybe if Roger Stone didn't want to go to jail, he shouldn't have lied under oath?
Brennan, Clapper, McCabe and many others can lie to congress and not get prosecuted, but Stone gets names confused, Flynn gets setup by the FBI, Popadope and any Trump supporters get the book thrown at them. Its the double-standard that gets us outraged.
Look at the serious lie Stone told....

Roger Stone's Crimes
According to the Feb. 10 sentencing memo, Stone made at least five public statements from Aug. 8, 2016, to Aug. 18, 2016, that indicated he had a source connected to Assange. The committee asked Stone to name the person he was referring to in those early- to mid-August statements. Stone told the House committee it was radio host Randy Credico, who had interviewed Assange on Aug. 25, 2016.

But that was a lie, according to the evidence prosecutors presented at the trial, including Credico’s testimony.

“Stone and Credico did not even discuss Assange until August 19, 2016, when Credico told Stone that he was trying to book Assange on his radio show,” the Feb. 10 sentencing memo says.

Stone was actually referring to Jerome Corsi, a conservative author. “[T]he intermediary or backchannel that Stone referenced in his August 2016 public statements was Corsi,” the memo says.

On Aug. 2, 2016, Corsi told Stone in an email that WikiLeaks planned to release “very damaging” information about Clinton.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.… Time to let more than [the Clinton Campaign chairman] to be exposed as in bed w enemy if they are not ready to drop HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton],” Corsi wrote in that email. “That appears to be the game hackers are now about.”

It was after exchanging this and other emails with Corsi in late July and early August that Stone began making “a series of public statements that he was in contact with Assange, and that he knew what information Assange was planning to release.”

Stone, for example, told an audience at an Aug. 8, 2016, event held by the Southwest Broward Republican Organization that he had “communicated with Assange.” Stone told the group, “I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there’s no telling what the October surprise may be.”

Prosecutors also presented evidence that showed how Stone threatened and bullied Credico in an attempt to prevent him from testifying before the House committee and contradicting Stone’s earlier committee testimony. Credico testified that Stone threatened him and used references to the “Godfather” movies to pressure him not to talk to Congress, according to Politico’s account of the trial.

The evidence clearly shows that Stone didn't get "names confused", but lied in a deliberate attempt to delay and impede the investigation that would be potentially damaging to Trump.

It's not credible to think that Stone would forget he had been communicating to Corsi and not Credico and that he would simultaneously forget that he had extensive email and text message communications with both of them.

The evidence supports that these were deliberate lies. If similar facts were present in the case of Brennan, Clapper and McCabe, they would likely be indicted as well. So far there is no such evidence and therefore the facts of the matters and the strength of the case is entirely different. This only seems like a double standard if you are unaware of the facts.

Take the blinders off, dunce.

3. “…Democrat donors remaining in the Mueller lynch mob decided that Roger Stone, an absolutely harmless gadfly whose real crime was being aligned with Donald Trump and therefore with you, should be sent away for seven to nine years for “crimes” that the Department of Injustice promptly gave a pass on to the loathsome Andrew McCabe. This is the same institution that also gave a pass to Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, Comey the Looming Doofus, and those fugly FBI sexting twins.

You would not get a pass.

… it got worse as the garbage Stone conviction was revealed to have been obtained with an anti-Trump Democrat activist as the jury foreperson. Think about that – an active partisan on the jury. The judge – wanna guess who appointed her? – refused to dump this partisan off the jury because of course, a Democrat candidate for office could be neutral and how dare you question the integrity of the system harrumph harrumph harrumph.

…tell me, without bursting into laughter, that I am still supposed to respect our federal law enforcement institutions. I keep hearing about these wonderful keepers of norms and rules and stuff deserve our awe, and then I see the tawdry, self-serving and scummy way they operate, and gee – there’s a disconnect. A big one. If the price of our society is submitting to these corrupt and incompetent people of garbage, well, then I say burn it all down.

That’s the only way to save it: to level it and start over.”
Burn Down the DOJ and Start Over

The cancer in our government has been exposed.

It needs to be excised.

So are you saying that Stone did or didn't commit the crimes that he's been convicted of?

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