When Democrats fuck up, they end up moving up. Andrew Cuomo and the 2007 housing debacle.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Here's what really caused the housing crisis - CBS News
“Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
If you want to fuck something up really bad, just appoint a Democrat to run it. Thanks to Andy he was the guy behind the housing market crash of 2007, and you progs loved him so much, you made him Goobenor of New York. Now that he has fucked over those 10s of thousands of elderly, you want to get rid of him because of his Prog Master touchy feely with women. Bet he will be the Democrat Presidential Nominee in a few years, because Progs have a mentally retainability of a gnat.....
Cuomo is not only incompetent, he's also a Hunter Biden quality pervert. But he's a NY Cuomo. WTF else would you expect?

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