When I return ...

I thought you were going away.

Seriously, you need to make the thread title reflect the contents of the opening post.

Who made me the police you may well ask?

Nobody - it is just common sense. Forum etiquette and rules.
Amity, I find you one of the most level headed of those who support the Palestinians here on this site. However, I wonder if this (from your link) is truly going to happen if it happened:

I will take my children to pray in mosques and sing hymns in churches and contemplate in synagogues.
This is a website that features kids' artwork, notes, etc. on the subject "When Palestine is liberated, I will ...."

When I Return
Ya sure. Hamas animals already said what they plan on doing with a "liberated Palestine", turn it into yet another Islamic califate shithole of terrorism. Never gonna happen. Israel is here to stay.
the artshow is an excellent demonstration of the filth and propaganda which
has been instilled, incessantly, into the minds of little children by the islamo-nazis.
Little muslim children are taught from day one that the JOOOOOOS stole
"paradise" from the muslim victims-----DA JOOOOS STOLE MUSLIM LAND-----
I first heard it from muslims who before coming to the USA----had never met
a jew and had never been in the middle east-----and as children likely had no
idea where Israel is. This concept was, clearly, presented to them as something
like a religious belief in order to encourage jihadism and bomb on ass sucide attacks.
In places like Pakistan-----sunni muslims can easily transfer that sense of hatred to
Shiite muslims and knock a few off in the streets------on a regular basis---or to hindus
and blow the brains out of hindu children on holidays

for those who do not know "death to ________' rings so often in the ears of jihadi babies---
and **** MUSLIM LAND***** that they are among the first words
muslim babies utter another phrase which gets ingrained in their brains---
virtually in utero is ****DEFEND ISLAAAAAM****
Poor kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.
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Poork kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.

well-----whenever I have heard the phrase "DEFEND ISLAAAAM" my impulse
has been to ask "from what" "logical thinking"????

((( I should add----that I also have an impulse ---when I hear people
sing ~~~~ la la la god save the queen ---la la
" from what-" ?----and I also get an image in my mind
of Elizabeth----in my town swimming hole---drowning ))))
Poork kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.

well-----whenever I have heard the phrase "DEFEND ISLAAAAM" my impulse
has been to ask "from what" "logical thinking"????

((( I should add----that I also have an impulse ---when I hear people
sing ~~~~ la la la god save the queen ---la la
" from what-" ?----and I also get an image in my mind
of Elizabeth----in my town swimming hole---drowning ))))

swimming? really?

She fishes, hunts and drives around in the range rover in Scotland. I would expect since she wears wellington boots so much, so many creeks and streams up there, she knows how to swim.
She lives on an island, she travels by a lavish boat, even traveling around the world and resourceful enough to fix a truck engine, her parents would have taught her to swim so she won't drown. The rest of the royal, well most of them, can swim. Hard to imagine HRH does not know how to swim.
Poork kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.

Sure it will!

Be'ezrat HaShem, in Jordan, and they'll be VERY HAPPY there:D

JIHAD has nothing to do with being happy. -----it is all about

Long long ago I encountered Iranians---together
with lots of muslims from all sorts of other places---
I did not have to be told that Iranians hate arabs-----
I saw the daggers in their eyes.
Now--Iran is struggling to "LIBERATE PALESTINE"----it ain't
to create happiness for arabs---I would believe that motive
"TO MAKE ARABS HAPPY" as much as I would believe that
the idiot "grand wizard" (or whatevah they call that jerk with
the point on his head) of the KU KLUX KLAN --is devoted
to making blacks happy
Amity, I find you one of the most level headed of those who support the Palestinians here on this site. However, I wonder if this (from your link) is truly going to happen if it happened:

I will take my children to pray in mosques and sing hymns in churches and contemplate in synagogues.

I think it is the best face of Palestinian aspirations. I also think it represents the majority of Palestinian's aspirations. I rarely hear any such sentiments expressed by Jewish Israelis, though, making the point that right now Israel is much less given to moderation than the Palestinians are. We saw what happened to the Arab/Jewish school that Billo posted for us.

I have said before that I liked the situation on both sides much better in the 1970s. But sometimes the darkest hour is just before dawn.
Poork kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.

Sure it will!

Be'ezrat HaShem, in Jordan, and they'll be VERY HAPPY there:D

JIHAD has nothing to do with being happy. -----it is all about

Long long ago I encountered Iranians---together
with lots of muslims from all sorts of other places---
I did not have to be told that Iranians hate arabs-----
I saw the daggers in their eyes.
Now--Iran is struggling to "LIBERATE PALESTINE"----it ain't
to create happiness for arabs---I would believe that motive
"TO MAKE ARABS HAPPY" as much as I would believe that
the idiot "grand wizard" (or whatevah they call that jerk with
the point on his head) of the KU KLUX KLAN --is devoted
to making blacks happy

Get help, irosie. You are so divorced from reality it is scary.
You are just out to lunch.
Amity, I find you one of the most level headed of those who support the Palestinians here on this site. However, I wonder if this (from your link) is truly going to happen if it happened:

I will take my children to pray in mosques and sing hymns in churches and contemplate in synagogues.

I think it is the best face of Palestinian aspirations. I also think it represents the majority of Palestinian's aspirations. I rarely hear any such sentiments expressed by Jewish Israelis, though, making the point that right now Israel is much less given to moderation than the Palestinians are. We saw what happened to the Arab/Jewish school that Billo posted for us.

I have said before that I liked the situation on both sides much better in the 1970s. But sometimes the darkest hour is just before dawn.

Then let the Palestinians sing out with raised voices to the world those words, let them turn on their leaders and tell them to talk peace or go.

For all anyone knows that could have been a Palestinian attack, they have been caught doing similsr things in the not too distant past

The situation were Palestinian terrorist child murderers had easy access to Israeli children, is that what you liked the thought of all those murdered Jewish children blown to pieces by Palestinian bombs.
Sure it will!

Be'ezrat HaShem, in Jordan, and they'll be VERY HAPPY there:D

JIHAD has nothing to do with being happy. -----it is all about

Long long ago I encountered Iranians---together
with lots of muslims from all sorts of other places---
I did not have to be told that Iranians hate arabs-----
I saw the daggers in their eyes.
Now--Iran is struggling to "LIBERATE PALESTINE"----it ain't
to create happiness for arabs---I would believe that motive
"TO MAKE ARABS HAPPY" as much as I would believe that
the idiot "grand wizard" (or whatevah they call that jerk with
the point on his head) of the KU KLUX KLAN --is devoted
to making blacks happy

Get help, irosie. You are so divorced from reality it is scary.
You are just out to lunch.

Wrong she is fully immersed in reality and that is what gets right up your nose, she has forgotten more about islam than you will ever know.
Poor kids. Someone needs to tell them that Palestine will NEVER be liberated.

Sure it will.
Racism across the world is on its last legs.

Wrong again as it is breeding in muslim countries to ever higher levels

Peoples is a LIVING SYSTEM-----the future of living systems
are not predictable ------In 1981 ---one of the months- ---The lead article----I
believe it was during a summer month
called it a SYNDROME<<< which would be more correct)

Combined Immunodeficiency disease (or syndrome) had been a congenital
condition (ie not "acquired" ----very rare) I saw the article---right before
my eyes-----but thought "what the hell" "it got 'acquired' by one person--
in the universe....
by some weird coincidence of mutations" ??? and did not read it
Acquired Combined immunodeficiency syndrome is AIDS

within a few years----PREDICTIONS for the future were whole cities in the
US would be wiped out and Africa would be depopulated---no hope
----then ----of course
the HIV virus was discovered---------etc etc etc New York City which
was on the list of ----disappearing cities-----still exists-----even Africa still exists.

Today hundreds of millions of idiots thing that the world is on the
threshold of a WORLD WIDE CALIPHATE. One of the posters here
made a statement that people have a right to use ANY MEANS POSSIBLE
to protect themselves from imposition------lets see how that caliphate thing
works out
Maybe I have slipped my trolley, but I'm going to try this here, too.

I expressed sorrow that the three young men were killed, and despite everything we have shown you, you can't bestir your bloodthirsty ass to say the same about Palestinian kids.

So I do hereby officially take it all back! If I am sitting in my armchair tonight reading a book, and you burst into my house, or sneak into my house, and try to evict me and take possession of my house, I have the right to shoot you, slit your throat, and/or remove you by force.

If you come back two days later and manage to install yourself in my guest room, I still reserve the right to shoot you, and if you are still there in 70 years, I retain the right to shoot you and/or remove you by force at any and every opportunity. If you bring friends, you let them in by the window in the guest room, and then the bunch of you try to take over the guest bath, I still have the same right to shoot, slit, or remove you by force at will.

Because I am not the aggressor in this situation, and my rights are secure. Your usurping my guest room does not give you rights to my bathroom, OR my guest bedroom, and I still do have the right to shoot or slit you and your cohorts of any age whenever and wherever possible, and NO WHINING allowed. If you don't like it, get your effing butts out of my house.

If this moral analogy fails somehow in analyzing the Palestine/Israel situation, please clarify how.

And also tell me what any of this has to do with Islam.
what analogy? You did come up with something line an analogy
which can apply to the situation of KHYBER and YATHRIB------the rapist
pig showed up -----murdered, plundered, enslaved and expelled ----and never
left ----- the ultimate insult to the people who owned Yathrib was that the rapist
pig was buried right there in the same town and the people who owned it
have been COMPLETELY EXCLUDED for some 1400 years------you are right----the
jews are fully justified in dropping a nuclear bomb on the city now called
"medina, Saudi Arabia"------but-----they probably won't ----there are many
placed in the world which would fit your "analogy" -----Israel does not

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