Zone1 When Did This Start..?

None of that changes the fact that Donny is poor and getting poorer. :cool-45:
His fiscal issues aren't what made him President the first time, because his issue was to give everyone an equal shot at the American dream regardless of race, clan, color, or wealth or poverty. He worked to get the border closed, and before his term was up, nobody was crossing anymore. Gas was affordable. Heck, groceries and appliances were affordable as well. After two and a half years, Biden outdid himself in spending both other people's money, and making America beholden with debt to Chinese providers who made him wealthy as Vice President and on. He has enabled the Drug Cartels to kill 250,000 American citizens who purchased drugs on the street that were tainted with fentanyl from Chinese and Mexican Cartel conspirators to help China kill off Americans so their houses could be given to illegal aliens looking to take advantage of the ritzy hotels Biden put them in, for a king's ransom in which he conspired with communists to destroy America fiscally for the upcoming communist takeover if we don't fight with all we have to stop the deep state and put them in solitary confinement where they cannot damage other people they did their darndest to destroy out of greed for money and power over the money the American people with blood, sweat, and tears gave up to the radical left that lied its way to taking President Trump's second presidential race by way of bringing up lies about illegal activities he was said to have done, only to get the lies rescinded when the Mueller Report found no trace of him with "colluding with Russia, russia, russia, ad nauseum.
A person with your wealth :rolleyes-41: bragging about a billionaire losing some money and calling him poor.
priceless :auiqs.jpg:
Is he really a billionaire? I doubt he’d have much left, if all his loans were called. Add to that all the monetary penalties he’s racking up and he may have to move into Ivanka’s basement. That may actually help with his presidential run, since he saw how Biden did using the strategy. Of course, he could also be living in the basement of some federal prison, but then the man looks good in orange and it probably wouldn’t stop the MAGAheads from voting for him.
Is he really a billionaire? I doubt he’d have much left, if all his loans were called. Add to that all the monetary penalties he’s racking up and he may have to move into Ivanka’s basement. That may actually help with his presidential run, since he saw how Biden did using the strategy. Of course, he could also be living in the basement of some federal prison, but then the man looks good in orange and it probably wouldn’t stop the MAGAheads from voting for him.
President Trump earned what he has. He pitched in and with novel ideas improved his father's hotel properties that helped business people have their conventions in comfortable and pleasant surroundings and out-of-this-world food to fuel their enjoyment and prosper their business while in such a nice place. The conventions businesses have help them come up with ideas to prosper others. He was also active in his youthful church activities that taught him to put other people first. That's a trait Presbyterians teach to their children so they will have meaningful lives that are focused on helping others out of their jams, giving them hope, and praying that God will bless them always. When my Presbyterian grandmother died, I was called upon to deliver her eulogy, so I told the three or four hundred friends that my grandmother taught us by example to "let other people go first." That includes her and grandpa's lifetime of fundraisers mainly for American veterans who came home disabled with injuries sustained in battles, to buy them wheelchairs, a place to stay, homemade food when they needed it, and attending the American Legion and all it does for men who fought and their families with children of a Dad who gave up his life on the battlefield, so they would never forget what he did for his country, and that they could call on them for anything the hero's children needed at school, and assistance to the mothers who lost their beloved husband to do chores, provide transportation, helping them in what ever way they needed help. I can't say enough good about the American Legion, and grandpa's membership as a mason was dedicated to building a Children's Hospital in Houston. Grandpa's friends as Shriners, brought in a circus every year to raise money for that Hospital. When I was a little girl, Grandpa took me to the Circus fundraiser, and he introduced me to a famous clown named Emmett Kelly. All I could think of is he never looked happy, but always had his sad face on. I think I was 4 or 5 years old at the time. On the way home, I asked my grandpa why he was so sad and never smiled, which I thought was strange for someone whose performance made people laugh a lot.

Anyhow, President Trump says something, it's the truth. And the lying liars who claimed he was not being truthful well knew he was, because he was an astute and trusted businessman who knew how to prosper the family business of great hotels. Every good businessman knows the most valuable asset in business is dependability.
Konrad, I think you're disappointed with Demmie leadership now that proof has come out about President Trump's innocence of wrongdoing. Is it so hard to believe that young actresses wishing for better parts in entertainment movies can fool people with their skills, for which the DNC likely funds them a little money for their services of acting like a victim of whoever the Demmies want their voters to hate, usually a Republican, of course.
I'm sleepy. Goodnight, everybody. :sleep:
Not really, Mr. or Ms. Vastator. It takes a lot of money to keep on the air in cyberspace, and we have a number of people who have worked very hard to make this the best website for both left and right to debate. True, some abuse their privileges and are banned for a couple of days or months, but everyone who posts here makes this board one of the most leading debate forum/and special interest boards anywhere in the world. We have music boards, every art in the book, sports friends, military friends forums, you name it, it's here or could be if you learn all the fun stuff there is in say, the garage where just about anything goes. I gave money when I had some, but when my fortunes went down, nobody went after me for failure to give more. It's a great board, and there are opportunities for you to pick a hobby, writing, essays, foreign countries, or art forms that you like. I bless those who keep the board afloat, and if I ever get over my one thing after another allergies, and occasional flying falls, maybe my good health and fortunes will return and I can give again. Love, beautress

I would add that this is one of the few boards that will allow a conservative bent on matters ... all the other boards I've visited (which ain't much admittedly) quickly ban and suspend if anyone dares say a nice thing about Donald Trump ...

I'm a liberal who understands I'm wrong half the time ... thus I fight for conservatives Free Speech and ask they use it extensively ... so I'm here to listen and add my "ego enflamed opinion" ... absolutely no pride, so no check on the ego ... sad but true ...
Is he really a billionaire? I doubt he’d have much left, if all his loans were called. Add to that all the monetary penalties he’s racking up and he may have to move into Ivanka’s basement. That may actually help with his presidential run, since he saw how Biden did using the strategy. Of course, he could also be living in the basement of some federal prison, but then the man looks good in orange and it probably wouldn’t stop the MAGAheads from voting for him.
:rolleyes-41: I'm willing to bet his checking account is worth more than yours.
That's where the rubber meets the road, konradv.

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