“When Disaster Hits, Trump Is the Blamer in Chief” As L.A. Fires Rage, Pointing Fingers Rather Than Facing Facts

Wow. Sounds like the Gypsies electrical linemen from out of state, bringing their expertise and equipment to do what local utility companies, simply cannot, by themselves, after violent storms here. I did not know there were these types going international with the changes of season and fire hazard.
The air tanker companies are always working too. They fly them all over the world.
I must say this LtE is spot on. The blame game. The urge to seek out opportunities to score cheap political points is irresistible for some people. But in today's environment what has always existed but was frowned upon is not seen as acceptable by a portion of our society.

To the Editor:
Re “When Disaster Hits, Trump Is the Blamer in Chief” (On Politics newsletter, nytimes.com, Jan. 10):​
Faced with one of the most devastating wildfires in U.S. history — after tens of thousands of Americans have been displaced or lost their homes and entire communities have been reduced to ash — the president-elect’s response is to attack and blame with false accusations: “No water in the fire hydrants, no money in FEMA. This is what Joe Biden is leaving me. Thanks Joe!”​
Where is the compassion? Where is even the faintest recognition of human suffering? Instead of uniting the country in the face of this tragedy, we get callous deflection and divisive rhetoric. Disasters demand solidarity, not scapegoating.​
What kind of government, devoid of empathy, decency and even a shred of moral integrity, is poised to take the reins and imperil not just disaster-stricken Americans but the very soul of our nation?​
David Sanders​
New York​

Newsom is the only one trying to blame everyone else. He's the Governor, it's on him for not taking care of infrastructure. His Mayor was not even on this continent when the fire broke out and they all knew about the Santa Ana's and the high fire danger. So, what does Karen Bass do? Flee to Africa while Newsom acts like a smug asshole.
Newsom is the only one trying to blame everyone else. He's the Governor, it's on him for not taking care of infrastructure. His Mayor was not even on this continent when the fire broke out and they all knew about the Santa Ana's and the high fire danger. So, what does Karen Bass do? Flee to Africa while Newsom acts like a smug asshole.
get a life loser

When Disaster Hits, Trump Is the Blamer in Chief” As L.A. Fires Rage, Pointing Fingers Rather Than Facing Facts

my posts ... on the fires in and around my city are dealing with facts, not partisan attacks.
Next ...are you of such low intelligence that you don't realize you just said your partisan attack of Trump is not a partisan attack,
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What past are you living in?
When folks refer to notable people and politicians as.. . . "Marxists," what they now refer to is those who are adherents to the Frankfort school and critical theory.


Not usually given to thoughtful introspection, I was looking through my references for a new painting. I came across this Lily pond. It was in my friend's backyard. The house, yard and pond are gone now. Taken by the fire. It made me vaguely sad.water lillies.jpg

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