When did the Left Realize they could sell ANY Lie, no matter how preposterous? 2003. I was there.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
Exhibit A:
David Hogg, Greta Thuneberg, and AOC. What do they have in common? All are media creations without achievements, presented by the leftwing media as experts. But before them there was Barack 0bama. And in 2008, he was exactly like the other three. Zero resume, sketchy background. No criticism or questions allowed, or you were racist, sexist, fill in the blank.

Exhibit B:
The stolen 2020 election, the fake Mueller hearings, Hillary’s criminal actions preceding the 2016 election, the J6 circus For all four, the media demands you ignore your lying eyes and accept their account. No dispute or discussion allowed or you are pilloried, made an outcast, even charged with treason.

Question: WHEN did the media begin to think it could sell ANY story, no matter how preposterous, to the gullible left-center public? Answer: 2003. I was there when it was all hatched. I had a front row seat, though I didn’t know it then.

It was April, 2003, and I was at ground zero. I was trolling a brand new forum, created for angry Democrats by a plugged-in leftwing operative, and visited by bottom feeders and power brokers alike. One particular chatter received deferential treatment, and reported on the goings-on of DNC planners. He was an insider. On this April day, he reported having attended a power-broker meeting in a New York City apartment, where the 2004 presidential election strategy was revealed.

Recall George W Bush had just invaded Iraq a month earlier. America was with him. His job approval was 71%. But this group’s plan was to portray Bush as a bumbler in an unwinnable war. I remember telling them they were insane, that they couldn’t touch the hugely popular Bush with such a lie. They also decided to push the notion that WMD had never existed. Remember, at this time, the existence of WMD was widely agreed upon by both parties. In 1998 respected weapons inspector Scott Ritter was expelled from Iraq for apparently getting too warm. Prior to Bush’s invasion, Democrats didn’t want to appear soft on terrorism, so most went along with Bush’s plan of invasion. Hillary went so far as to say her team had independently verified WMD.

Fast forward to 2008, Democrats and their media were wildly successful in fulfilling their plans I overheard in 2003. They were right and I was wrong. They managed to crater Bush’s approval numbers for the 2004 election, but not enough to beat him, but by 2008 got them down to the 20s, and painted him as incompetent on the war. They sold the lie of WMD as fact so successfully, even Bush went along with it. This was the left’s Aha Moment. It showed them if they could push any lie long enough and hard enough through their media, the dimwitted public would buy it. Their success against Bush proved to them they could put up their ideal Marxist, completely whitewash his radical history, ostracize all critics as racist, and get away with it. They have been doing it ever since. But 2003 was when it started.

Current list of leftwing lies their media is peddling hard:

1. Most people are crazy about killing their babies in the womb.
2. Men can have babies.
3. Sea levels will rise 10 feet unless we spend billions of dollars
4. People hate their gasoline-powered cars.
5. AIDS and Monkeypox have nothing to do with gay sex.
6. Biden actually got 81 million votes despite not knowing where he is or how to dress himself.
7. 100% of Americans hate President Trump.
8. January 6 was actually about the takeover of the government and installation of a new one.
9. The most dangerous violent threat to America is the middle-aged white Christian male.
10. BLM and Antifa are non-violent patriots.
11. Men who imagine they are women are really women. Ditto women to men.
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Huh, sounds a lot like the "Big Lie" doesn't it......And who coined that?

Oh yeah, this fascist guy.


Big lie - Wikipedia

Exhibit A:
David Hogg, Greta Thuneberg, and AOC. What do they have in common? All are media creations without achievements, presented by the leftwing media as experts. But before them there was Barack 0bama. And in 2008, he was exactly like the other three. Zero resume, sketchy background. No criticism or questions allowed, or you were racist, sexist, fill in the blank.

Exhibit B:
The stolen 2020 election, the fake Mueller hearings, Hillary’s criminal actions preceding the 2016 election, the J6 circus For all four, the media demands you ignore your lying eyes and accept their account. No dispute or discussion allowed or you are pilloried, made an outcast, even charged with treason.

Question: WHEN did the media begin to think it could sell ANY story, no matter how preposterous, to the gullible left-center public? Answer: 2003. I was there when it was all hatched. I had a front row seat, though I didn’t know it then.

It was April, 2003, and I was at ground zero. I was trolling a brand new forum, created for angry Democrats by a plugged-in leftwing operative, and visited by bottom feeders and power brokers alike. One particular chatter received deferential treatment, and reported on the goings-on of DNC planners. He was an insider. On this April day, he reported having attended a power-broker meeting in a New York City apartment, where the 2004 presidential election strategy was revealed.

Recall George W Bush had just invaded Iraq a month earlier. America was with him. His job approval was 71%. But this group’s plan was to portray Bush as a bumbler in an unwinnable war. I remember telling them they were insane, that they couldn’t touch the hugely popular Bush with such a lie. They also decided to push the notion that WMD had never existed. Remember, at this time, the existence of WMD was widely agreed upon by both parties. In 1998 respected weapons inspector Scott Ritter was expelled from Iraq for apparently getting too warm. Prior to Bush’s invasion, Democrats didn’t want to appear soft on terrorism, so most went along with Bush’s plan of invasion. Hillary went so far as to say her team had independently verified WMD.

Fast forward to 2008, Democrats and their media were wildly successful in fulfilling their plans I overheard in 2003. They were right and I was wrong. They managed to crater Bush’s approval numbers for the 2004 election, but not enough to beat him, but by 2008 got them down to the 20s, and painted him as incompetent on the war. They sold the lie of WMD as fact so successfully, even Bush went along with it. This was the left’s Aha Moment. It showed them if they could push any lie long enough and hard enough through their media, the dimwitted public would buy it. Their success against Bush proved to them they could put up their ideal Marxist, completely whitewash his radical history, ostracize all critics as racist, and get away with it. They have been doing it ever since. But 2003 was when it started, and I was there.
Wow, that is hell-of-a stupid. There were no WMD's in Iraq. I mean where are they? You want to make the claim that they had them and yet we haven't uncovered them? Seriously, do you not think before you post? I remember hearing about a survey, something like 90% of NPR listeners knew there were no WMD's in Iraq, about that same percentage of FOX news viewers thought they were.

And then there is that whole stolen election bullshit. Look, I am going to break the news to you, not everyone is as dimwitted as you. No president, EVER, FAWKING EVER, was reelected with Trump's approval ratings. Hell, Carter's were higher and he lost in a landslide. I mean the whole stolen election claim is the very definition of STUPID. I know it is hard to understand that many people are not as stupid, don't have their head so far up their ass, don't spend all their time watching FOX news
Wow, that is hell-of-a stupid. There were no WMD's in Iraq. I mean where are they? You want to make the claim that they had them and yet we haven't uncovered them? Seriously, do you not think before you post? I remember hearing about a survey, something like 90% of NPR listeners knew there were no WMD's in Iraq, about that same percentage of FOX news viewers thought they were.

And then there is that whole stolen election bullshit. Look, I am going to break the news to you, not everyone is as dimwitted as you. No president, EVER, FAWKING EVER, was reelected with Trump's approval ratings. Hell, Carter's were higher and he lost in a landslide. I mean the whole stolen election claim is the very definition of STUPID. I know it is hard to understand that many people are not as stupid, don't have their head so far up their ass, don't spend all their time watching FOX news
Nice try Big Lie.
Exhibit A:
David Hogg, Greta Thuneberg, and AOC. What do they have in common? All are media creations without achievements, presented by the leftwing media as experts. But before them there was Barack 0bama. And in 2008, he was exactly like the other three. Zero resume, sketchy background. No criticism or questions allowed, or you were racist, sexist, fill in the blank.

Exhibit B:
The stolen 2020 election, the fake Mueller hearings, Hillary’s criminal actions preceding the 2016 election, the J6 circus For all four, the media demands you ignore your lying eyes and accept their account. No dispute or discussion allowed or you are pilloried, made an outcast, even charged with treason.

Question: WHEN did the media begin to think it could sell ANY story, no matter how preposterous, to the gullible left-center public? Answer: 2003. I was there when it was all hatched. I had a front row seat, though I didn’t know it then.

It was April, 2003, and I was at ground zero. I was trolling a brand new forum, created for angry Democrats by a plugged-in leftwing operative, and visited by bottom feeders and power brokers alike. One particular chatter received deferential treatment, and reported on the goings-on of DNC planners. He was an insider. On this April day, he reported having attended a power-broker meeting in a New York City apartment, where the 2004 presidential election strategy was revealed.

Recall George W Bush had just invaded Iraq a month earlier. America was with him. His job approval was 71%. But this group’s plan was to portray Bush as a bumbler in an unwinnable war. I remember telling them they were insane, that they couldn’t touch the hugely popular Bush with such a lie. They also decided to push the notion that WMD had never existed. Remember, at this time, the existence of WMD was widely agreed upon by both parties. In 1998 respected weapons inspector Scott Ritter was expelled from Iraq for apparently getting too warm. Prior to Bush’s invasion, Democrats didn’t want to appear soft on terrorism, so most went along with Bush’s plan of invasion. Hillary went so far as to say her team had independently verified WMD.

Fast forward to 2008, Democrats and their media were wildly successful in fulfilling their plans I overheard in 2003. They were right and I was wrong. They managed to crater Bush’s approval numbers for the 2004 election, but not enough to beat him, but by 2008 got them down to the 20s, and painted him as incompetent on the war. They sold the lie of WMD as fact so successfully, even Bush went along with it. This was the left’s Aha Moment. It showed them if they could push any lie long enough and hard enough through their media, the dimwitted public would buy it. Their success against Bush proved to them they could put up their ideal Marxist, completely whitewash his radical history, ostracize all critics as racist, and get away with it. They have been doing it ever since. But 2003 was when it started.

Current list of leftwing lies their media is peddling hard:

1. Most people are crazy about killing their babies in the womb.
2. Men can have babies.
3. Sea levels will rise 10 feet unless we spend billions of dollars
4. People hate their gasoline-powered cars.
5. AIDS and Monkeypox have nothing to do with gay sex.
6. Biden actually got 81 million votes despite not knowing where he is or how to dress himself.
7. 100% of Americans hate President Trump.
8. January 6 was actually about the takeover of the government and installation of a new one.
9. The most dangerous violent threat to America is the middle-aged white Christian male.
10. BLM and Antifa are non-violent patriots.
11. Men who imagine they are women are really women. Ditto women to men.
what's the men-can-have-babies thing?

the ones pushing that are obviously on hardcore drugs...

or did they find a way to insert a womb into a dude.. and i never heard about it? :uhoh3:
Russian Collusion was a complete fantasy conjured up by some Leftist toads. How many years and millions of tax dollars did we waste on that load of shit? Then Schiff's mystery whistlblower who heard someone say something about something that Trump said over the phone. IMPEACHMENT!!!! Team China (formerly known as The Democratic Party) has conditioned us for this idiocy. And that's where we are today boys and girls. Our 6th year of the non-stop shit show.
1. Most people are crazy about killing their babies in the womb.
2. Men can have babies.
3. Sea levels will rise 10 feet unless we spend billions of dollars
4. People hate their gasoline-powered cars.
5. AIDS and Monkeypox have nothing to do with gay sex.
6. Biden actually got 81 million votes despite not knowing where he is or how to dress himself.
7. 100% of Americans hate President Trump.
8. January 6 was actually about the takeover of the government and installation of a new one.
9. The most dangerous violent threat to America is the middle-aged white Christian male.
10. BLM and Antifa are non-violent patriots.
11. Men who imagine they are women are really women. Ditto women to men.
A typical, pathetic attempt at sheep hood.
All you have is RW lies.

You need new wool.
Trump cultists, do you understand just how off-the-rails you all sound to normal people?

You probably don't. Being that you're such bitter and unpleasant people, nobody wants to be around you in the real world. Thus, there's no one around to tell you what whiny sore-losers you all sound like. You spend your days in kook-loser SafeSpaces, egging each other on to ever-greater heights of kook-loserdom.

And that's why I have to come and stage these interventions. Y'all aren't right in the head.

Anways, I loved reading the OP telling us he was in on the secret cabal meeting that planned it all. And instead of telling him to seek mental help for his delusions, the other Trump cultists all agreed with him. Trump cultists aren't right in the head.
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Wow, that is hell-of-a stupid. There were no WMD's in Iraq. I mean where are they? You want to make the claim that they had them and yet we haven't uncovered them? Seriously, do you not think before you post? I remember hearing about a survey, something like 90% of NPR listeners knew there were no WMD's in Iraq, about that same percentage of FOX news viewers thought they were.

And then there is that whole stolen election bullshit. Look, I am going to break the news to you, not everyone is as dimwitted as you. No president, EVER, FAWKING EVER, was reelected with Trump's approval ratings. Hell, Carter's were higher and he lost in a landslide. I mean the whole stolen election claim is the very definition of STUPID. I know it is hard to understand that many people are not as stupid, don't have their head so far up their ass, don't spend all their time watching FOX news
Do you think Saddam suddenly turned Boy Scout and got rid of them between 1998 and 2002 with no incentive to do so? Pretty much everyone thought he had them in the late 1990s.

Trump's JA was 46% on election day. Not much lower than Chimpy's was in 2012.
what's the men-can-have-babies thing?

the ones pushing that are obviously on hardcore drugs...

or did they find a way to insert a womb into a dude.. and i never heard about it? :uhoh3:
Women who claim to be men, of course. The left calls them 'men'.
The most striking thing about 0bama is no one knew him in college. FOX news contacted 400 of his college classmates in 2008, and not a single one remembered him. Zero. The guy was a cypher. He was manufactured by the left to run for president. But the left knew, as they know now, they can sell ANYTHING, no matter how preposterous, to the dimwitted left-of-center populace. These are the people who never ask questions.

Then you take a giant of man like Trump. EVERYBODY knew him at Penn. Just like would be logical of a future president.
Exhibit A:
David Hogg, Greta Thuneberg, and AOC. What do they have in common? All are media creations without achievements, presented by the leftwing media as experts. But before them there was Barack 0bama. And in 2008, he was exactly like the other three. Zero resume, sketchy background. No criticism or questions allowed, or you were racist, sexist, fill in the blank.

Exhibit B:
The stolen 2020 election, the fake Mueller hearings, Hillary’s criminal actions preceding the 2016 election, the J6 circus For all four, the media demands you ignore your lying eyes and accept their account. No dispute or discussion allowed or you are pilloried, made an outcast, even charged with treason.

Question: WHEN did the media begin to think it could sell ANY story, no matter how preposterous, to the gullible left-center public? Answer: 2003. I was there when it was all hatched. I had a front row seat, though I didn’t know it then.

It was April, 2003, and I was at ground zero. I was trolling a brand new forum, created for angry Democrats by a plugged-in leftwing operative, and visited by bottom feeders and power brokers alike. One particular chatter received deferential treatment, and reported on the goings-on of DNC planners. He was an insider. On this April day, he reported having attended a power-broker meeting in a New York City apartment, where the 2004 presidential election strategy was revealed.

Recall George W Bush had just invaded Iraq a month earlier. America was with him. His job approval was 71%. But this group’s plan was to portray Bush as a bumbler in an unwinnable war. I remember telling them they were insane, that they couldn’t touch the hugely popular Bush with such a lie. They also decided to push the notion that WMD had never existed. Remember, at this time, the existence of WMD was widely agreed upon by both parties. In 1998 respected weapons inspector Scott Ritter was expelled from Iraq for apparently getting too warm. Prior to Bush’s invasion, Democrats didn’t want to appear soft on terrorism, so most went along with Bush’s plan of invasion. Hillary went so far as to say her team had independently verified WMD.

Fast forward to 2008, Democrats and their media were wildly successful in fulfilling their plans I overheard in 2003. They were right and I was wrong. They managed to crater Bush’s approval numbers for the 2004 election, but not enough to beat him, but by 2008 got them down to the 20s, and painted him as incompetent on the war. They sold the lie of WMD as fact so successfully, even Bush went along with it. This was the left’s Aha Moment. It showed them if they could push any lie long enough and hard enough through their media, the dimwitted public would buy it. Their success against Bush proved to them they could put up their ideal Marxist, completely whitewash his radical history, ostracize all critics as racist, and get away with it. They have been doing it ever since. But 2003 was when it started.

Current list of leftwing lies their media is peddling hard:

1. Most people are crazy about killing their babies in the womb.
2. Men can have babies.
3. Sea levels will rise 10 feet unless we spend billions of dollars
4. People hate their gasoline-powered cars.
5. AIDS and Monkeypox have nothing to do with gay sex.
6. Biden actually got 81 million votes despite not knowing where he is or how to dress himself.
7. 100% of Americans hate President Trump.
8. January 6 was actually about the takeover of the government and installation of a new one.
9. The most dangerous violent threat to America is the middle-aged white Christian male.
10. BLM and Antifa are non-violent patriots.
11. Men who imagine they are women are really women. Ditto women to men.

Nobody who knew anything about the Middle East or Iraq or the oil business supported the invasion of Iraq. Diplomats, Arabs, oilmen, expats and historians knew it was a stupid, disastrous blunder. Most of the military brass opposed the invasion. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.
The most striking thing about 0bama is no one knew him in college. FOX news contacted 400 of his college classmates in 2008, and not a single one remembered him. Zero. The guy was a cypher. He was manufactured by the left to run for president. But the left knew, as they know now, they can sell ANYTHING, no matter how preposterous, to the dimwitted left-of-center populace. These are the people who never ask questions.

Then you take a giant of man like Trump. EVERYBODY knew him at Penn. Just like would be logical of a future president.

Nope. Trump never went to class. He tooled around in his father's chauffeur driven Cadillac making the scene until he was 40.

Obama was head of the Harvard Law Review... My father went to Harvard for his MBA.
The most striking thing about 0bama is no one knew him in college. FOX news contacted 400 of his college classmates in 2008, and not a single one remembered him. Zero. The guy was a cypher. He was manufactured by the left to run for president. But the left knew, as they know now, they can sell ANYTHING, no matter how preposterous, to the dimwitted left-of-center populace. These are the people who never ask questions.

Then you take a giant of man like Trump. EVERYBODY knew him at Penn. Just like would be logical of a future president.
Can't find a single scrap of his writing, from when was the alleged editor of the Harvard Law Review, either.
Hogg is an ignorant, petulant buffoon...Little wonder a co-buffoon like you venerates him.

You mean Bush's invasion of Iraq? God, that was stupid, but Clean Break Strategy demanded it and the British were selling it with Operation Mass Appeal by 1998. Dubya just wanted to be liked and avenge his daddy.

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