When 2nd Amendment Saves Lives


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA

Employee who killed gunman likely saved lives, police say​

SUPERIOR, Neb. (AP) — An employee who returned fire after a gunman killed two people at a Nebraska grain elevator likely prevented more deaths, a Nebraska State Patrol official said Friday.

The employee, who was not named, retrieved a weapon and shot Max Hoskinson, 61, after Hoskinson began shooting at the Agrex Elevator in Superior, Nebraska, on Thursday. Hoskinson, of Superior, was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Authorities said Hoskinson had been fired earlier Thursday and returned that afternoon with a gun and began shooting in an office area.
The 2A isn't about murdering people. The shithead could have very well killed more before he was stopped.
of course it is not but it is the basis of how the shooter got a gun in the first place as well as the other guy who is the hero. I am assuming they both got their guns legally.

yeah its about forming a militia but it doesn't stop special interest groups to expand its meaning

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
of course it is not but it is the basis of how the shooter got a gun in the first place as well as the other guy who is the hero. I am assuming they both got their guns legally.

yeah its about forming a militia but it doesn't stop special interest groups to expand its meaning

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
FYI the Second Amendment is about "regulating" a militia. Who will "regulate" the militia? That power is given to the "people" and it should not be "infringed".
of course it is not but it is the basis of how the shooter got a gun in the first place as well as the other guy who is the hero. I am assuming they both got their guns legally.

yeah its about forming a militia but it doesn't stop special interest groups to expand its meaning

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

I guess you guys never get tired of that dumb argument.........you only see "militia" and can't see "The Right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The Right to keep and bear arms is the independent clause in that sentence....the militia part is the dependent clause....

You have nothing...
of course it is not but it is the basis of how the shooter got a gun in the first place as well as the other guy who is the hero. I am assuming they both got their guns legally.

yeah its about forming a militia but it doesn't stop special interest groups to expand its meaning

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The shooter got a gun. A- it was illegal brought across the southern border. B-Your government agency ATF allowed the sale of the weapon to the murderer, thus failing once again, to protect, but instead uses this to try to disarm the rest of US.

FYI the Second Amendment is about "regulating" a militia. Who will "regulate" the militia? That power is given to the "people" and it should not be "infringed".

Militia - (in the US) all able-bodied citizens eligible by law to be called on to provide military service supplementary to the regular armed forces.
of course it is not but it is the basis of how the shooter got a gun in the first place as well as the other guy who is the hero. I am assuming they both got their guns legally.

yeah its about forming a militia but it doesn't stop special interest groups to expand its meaning

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Nobody knows if the perpetrator bought the gun legally or not, or if he was even eligible to posses a firearm.
You can be 110% sure the the shotgun was legitimate and legal, in the business where it was used to stop the shooter.

The "militia" referred to in the 2A was not a governmental entity. It was the people. And "well regulated" by the linguistics of that time did not mean "controlled by or operating under the auspices of the government." The term "well regulated" referred to the property of something being in proper working order.

That militia of armed citizens is also necessary to the security of a free State, as the Second Amendment states. Free states are not only threatened by outside sources of tyranny, but domestic tyranny as well: Criminals, robbers, thieves, or murderers. And like the amendment reads, the right of armed citizens to protect their security from such tyranny shall not be infringed.
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Militia - (in the US) all able-bodied citizens eligible by law to be called on to provide military service supplementary to the regular armed forces.

That was defined by the supreme court, and is is entered in the U.S. Military Code. Not the Constitution.

The US Constitution does provide for a Navy, provides for calling forth the militia to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions, and provides for organizing, arming, and training the militia.

Sadly, the government has so far neglected to arm me, so I took it upon myself.
The reason the lunatic was armed in the first place was the Second Amendment.

It's a wash, IMO

Right. So you also believe all those black drug dealers, robbers, carjackers, and murderers in Chicago got their guns because of the Second Amendment, right? The NRA probably helped to, eh?
Well since the other guy had a gun also then it can also be said the 2nd amendment also cost a couple of lives and even the shooter's life

True. Howwver bad people always seem to be able to get guns. Violent gun crimes are skyrocketing throughout Europe and the UK even though they have strict gun control.

The mass invasion of "refugees" from various third world countries are the cause.

It ain't the tool, it's the people.

At least here in most of the USA you are allowed to shoot back.
True. Howwver bad people always seem to be able to get guns. Violent gun crimes are skyrocketing throughout Europe and the UK even though they have strict gun control.

The mass invasion of "refugees" from various third world countries are the cause.

It ain't the tool, it's the people.

At least here in most of the USA you are allowed to shoot back.
And that is what pisses off the Progressives elites. With our ability to shoot back, the Dems have to burn cities to the ground just to let off steam...
Right. So you also believe all those black drug dealers, robbers, carjackers, and murderers in Chicago got their guns because of the Second Amendment, right? The NRA probably helped to, eh?
The NRA certainly supports individual sales where they can buy all the guns they want without even giving their name, and certainly not a background check.

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