When I tune into Fox I wanna hear right wing stuff...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh
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if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

That is troubling, if Fox were to start telling the truth, such as there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud,’ conservative viewers’ heads might explode.
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

That is troubling, if Fox were to start telling the truth, such as there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud,’ conservative viewers’ heads might explode.
Then they would be lying.
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if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

That is troubling, if Fox were to start telling the truth, such as there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud,’ conservative viewers’ heads might explode.

This should be filed under Inconvenient Truth...Ark. lawmaker pleads guilty to election charge - FOX16.com Little Rock, AR

But as long as we're on the subject of exploding heads, please don't tell Truthmatters.
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

Williams was fired from NPR for making racists comments on fox.
Making racists comments on fox will get you immediately hired by them.
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

Sorry, ty.....Juan ain't the only one:

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason

Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)

Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry

Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller

Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez

Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

Charles Lane
Liz Marlantes
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

That is troubling, if Fox were to start telling the truth, such as there’s no evidence of voter ‘fraud,’ conservative viewers’ heads might explode.

In a radio interview with Larry King, Don Imus made this statement: Fox has as many liberal viewers as conservative. Questioned by King, he stuck to it....

Now...assuming that folks watch what they tend to agree with...what do you suppose that means.

And what does it portend for November 6th?

That's right.

That's 'Right.'
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if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

I mute Juan, or change channels for a few minutes, as Fox knows their ratings from minute to minute. I am trying to send them a message. Also some Fox news shows are integrating too much leftist bull for me to tune in as often as I used to. They seem to be trying to appeal to everybody and in so doing, will lose many. "You can't please all the people..........."

Their call. They ARE the highest rated network on cable. I still have faith in Hannity, and I used to never watch him. O`Reilly is pushing my last nerve.
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

Juan Williams - a rare and seldom-seen honest and decent Democrat - was fired because he had the audacity to express his fear he feels seeing characters frighteningly similar to those who hijacked four airplanes - airplanes that their 7th century theology and "science" could never design an build - and crash them into buildings that they could never design and build in their wildest 7th century nightmare.

Juan Williams is a Democrat and while I disagree with his position I respect that he always expresses his views in a dignified and respectful manner.

To call him a "hack" and a "nut" is an insult to decency and honesty by someone who probably never met him, does not know him and could never measure up to him.

I will leave it at that, since I am not a Democrat and take no pleasure in personal insults.
if I wanted this left wing crap I would turn it over to msnbc. why do I have to listen to Juan Williams I can see why npr fired this hack. And then fox has a weak moment and hires this nut.

says there's no evidence of voter fraud. sheeesh

Williams was fired from NPR for making racists comments on fox.
Making racists comments on fox will get you immediately hired by them.

You should be fired from this forum, because you have no idea what the word "racist" means, but use it indiscriminately, unthinkingly, foolishly or in other words, in a way you learned from the phony "Reverend" Al Sharpton.

Was Ed Henry racist because he was hired by FOX?
How about John Roberts? How about Greta Van Susteren?

Juan Williams was hired by FOX because he is an honest and decent person. If he was anything else he would have been hired by Current TV, but there, the presence of Al Gore and Keith Olbermann or the TYT's would frighten away anyone normal.

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