Zone1 When are the fucking coward maudes going to own their "?" actions?

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So, what was your former username, but you changed it to try to distance yourself from the embarrassing nature of your insipid body of work, here?
I changed it on a whim, and when I tried to change it back to my original, the powers that be would not let me, they "changed the rules" about a month after I changed my username. I did not start a thread complaining about it, even though I'm still pissed off about it.

If I were a Trumpist, there would have been no problem with changing my username back to odanny.
I have other mods rubbing it in when they mod me, mentioning their favorite posters by pet names, flat out lying, and making their political agenda and their modding inseparable.

Aye does none of that and is very even handed and respectful, even when modding against me.

Look, I never asked to be the Mods' favorite, it just happened without my knowledge or input. I apologize for whatever injustices have been visited upon you...

A thread calling out capricious maude wankery degenerates into a discussion about higher mathematics.

Can this be spun off into a thread of its own?..We all might actually learn something of value!

Where's my man westwall ?....Let's do math! :banana:
I feel your pain as once a thread is derailed from its topic--I confess I was inadvertently part of that and apologize--it's really hard to get it back on track.

But I have a hard time coming down on the mods despite their 'exorbitant salaries' for doing this. I used to have some unhappy experiences with a very few who were not well suited for their jobs but those are no longer here. I have strongly disagreed with rulings of one or two now--I hate hate HATE when they silence one of my threads by moving it out of the forum I put it in and never agree with those decisions :)--but have had mostly good experiences and no serious issues.
I do, I audited several forums when I was leaving my last place, his moderation, along with several others, was a deciding factor to join here.


MisterBeale, under the new rules that only 4 of us use, I have been selected to keep an eye on you for the first shift. surveillance will be as required. ;)
Either own your actions face-to-face or resign, you craven fucking cowards.
I don't think I ever responded directly to this, but if they do it all in secret. It isn't so obvious that you are being stalked. They all know damn full well that it is happening, so support the stalker doing it incognito.
Either own your actions face-to-face or resign, you craven fucking cowards.
Okay, what did I do this time?
I wake up every morning thinking to myself, "I try, I try real hard, I got it this time."
Then after that second cup of coffee it all goes to shit. I ask myself, " WTF just happened"?
Okay, what did I do this time?
I wake up every morning thinking to myself, "I try, I try real hard, I got it this time."
Then after that second cup of coffee it all goes to shit. I ask myself, " WTF just happened"?
It's clear that you put the lime in the coconut but neglected to drink 'em bot up.
At least Dont Taz Me Bro had the balls to issue a veiled threat via PM to my face, about a year ago.....He's an only slightly bigger man than you two fucking losers.

I love drama like this. Shows how much you love this place when you tolerate all the abuse that the USMB rules impose on you.

Only way to make sense of this is to find the one or two mods YOU think aren't corrupt petty tyrants and run the list of personal offenses by them in PMessage.

UNLESS you want to stunt the rant and publicly provide more details.
No nightmare, reality.

You work among a den of cowards, who won't put their names to the actions they take....Everyone sees it every day.

We put our names on every WARNING that's issued and EVERY action where there's a box to identify ourselves. Problem is -- MOST Of the alerts for post deletions, moves and merges -- DONT HAVE a mod identity option. If they were THERE -- we would require the use of them.

And because 80% or more of BANS issued are automated by counting points and issued by THE SYSTEM. Most of the time, a particular mod doesn't look at the warning record to SEE if they've accumulated "active points" and seeing the ban get assessed surprises us more than it should surprise the RECIPIENT of the ban who's accumulated too many points in too little time.

We've TRIED to get changes to stake some personal accountability -- but the options to MODIFY or write scripts for the Xenforo platform are very limited compared to previous S/Ware that USMB has used.

But -- ANY MOD can review ANY ACTION. Even the actions YOU TOOK as a mod on staff back in the Eisenhower era. :auiqs.jpg:
We put our names on every WARNING that's issued and EVERY action where there's a box to identify ourselves. Problem is -- MOST Of the alerts for post deletions, moves and merges -- DONT HAVE a mod identity option. If they were THERE -- we would require the use of them.

And because 80% or more of BANS issued are automated by counting points and issued by THE SYSTEM. Most of the time, a particular mod doesn't look at the warning record to SEE if they've accumulated "active points" and seeing the ban get assessed surprises us more than it should surprise the RECIPIENT of the ban who's accumulated too many points in too little time.

We've TRIED to get changes to stake some personal accountability -- but the options to MODIFY or write scripts for the Xenforo platform are very limited compared to previous S/Ware that USMB has used.

But -- ANY MOD can review ANY ACTION. Even the actions YOU TOOK as a mod on staff back in the Eisenhower era. :auiqs.jpg:
Meh. He has a point. I see the “?” as a symbol of modulator evasion. If you believe you “need” to impose some mod action, why not own it? It’s your job. You’re making the call. Own it.

What is the "?" business? I'm not aware of it. But I DID just tell you that most of the actions that Xenforo allow us to take DONT HAVE the means to identify ourselves, It's POSSIBLE the 39 posts I deleted "WITH AN ALERT" to posters inboxes ARRIVE with a question mark. But there is no dialog box that allows us to PERSONALIZE every one of those alerts. They hardly give us enough characters in the message box to EXPLAIN the REASON for the alert.
What is the "?" business? I'm not aware of it. But I DID just tell you that most of the actions that Xenforo allow us to take DONT HAVE the means to identify ourselves, It's POSSIBLE the 39 posts I deleted "WITH AN ALERT" to posters inboxes ARRIVE with a question mark. But there is no dialog box that allows us to PERSONALIZE every one of those alerts. They hardly give us enough characters in the message box to EXPLAIN the REASON for the alert.
The “?”’ Comes with the notification that a post has been deleted or a thread moves. In other words, a mod mad a call but the board doesn’t tell us which mod.

It’s different I the pm stuff. Those come with names.
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