“When Disaster Hits, Trump Is the Blamer in Chief” As L.A. Fires Rage, Pointing Fingers Rather Than Facing Facts

I must say this LtE is spot on. The blame game. The urge to seek out opportunities to score cheap political points is irresistible for some people. But in today's environment what has always existed but was frowned upon is not seen as acceptable by a portion of our society.

To the Editor:
Re “When Disaster Hits, Trump Is the Blamer in Chief” (On Politics newsletter, nytimes.com, Jan. 10):​
Faced with one of the most devastating wildfires in U.S. history — after tens of thousands of Americans have been displaced or lost their homes and entire communities have been reduced to ash — the president-elect’s response is to attack and blame with false accusations: “No water in the fire hydrants, no money in FEMA. This is what Joe Biden is leaving me. Thanks Joe!”​
Where is the compassion? Where is even the faintest recognition of human suffering? Instead of uniting the country in the face of this tragedy, we get callous deflection and divisive rhetoric. Disasters demand solidarity, not scapegoating.​
What kind of government, devoid of empathy, decency and even a shred of moral integrity, is poised to take the reins and imperil not just disaster-stricken Americans but the very soul of our nation?​
David Sanders​
New York​

The fact is, even Newsome wants an investigation into the disaster. So, it's not right wing conspiracy.
Are you saying that clearing dry brush isn't a good strategy for managing fire risk?
Mandating brush accumulate to protect a shrub isn't good strategy for managing fire risk. Neither is giving illegals torches and sending them into the canyons.
By who. The country Don named patently denied it.
California used to. Each county had crews that were dedicated to brush removal. That began disappearing in the 1970's thanks to environmental groups lawsuits.
California used to. Each county had crews that were dedicated to brush removal. That began disappearing in the 1970's thanks to environmental groups lawsuits.
Not real familiar, but I don't doubt it. Some "so called" environmentalists ascribe to the same practices used in remote National Park ecosystems, where no interference policy is intentional and natural fires can occur without threatening non park residents. What works, is dependent on location, proximity and goal. If surrounding or surrounded by dense housing, business and other interests, leaving it alone is simply not feasible.
Not real familiar, but I don't doubt it. Some "so called" environmentalists ascribe to the same practices used in remote National Park ecosystems, where no interference policy is intentional and natural fires can occur without threatening non park residents. What works, is dependent on location, proximity and goal. If surrounding or surrounded by dense housing, business and other interests, leaving it alone is simply not feasible.
I was working as a Hot Shot while going to college. That was back in the 1960's.
The policy back then was stop all fires.

Now we know that that policy was wrong. The California forests rely on fires to keep the undergrowth under control, and the sage brush requires fire as part of its life cycle.

Historically, the fires would start, burn out the underbrush, then go out.

After the faulty policies that underbrush has piled up, and now thanks to the envirowhacko element, when fires occur, they are catastrophic.
I was working as a Hot Shot while going to college. That was back in the 1960's.
The policy back then was stop all fires.

Now we know that that policy was wrong. The California forests rely on fires to keep the undergrowth under control, and the sage brush requires fire as part of its life cycle.

Historically, the fires would start, burn out the underbrush, then go out.

After the faulty policies that underarms has piled up, and now thanks to the envirowhacko element, when fires occur, they are catastrophic.
Interesting. What is or was a "Hot Shot"? Not familiar with the term, over here in the Mid-South.
Interesting. What is or was a "Hot Shot"? Not familiar with the term, over here in the Mid-South.
Hot Shots are wildland fire fighters. Smoke jumpers are the first ones that go in, via parachute, then the Hot Shots come in via road or trail, and continue the fire fighting.
Hot Shots are wildland fire fighters. Smoke jumpers are the first ones that go in, via parachute, then the Hot Shots come in via road or trail, and continue the fire fighting.
Neat. Sounds like hot shtty hard work, but somebody has to do it, and know what the heck they were doing.
Neat. Sounds like hot shtty hard work, but somebody has to do it, and know what the heck they were doing.
Yup. I sweated more in the 6 months I worked with them over the two years I did it, than at any time since. Great people though.

I considered doing it full time, but decided I wanted a little easier career! :biggrin:
Yup. I sweated more in the 6 months I worked with them over the two years I did it, than at any time since. Great people though.

I considered doing it full time, but decided I wanted a little easier career! :biggrin:
Not sure there is a full time cadre of that type in the Mid-South or South. It is a damper climate not seeing the same continual drying effects of those seasonal winds and the forests are a different type and character, on average.
Not sure there is a full time cadre of that type in the Mid-South or South. It is a damper climate not seeing the same continual drying effects of those seasonal winds and the forests are a different type and character, on average.
No, there aren't. The full timers travel the world. Every hemisphere has its fire season, so when it is winter here, they are in South America or Australia fighting the summer fires there.
Wasting trillions of dollars is not prudent. We now live in a state of currency decline that inflation rears its head more easily.

It is a trade off for our future
Sometimes you have to suck it up and make a sacrifice
No, there aren't. The full timers travel the world. Every hemisphere has its fire season, so when it is winter here, they are in South America or Australia fighting the summer fires there.
Wow. Sounds like the Gypsies electrical linemen from out of state, bringing their expertise and equipment to do what local utility companies, simply cannot, by themselves, after violent storms here. I did not know there were these types going international with the changes of season and fire hazard.
Reality is knocking on the door of every citizen living in California. They elected these woke, DEI, ESG, alphabet, perceived environmental conscientious morons to serve and protect all the people of California, what did they receive in return? incompetent politicians that are more concerned about social and environmental issues than basic infrastructure required to maintain health, safety, and quality of life. Now it’s time to accept the consequences of their decisions and fact they, themselves, are totally responsible for the events unfolding today. The Federal Government is not the problem, nor President, fiscal irresponsibility is theirs alone.
The state needs a total overhaul from top to bottom and close the door on the wreckage liberalism has brought upon them.
One can either adjust their lifestyle and address reality or perish.
You are ignorant.
It is a trade off for our future
Sometimes you have to suck it up and make a sacrifice
Most of the people affected are Democratic voters. Putting money into potential wildfire problems would have affected what we see in a positive way. What we saw was what would have happened in the Middle Ages if the same number of people were there. America in many ways is a self-absorbed nation with many people self-important.
Most of the people affected are Democratic voters. Putting money into potential wildfire problems would have affected what we see in a positive way. What we saw was what would have happened in the Middle Ages if the same number of people were there. America in many ways is a self-absorbed nation with many people self-important.
The world is affected

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