When I was a kid, I...........


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
.....would wait for a rain storm, then sit outside with an umbrella and towels draped over it and hunker down to listen to it hit the umbrella. Ma thought I was nuts.

.....I'd ride my bike into empty fields and sit under a bush or near one, and wait. I'd sit so still, bird and bugs thought I was just part of the landscape and crawl on me..or the birds would land on me.

......I'd have my roller skates and key around my neck on a string and tear around the block non stop.

....I tore my tricyle apart by flipping it upside down, put a pillow over the bar that held the seat to straddle it comfortably, handles flipped upright and ride it around. The very first low rider was in 1956 when I made one, lol.

...I'd usually be up as high in a tree that I could get. whether it be the park or my back yard or someplace downtown where I could hide amongst the branches and watch the world go by.

...I'd wait until parents were in bed, then I would sneak to the floor radiator and sleep on it because it was so warm.

....I'd hide behind my sister's vanity and mirror, just to eavesdrop on her mushy talk with her icky boyfriends.

...I'd hide my spinach in the drawer behind me that was in the hutch.

My sister would lock me out of the house all the time. One day, I get fed up and when she did the neener neener at me from behind the glass, I punched right thru it and got her in the nose..along with showers of glass. Cost ma 75 bucks to replace that floor length window. Today, it would probably cost 300 bucks or more.

What did y'all do that was weird or fun?
.....would wait for a rain storm, then sit outside with an umbrella and towels draped over it and hunker down to listen to hit hit the umbrella. Ma thought I was nuts.

.....I'd ride my bike into empty fields and sit under a bush or near one, and wait. I'd sit so still, bird and bugs thought I was just part of the landscape and crawl on me..or the birds would land on me.

......J'd have my roller skates and key around my neck on a string and tear around the block non stop.

....I tore my tricyle apart by flipping it upside down, put a pillow over the bar that hel the seat to straddle it comfortably, and ride it around. The very first low rider was in 1956 when I made one, lol.

...I'd usually be up as high in a tree that I could get. whether it be the park or my back yard or someplace downtown where I could hide amongst the branches and watch the world go by.

...I'd wait until parents were in bed, then I would sneak to the floor radiator and sleep on it because it was so warm.

....I'd hide behind my sister's vanity and mirror, just to eavesdrop on her mushy talk with her icky boyfriends.

...I'd hide my spinach in the drawer behind me that was in the hutch.

What did y'all do that was weird or fun?

I ate worms.
.....would wait for a rain storm, then sit outside with an umbrella and towels draped over it and hunker down to listen to hit hit the umbrella. Ma thought I was nuts.

.....I'd ride my bike into empty fields and sit under a bush or near one, and wait. I'd sit so still, bird and bugs thought I was just part of the landscape and crawl on me..or the birds would land on me.

......J'd have my roller skates and key around my neck on a string and tear around the block non stop.

....I tore my tricyle apart by flipping it upside down, put a pillow over the bar that hel the seat to straddle it comfortably, and ride it around. The very first low rider was in 1956 when I made one, lol.

...I'd usually be up as high in a tree that I could get. whether it be the park or my back yard or someplace downtown where I could hide amongst the branches and watch the world go by.

...I'd wait until parents were in bed, then I would sneak to the floor radiator and sleep on it because it was so warm.

....I'd hide behind my sister's vanity and mirror, just to eavesdrop on her mushy talk with her icky boyfriends.

...I'd hide my spinach in the drawer behind me that was in the hutch.

What did y'all do that was weird or fun?

I ate worms.
Your ammune system is great then
...I stole moms bb gun, took it outside and shot a bird sitting on the clothes line. It fell. Dead. I cried and cried and cried. I knew what a gun was. I was too young to know it meant death. I cried some more. Buried the bird, made a cross with popsicle sticks, said NEVER AGAIN. And I didn't. I think I was about 6 years old.
...I jumped in my blow up pool when I was about 5 years old. Landed on a bee. Stung me about half an inch from my butthole. I was so embarrassed, I wouldn't show my mom. My butt swelled up so bad I couldn't sit, much less poop. When I cried on the pot, Mom discovered why. She didn't spank me for not telling her, thankfully.
...I stole moms bb gun, took it outside and shot a bird sitting on the clothes line. It fell. Dead. I cried and cried and cried. I knew what a gun was. I was too young to know it meant death. I cried some more. Buried the bird, made a cross with popsicle sticks, said NEVER AGAIN. And I didn't. I think I was about 6 years old.
I found a bird with a broken wing, I got a shovel and was going to kill it, but I couldn't..

I figured if I gave it one more second to live something would happen, I went in and watched the brady bunch..

Came out and the bird was gone.
Ex hubby used to go rabbit hunting. we would cook them for the dogs (we had A LOT of dogs..and one shetland pony nobody wanted because it was mean and they were going to kill it so I said I'd take it). Sometimes I would go with him to hunt the rabbits. Until I heard one scream. Not dead. Wounded badly. Told him to stick his hunting up his butt...I'd never go again and I'd just go buy dog food at the grocery store. Dogs were not happy with me cuz they loved their rabbit stew.
Dad ALWAYS went dove hunting during the season. But he knew how much I loved animals and he would make sure the wounded ones were carefully stored in a box to bring home to me so I could doctor them and set them free. The dead ones...he chowed down on, lol.
...I jumped in my blow up pool when I was about 5 years old. Landed on a bee. Stung me about half an inch from my butthole. I was so embarrassed, I wouldn't show my mom. My butt swelled up so bad I couldn't sit, much less poop. When I cried on the pot, Mom discovered why. She didn't spank me for not telling her, thankfully.

My next door neighbor had like 5 little kids, I hated them but watched an apollo mission take off in their kitchen,they moved ..

I went to get a haircut one time in my 30s and their was this gorgeous girl saying I know you and she gave me a haircut..

It turned out she was one of the five kids
I got a 3 day pay or quit for the very first time, when I was in my 20's and before I became property manager. The manager felt bad for me, and didn't follow thru with legal eviction and helped me move to another place. Years later when I was managing a posh and large complex, I needed an asst manager and was told to hire someone by my boss. I put an ad in the paper and guess who showed up? That guy that helped me years before. He didn't recognize me in my biz suit, sitting in a fancy office. I hired him as soon as he told me his story of hard times. Then I said "you don't recognize me, do you? Remember that poor girl you helped move so long ago?" and his face lit up and he said YOU!!!!!! And my reply was "you are hired. When can you start?"

I will never forget his happiness at those words.
I remember in 2nd grade I built this an Indian village out of popsicle sticks, I was going to school (all proud of it) and dropped it , broke to the ground and my teacher ran up to me, she helped me pick it up and I was in tears..

She gave me a A ..
You guys had fun childhoods. I spent all my time pushing a big wooden wheel around and around.

Ah, but that day I graduated from Jr High....

...memories. I managed to get an interview with a private high school that very same day. I remember the admissions officer had this big red beard.
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I got a 3 day pay or quit for the very first time, when I was in my 20's and before I became property manager. The manager felt bad for me, and didn't follow thru with legal eviction and helped me move to another place. Years later when I was managing a posh and large complex, I needed an asst manager and was told to hire someone by my boss. I put an ad in the paper and guess who showed up? That guy that helped me years before. He didn't recognize me in my biz suit, sitting in a fancy office. I hired him as soon as he told me his story of hard times. Then I said "you don't recognize me, do you? Remember that poor girl you helped move so long ago?" and his face lit up and he said YOU!!!!!! And my reply was "you are hired. When can you start?"

I will never forget his happiness at those words.
I remember when I made crossing guard in 5th grade, I was so proud but I couldn't get the kids to get along..

I didn't get no help, so I went to the teacher, threw my badge on his desk and said I quit..

He looked at me and said you can't quit, I said watch me..

Went home and watched the brady bunch..
You guys had fun childhoods. I spent all my time pushing a big wooden wheel around and around.

Ah, but that day I graduated from Jr High....


I guess I better head to netflix/prime to look for that movie. Seen it many times but its been awhile. I'm due for a redo.
When I was around 16 years old went to a haunted house and this girl grabbed my hand all the way through it, when we got out I let go of her hand because I was embarrassed, she was really cute, but I had a reputation to uphold ..

It drives me crazy to this day why didn't I keep on holding her hand?
.....would wait for a rain storm, then sit outside with an umbrella and towels draped over it and hunker down to listen to hit hit the umbrella. Ma thought I was nuts.

.....I'd ride my bike into empty fields and sit under a bush or near one, and wait. I'd sit so still, bird and bugs thought I was just part of the landscape and crawl on me..or the birds would land on me.

......J'd have my roller skates and key around my neck on a string and tear around the block non stop.

....I tore my tricyle apart by flipping it upside down, put a pillow over the bar that hel the seat to straddle it comfortably, and ride it around. The very first low rider was in 1956 when I made one, lol.

...I'd usually be up as high in a tree that I could get. whether it be the park or my back yard or someplace downtown where I could hide amongst the branches and watch the world go by.

...I'd wait until parents were in bed, then I would sneak to the floor radiator and sleep on it because it was so warm.

....I'd hide behind my sister's vanity and mirror, just to eavesdrop on her mushy talk with her icky boyfriends.

...I'd hide my spinach in the drawer behind me that was in the hutch.

What did y'all do that was weird or fun?

I ate worms.

No no, she means when you were a kid.
I got a 3 day pay or quit for the very first time, when I was in my 20's and before I became property manager. The manager felt bad for me, and didn't follow thru with legal eviction and helped me move to another place. Years later when I was managing a posh and large complex, I needed an asst manager and was told to hire someone by my boss. I put an ad in the paper and guess who showed up? That guy that helped me years before. He didn't recognize me in my biz suit, sitting in a fancy office. I hired him as soon as he told me his story of hard times. Then I said "you don't recognize me, do you? Remember that poor girl you helped move so long ago?" and his face lit up and he said YOU!!!!!! And my reply was "you are hired. When can you start?"

I will never forget his happiness at those words.

I've read that story before, and I still love it. :smiliehug:
Oh, and the day of final exams when I was a senior in high school. Only one question, but it was a tough one. My best friend Ned Needlemyer thought he had it, but he got his notes mixed up. Poor Ned, always obsessing over his hair. He went bald at the age of 27. When the proctor called on me I was so nervous!

You can see the relief on my face when I get it right.

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