When Are We Going To Finally Admit That Blacks Are The Problem??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
In Germany’s extermination program for black Africans, a template for the Holocaust


When are we going to admit that blacks are the number 1 problem in America and the main thing that is keeping America from being great --- to put it simply, if we eliminate the blacks, America will automatically be great. As Trump so eloquently explained, over 90% of all violent crime is committed by blacks-- if we eliminate blacks, the crime rate becomes nearly non-existent; gun crimes becomes non-existent, mass shootings become virtually non-existent since most mass shooters are only motivated by fear of blacks.

So when are we going to get serious and do what needs to be done about the blacks?? A possible solution may feel uncomfortable, but realize that we are dealing with subhuman animals -- so playing nice isn't an option. Germany had it right when they practiced Lebersraum -- which is the mandate to achieve a living space for the white race when your country becomes overcrowded -- basically ethno-nationalism.

In the late 1800's, Germans were dealing with a population boom which lead to rampant poverty (but not the evil kind of poverty that blacks have) -- large numbers of Germans were homeless and sleeping in the streets, almost 2 million Germans came to the US for better opportunity. The German government decided to focus on Africa which was already being colonized and made better by other great European nations -- In the part of Africa that Germany occupied lived over 80,000 blacks -- some of these blacks had the audacity to resist their occupation -- causing one German official to write "To secure the peaceful white settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may be necessary" --- by the time the shooting stopped, less than 20,000 blacks remained and if it wasn't for European liberals, things would have been much better off for all whites around the globe.

We may not need to adopt the German model because that would not play well globally, but there are things we can do to eradicate the bad culturally inept predatory blacks and hopefully only the docile and appropriate blacks will remain -- blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.
I guess it's similar to the refusal to recognize, internationally, that ISLAM is the problem.

Most of the violent crime in this country is attributable to SIX PERCENT (6%) of the population: Black males.

While it is true that the majority of Black males are law-abiding, it is folly to set public policy on the assumption that Black males are no more likely to be involved in criminal activity than anyone else. Just as it is folly to assume - in airport security lines - that Muslim males are no more likely to be terrorists than anyone else.

The problem is that as a matter of public policy, we cannot make life any more difficult for the INNOCENT and HARMLESS members of the subject group, just because they are members of the subject group.

I grew up as the youngest of four boys, three of whom were constantly in trouble in school. Low grades, disciplinary problems, the whole bit. So every time I went into a classroom for the first time I was identified as one of the trouble-makers, put in the back of the classroom, and basically told to shut up. The teachers were not stupid.

And every year, after a few months, the teacher would move me to the appropriate place and get off my back. It's no fun being considered a bad person because of things that other people have done.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #INTRA_RACIAL_HATE_DISCRIMINATION #MentalHealth #Solutions

blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.

Denounce INTRA-Racial Discrimination, Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.jpg

Data indicates a majority of black Americans kids are being raised by single mothers who in America's large SEGREGATION-MINDED, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community, are viewed as QUEENS.

Sadly, according to Child Abuse data, PRO BLACK QUEENS are abusing and maltreating our Nation's children at rates higher than other populations of Americans.

Jazelle Hunt, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris.png

Stacey Patton, Colin Kaepernick NO HATE.png

Frankly, it's time to LOUDLY CRITICIZE a huge population of QUEENS and demand they begin respecting and loving their children, instead of raising and nurturing HATEFUL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.

_sandra bland MY QUESTION.jpg

Sharing her PAIN, the late Social Activist & Integrationist Ms. Sandra Bland passionately pleads w/ America's INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK community to END TERRORISM & THUGLIFE CHILD ABUSE!

Sandra Bland, Let's Go To WAR

"I have a question for black females, when is the last time you sat down, admitted you were wrong, and closed your mouth?" ~Concerned Citizen

"Black women are destroying themselves & black men are tired"

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL #PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou - 411,086 views

Introducing caring, RESPONSIBLE 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, Founder & CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

"Dr. Nadine Burke Harris - How early childhood experiences affect children’s future"

Dr Nadine Burke Harris | Founder & CEO Center for Youth Wellness |

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
In Germany’s extermination program for black Africans, a template for the Holocaust

View attachment 279667

When are we going to admit that blacks are the number 1 problem in America and the main thing that is keeping America from being great --- to put it simply, if we eliminate the blacks, America will automatically be great. As Trump so eloquently explained, over 90% of all violent crime is committed by blacks-- if we eliminate blacks, the crime rate becomes nearly non-existent; gun crimes becomes non-existent, mass shootings become virtually non-existent since most mass shooters are only motivated by fear of blacks.

So when are we going to get serious and do what needs to be done about the blacks?? A possible solution may feel uncomfortable, but realize that we are dealing with subhuman animals -- so playing nice isn't an option. Germany had it right when they practiced Lebersraum -- which is the mandate to achieve a living space for the white race when your country becomes overcrowded -- basically ethno-nationalism.

In the late 1800's, Germans were dealing with a population boom which lead to rampant poverty (but not the evil kind of poverty that blacks have) -- large numbers of Germans were homeless and sleeping in the streets, almost 2 million Germans came to the US for better opportunity. The German government decided to focus on Africa which was already being colonized and made better by other great European nations -- In the part of Africa that Germany occupied lived over 80,000 blacks -- some of these blacks had the audacity to resist their occupation -- causing one German official to write "To secure the peaceful white settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may be necessary" --- by the time the shooting stopped, less than 20,000 blacks remained and if it wasn't for European liberals, things would have been much better off for all whites around the globe.

We may not need to adopt the German model because that would not play well globally, but there are things we can do to eradicate the bad culturally inept predatory blacks and hopefully only the docile and appropriate blacks will remain -- blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.

It's kinda funny, not funny haha but funny strange that the whites brought the black slaves here against their will, across an ocean, subjected the blacks to being slaves, eventually the blacks were freed but were still shit on by society for the next 100 years, and some how blacks are the problem?

That is pretty fucking rich bro' ................. maybe you should try another thread topic, next time ...........
In Germany’s extermination program for black Africans, a template for the Holocaust

View attachment 279667

When are we going to admit that blacks are the number 1 problem in America and the main thing that is keeping America from being great --- to put it simply, if we eliminate the blacks, America will automatically be great. As Trump so eloquently explained, over 90% of all violent crime is committed by blacks-- if we eliminate blacks, the crime rate becomes nearly non-existent; gun crimes becomes non-existent, mass shootings become virtually non-existent since most mass shooters are only motivated by fear of blacks.

So when are we going to get serious and do what needs to be done about the blacks?? A possible solution may feel uncomfortable, but realize that we are dealing with subhuman animals -- so playing nice isn't an option. Germany had it right when they practiced Lebersraum -- which is the mandate to achieve a living space for the white race when your country becomes overcrowded -- basically ethno-nationalism.

In the late 1800's, Germans were dealing with a population boom which lead to rampant poverty (but not the evil kind of poverty that blacks have) -- large numbers of Germans were homeless and sleeping in the streets, almost 2 million Germans came to the US for better opportunity. The German government decided to focus on Africa which was already being colonized and made better by other great European nations -- In the part of Africa that Germany occupied lived over 80,000 blacks -- some of these blacks had the audacity to resist their occupation -- causing one German official to write "To secure the peaceful white settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may be necessary" --- by the time the shooting stopped, less than 20,000 blacks remained and if it wasn't for European liberals, things would have been much better off for all whites around the globe.

We may not need to adopt the German model because that would not play well globally, but there are things we can do to eradicate the bad culturally inept predatory blacks and hopefully only the docile and appropriate blacks will remain -- blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.

It's kinda funny, not funny haha but funny strange that the whites brought the black slaves here against their will, across an ocean, subjected the blacks to being slaves, eventually the blacks were freed but were still shit on by society for the next 100 years, and some how blacks are the problem?

That is pretty fucking rich bro' ................. maybe you should try another thread topic, next time ...........
You may be right but you have made a crusade out of this. I am not your judge, jury and executioner. I have seen and experienced to many people like that in my life. There is crap in my family. You just have to admit there is crap in yours. That would be a start.
In Germany’s extermination program for black Africans, a template for the Holocaust

View attachment 279667

When are we going to admit that blacks are the number 1 problem in America and the main thing that is keeping America from being great --- to put it simply, if we eliminate the blacks, America will automatically be great. As Trump so eloquently explained, over 90% of all violent crime is committed by blacks-- if we eliminate blacks, the crime rate becomes nearly non-existent; gun crimes becomes non-existent, mass shootings become virtually non-existent since most mass shooters are only motivated by fear of blacks.

So when are we going to get serious and do what needs to be done about the blacks?? A possible solution may feel uncomfortable, but realize that we are dealing with subhuman animals -- so playing nice isn't an option. Germany had it right when they practiced Lebersraum -- which is the mandate to achieve a living space for the white race when your country becomes overcrowded -- basically ethno-nationalism.

In the late 1800's, Germans were dealing with a population boom which lead to rampant poverty (but not the evil kind of poverty that blacks have) -- large numbers of Germans were homeless and sleeping in the streets, almost 2 million Germans came to the US for better opportunity. The German government decided to focus on Africa which was already being colonized and made better by other great European nations -- In the part of Africa that Germany occupied lived over 80,000 blacks -- some of these blacks had the audacity to resist their occupation -- causing one German official to write "To secure the peaceful white settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may be necessary" --- by the time the shooting stopped, less than 20,000 blacks remained and if it wasn't for European liberals, things would have been much better off for all whites around the globe.

We may not need to adopt the German model because that would not play well globally, but there are things we can do to eradicate the bad culturally inept predatory blacks and hopefully only the docile and appropriate blacks will remain -- blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.
Probably never. You idiots are dying off at a furious pace, so your political power is virtually nil.
In Germany’s extermination program for black Africans, a template for the Holocaust

View attachment 279667

When are we going to admit that blacks are the number 1 problem in America and the main thing that is keeping America from being great --- to put it simply, if we eliminate the blacks, America will automatically be great. As Trump so eloquently explained, over 90% of all violent crime is committed by blacks-- if we eliminate blacks, the crime rate becomes nearly non-existent; gun crimes becomes non-existent, mass shootings become virtually non-existent since most mass shooters are only motivated by fear of blacks.

So when are we going to get serious and do what needs to be done about the blacks?? A possible solution may feel uncomfortable, but realize that we are dealing with subhuman animals -- so playing nice isn't an option. Germany had it right when they practiced Lebersraum -- which is the mandate to achieve a living space for the white race when your country becomes overcrowded -- basically ethno-nationalism.

In the late 1800's, Germans were dealing with a population boom which lead to rampant poverty (but not the evil kind of poverty that blacks have) -- large numbers of Germans were homeless and sleeping in the streets, almost 2 million Germans came to the US for better opportunity. The German government decided to focus on Africa which was already being colonized and made better by other great European nations -- In the part of Africa that Germany occupied lived over 80,000 blacks -- some of these blacks had the audacity to resist their occupation -- causing one German official to write "To secure the peaceful white settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may be necessary" --- by the time the shooting stopped, less than 20,000 blacks remained and if it wasn't for European liberals, things would have been much better off for all whites around the globe.

We may not need to adopt the German model because that would not play well globally, but there are things we can do to eradicate the bad culturally inept predatory blacks and hopefully only the docile and appropriate blacks will remain -- blacks like Candace Owens are the key to our survival, since we know we can't get rid of them all, at least we can uplift and support the good blacks who know their place. Conservative blacks need to go to war with these other blacks and prove their loyalty and save their country.
Probably never. You idiots are dying off at a furious pace, so your political power is virtually nil.

^^^^^^^ deserving List member Caught by Satire. Smh
I guess it's similar to the refusal to recognize, internationally, that ISLAM is the problem.

Most of the violent crime in this country is attributable to SIX PERCENT (6%) of the population: Black males.

While it is true that the majority of Black males are law-abiding, it is folly to set public policy on the assumption that Black males are no more likely to be involved in criminal activity than anyone else. Just as it is folly to assume - in airport security lines - that Muslim males are no more likely to be terrorists than anyone else.

The problem is that as a matter of public policy, we cannot make life any more difficult for the INNOCENT and HARMLESS members of the subject group, just because they are members of the subject group.

I grew up as the youngest of four boys, three of whom were constantly in trouble in school. Low grades, disciplinary problems, the whole bit. So every time I went into a classroom for the first time I was identified as one of the trouble-makers, put in the back of the classroom, and basically told to shut up. The teachers were not stupid.

And every year, after a few months, the teacher would move me to the appropriate place and get off my back. It's no fun being considered a bad person because of things that other people have done.

No, most violent crime is committed by white men. The UCR shows this on a annual basis.
If democrats continue to vote democrat and blame me for their issues it’s time for republican protection to end

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