When Considering a Move To Another City, Do You Check The Race of the Mayor and Police Chief


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
It seems like a common sense approach. If the city or town has a black/brown mayor and police chief, rest assured violent crime is that of a typical black/brown country.
No. I look at crime statistics, expense of living, size of the town (I like small ones). Color means nothing to me unless it is mainly touted as Black. Then I refrain. They don't like whites, lol. "There goes the neighborhood", but in reverse.
You can get a pretty good feel for any town/city/burg at City-Data.com.
I check cost of living, average wage, housing, crime rate. The race of a mayor or any elected official plays no part.
Small Town. Wooded. No farm land. With all the chemicals farm land is unsafe. Cooler temps and must have a long winter. Cost of living,. Makeup of population, politics of area does not factor in whatsoever.
Actually, many Caucasian-majority cities have a non-Caucasian mayor and or police chief.

For example, back in the old days here in Los Angeles, the city was still predominately Caucasian, but the people elected an African American mayor who served for 20 years.
They wanted to prove how unprejudiced they were. His name was Tom Bradley, a retired cop.

He was considered a moderate, so the voters felt that they could trust him. He ran for governor of California, but he lost even though the polls said he would win. Experts say that people who were polled simply chose Mr. Bradley because they wanted to prove how liberal they were but changed their minds inside the voting booth.

New York City has a terrible mayor who is Caucasian, but the city is rife with non-stop violent crime.

So if one is seeking a city where the crime rate is low, one should not judge it by the ethnicity of the mayor or police chief.
I don't know about that. The tremendous city of Youngstown doesn't seem any more crime ridden now under Mayor Brown than when it was ruled by Honky mayors.

The key is whether a city is ruled by leftists. Portland and Minneapolis have gone to heck in a handbasket with liberal whites in office.

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