What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Bradley has been out of jail since 2017. Time to move on maybe.

Out millitary has spent a total of 15 million over 5 years on trans stuff (out of about 10 Trillion that is their budget). And you think this little drop of nothing is worth all the political coversation? They probably spend 10 times more overpaing for nail clippers.

The US military budget is less than $800 Billion. Please try again.

Imagine this hysterical cream puff being trusted to guard anything more important than the neighbor's cat.

Wow! I thought the creampuff was the store employee, so full of apologies. Never apologize, never explain! Such a good rule: I would have called that strange creature whatever masculine pronoun or label came up --- it very obviously was no woman, but an aggressive male full of testosterone!! Police clearly needed. Or a gun.

On the other hand, I get that angry lately when they use my first name instead of calling me Mrs.!!!

People want what we want, I guess.
Bradley has been out of jail since 2017. Time to move on maybe.
Oh, I don't know ---------

Bradley Manning the traitor now has a BOOK out, memoirs, I guess, under the "Chelsea" name. It was on the very bottom back of the new book shelves at Barnes and Noble when I went in the other day. They were clearly trying to hide it, which I thought was nice. That creature lives in Maryland now, sadly, and has regular nervous breakdowns, not surprisingly. It tried to run against a sitting senator last election (who totally ignored it and never mentioned the name) but the campaign was interrupted by it going crazy again.
OK thank you for your response but there is a lot being lost in translation here on your end. I had to stop you right exactly where you said “you should get the idea but you don’t”. No sir. This is a serious discussion. Also not all of us are military experts or police experts. Not all of us have been involved in these types of groups so we’re trying to get information here.

Nobody in this conversation should assume that somebody has a viewpoint. Let’s just go by what people say.

Let me say that a few of my poker friends are very strong females. They are conservatives. One is actually married to a woman and she was a prison guard for over 35 years. She’s as tough as it gets she’ll knock the hell out of any man. She’s over 60 years old and I have the deepest respect for her. Because she was able to get a job as a corrections officer and hold onto that job and work at a prison for men…. including Attica one of the toughest correctional facilities around.

When I see a female police officer I say God bless her. I might even want to ask her out because I think that that is very hot very sexy to see a beautiful woman like that.

Thank you for answering the question on women being able to pass a Firemans test. To your point though I do believe that women’s tests to become a fireman is lesser than that of a man’s test this comes from a friend of mine who was a lead arson investigator for a city fire department for quite some time…. some people might not be aware of this.

So for For Democrats to act like evil monsters to turn around and trash people personally has nothing to do with American values it has nothing to do with Christian values. We are living in a different country than we were 100 years ago, 50 years ago even 10 years ago. So we now have LGBT people as part of our society openly. The question is how does society change this dynamic. Now people who don’t care about this just bury their heads in the sand. People who do care including LGBT people they want to learn more. So we can learn more about each other

I do again thank you for the answer the question and I hope that and going forward you could also address the other questions in bold in the original post. And I hope you and every single democrat in this thread can address the following question


Do you think it is proper for a female to take a test that is easier to pass to become a firefighter compared to a male?

Also this is an open question

Are there any trans women or trans men serving as Secret Service agents? We hear Democrat politicians talking all the time about putting black faces into black majority areas to work as construction workers for example like mayor Pete said…. well you had the vice president show up at a rally with a trans gender NFL cheerleader with the Carolina panthers. But how about the very people who protect our government workers. We talk about a more diverse workforce. Has anyone here ever seen a government bodyguard with purple hair with visibly feminine characteristics? Should we have this. Should we demand actually scratch that should Democrats demand that trans people be put in positions as bodyguards of our government employees? Should Democrats demand that our generals and the American military have some percentage of trans women. After all there are all sorts of quotas that if you ask me are ridiculous where colleges have to except a certain number of minorities, forget about accepting the best.

Should we and do we have transgender/LGBT quotas for becoming a Secret Service agent or for becoming a general in the United States Navy?

I will when you stop automatically assuming I am a democrat. I'm not. I can't help it that you and yours have skewered the GOP so far to the right that it no longer resembles the Republican Party of 40 years ago. And here all along, I thought hijacking was illegal.
I would hope that all the Democrats stand with men like Bob Blalock [sic]

If they stood with me, then they wouldn't be Democraps. They might identify with the party, but they could never support some of the batshit crazy and outright evil positions that have become an inseparable part of the Democrapic ideology and platform.
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Kids actually need someone to put their sexuality into context, which is why we have sex education.


How are children supposed to figure out that they are faggots, or trannies, or any other kind of fucked-up sexual deviants, without older pedophiles to plant that shit in their heads and groom them in those directions?
I love doves! What kind?

An ordinary white dove. The second pet bird that my wife and I have ever had. Her name is Misty.

The first was a common brown ringneck dove, that turned up on our doorstep, one cold December night in 2002. She was injured and hungry and very weak. We took her in, and did the best we could think of to try to care for her. An acquaintance of mine, who was an expert on birdwatching, informed me that she was not a variety that was commonly found in the wild, but was commonly kept as a pet. She recovered amazingly well, and was with us, as a pet, for almost seventeen years. We named her Ava. She passed away in October of 2019, about five weeks after I broke my leg.

Misty came from a local Bird Shop. Alas, when Ava passed away, the Bird Shop had a supply shortage of doves, and it took almost a year for them to finally come through with one for me.


The two pictures above are Misty, the picture below is Ava.

Explain to me how trans people are personally impacting your life.

You guys constantly bring it up because you’re obsessed.

I get that you think they’re icky. I‘m not into that either. But what they do doesn’t impact me or bother me. They just have a different lifestyle. Why do they bother you so much that you constantly bring them up?
Can confused people be cajoled into a trans lifestyle?
you're even going after children
The old Nazis claimed the Jews and liberals were going after children, and now the new Nazis are doing it. The fascist ratfuk tactics that you're using aren't anything new. We've seen your kind of evil before. It didn't end well for the evildoers. The original antifascists put a stop to it.

. As soon as it became obvious that you tended to approach that last line, we should have started rounding up your kind and exterminating you.
Violent little fascist pussy, aintcha?

We know were stroking yourself when you wrote that. Dreaming about violence is how you pervs get off.
An ordinary white dove. The second pet bird that my wife and I have ever had. Her name is Misty.

The first was a common brown ringneck dove, that turned up on our doorstep, one cold December night in 2002. She was injured and hungry and very weak. We took her in, and did the best we could think of to try to care for her. An acquaintance of mine, who was an expert on birdwatching, informed me that she was not a variety that was commonly found in the wild, but was commonly kept as a pet. She recovered amazingly well, and was with us, as a pet, for almost seventeen years. We named her Ava. She passed away in October of 2019, about five weeks after I broke my leg.

Misty came from a local Bird Shop. Alas, when Ava passed away, the Bird Shop had a supply shortage of doves, and it took almost a year for them to finally come through with one for me.

View attachment 757445View attachment 757446

The two pictures above are Misty, the picture below is Ava.

View attachment 757447


What an amazing thing it must have been to take in a wounded bird and live with it for so many years!

Our wild doves are Eurasian Collared Doves. I love it when they sit on top of the metal chimney and coo and it almost sounds like they are in the room! They must know not to do that in the wintertime because that chimney is likely to be hot! They only do it in warm weather.

That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?

My thoughts on LGBT marriage is that their marriage doesn’t impact me whatsoever and they should get equal treatment.

Same with trans people. What they do has no impact on me whatsoever. So why the fuck do you care so much?

You’re obsessed with this.
First the left normalized the mental illness of homosexuality.

Now the left is attempting to normalize the mental illness of transgenderism.

We already see the first rumbling of actions to normalize pedophilia...

What these people need is phycological therapy.
We already see the first rumbling of actions to normalize pedophilia...
I've never encountered a "pedo!" screamer who wasn't an absolute garbage human in every way.

The trend continues here.

Think about it. It takes a special kind of scum to lie about people that way. They know they're lying, but the rest of their shit-human pals are lying, so they go along with their fascist herd.
I saw that ad… I remember my younger brother who is a officer in the US Army ….telling me the military would never be getting to get into the kind of “woke” stuff well here we are now.

I remember a time where a lot of really good people were lost to the military due to the don't ask don't tell which really meant, don't let us find out program.
I remember a time where a lot of really good people were lost to the military due to the don't ask don't tell which really meant, don't let us find out program.

Because they couldn't keep their mouths shut or control their genitals?

Not much of a loss.


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