What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

I've never encountered a "pedo!" screamer who wasn't an absolute garbage human in every way.

The trend continues here.

Think about it. It takes a special kind of scum to lie about people that way. They know they're lying, but the rest of their shit-human pals are lying, so they go along with their fascist herd.
You need to get out and meet some real people. Stop believing your favorite hate sites.
That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?


Why not?

How are children supposed to figure out that they are faggots, or trannies, or any other kind of fucked-up sexual deviants, without older pedophiles to plant that shit in their heads and groom them in those directions?

Wow, so you think they have to be told what they are attracted to? Who taught you that you like women?

Oh, wait, you probably figured that out right after you hit puberty.

And the same with gay people.
No one is giving anyone medical treatment without parental input. In fact, of some 600,000 transgender youth, less than 5000 are getting hormone treatment.
That's not true. Cali and Oregon both have laws that kids can transition without parental consent.

In fact, of some 600,000 transgender youth, less than 5000 are getting hormone treatment.

Your numbers are way off too. The Komodo analysis found 121,882 children were diagnosed with gender dysphoria between 2017 and 2021. Of those, 4780 were put on blockers and 14,726 were put on cross sex hormones. These represent huge increases over the past few years. and that would be the lower bound. I have read studies that claim most of the transition medicalization for kids is paid for without insurance. So, the numbers recieving hormone, surgeries etc are likely (quite a bit) higher.

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That's not true. Cali and Oregon both have laws that kids can transition without parental consent.
Okay, so how many cases has that been done in?

Do you have the exact wording of the law?

Your numbers are way off too. The Komodo analysis found 121,882 children were diagnosed with gender dysphoria between 2017 and 2021. Of those, 4780 were put on blockers and 14,726 were put on cross sex hormones. These represent huge increases over the past few years.
That's just one analysis.

Here's another.

None of this context was mentioned by the Times. Something that was mentioned, but downplayed, is how few kids are actually being treated with puberty blockers in the U.S. There are over 25 million youth between the ages of 12 and 17 in this country. The best estimate of how many children are on puberty blockers, according to a recent Reuters investigation, is roughly 5,000. The percentage of U.S. children from 13 to 17 on puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, therefore, calculates to .02 percent. The Times estimates that 300,000 U.S. youth identify as trans. Five thousand is less than 2 percent of those trans-identifying youth. A much, much higher percentage of youth have been on a diet.

So, yeah, 300K instead of 600K, I got that one wrong. But less than 2% of Trans kids are getting puberty blockers. Almost none are getting bottom surgery.
I don't see "feminists" applying in droves to become brick layers. I don't see them applying to work heavy construction or collecting trash in the early morning hours. Does anyone see "feminists" carrying steel and concrete 80 floors up? I don't see them applying in droves to the front lines when the military is in active hostilities. I don't see them working with young boys who are struggling in school, affirming their masculinity and teaching them that society needs them just as they are. I don't see them paying for dates, all their own drinks plus the drinks of men they're interested in. I'll believe they want to be truly respected and treated like men and not women when I see them doing those things.

Why is that, "feminists"? Why do you hate men so much when they do the hard, nasty, dangerous, dirty work that leave them physically broken, heading to an early grave, work you clearly don't want to do? Why don't you appreciate the sacrifices these men make for all of us? You do realize that "toxic masculinity" is what drives men to do this kind of work, right?

See, the problem here is that "feminists" by and large want men to not be men, except when someone needs to go down into a sewer and clean it out, or when a new skyscraper has to be built, or when the bullets start to fly, or when the "feminist" wants to be wooed and pursued and have an expensive night out she doesn't have to pay for. It's a raw deal for men, and one reason why many are saying, "Screw that, I'm out". The thing is, you can't switch it on and off like they apparently want you to do.
I don't see "feminists" applying in droves to become brick layers. I don't see them applying to work heavy construction or collecting trash in the early morning hours. Does anyone see "feminists" carrying steel and concrete 80 floors up? I don't see them applying in droves to the front lines when the military is in active hostilities. I don't see them working with young boys who are struggling in school, affirming their masculinity and teaching them that society needs them just as they are. I don't see them paying for dates, all their own drinks plus the drinks of men they're interested in. I'll believe they want to be truly respected and treated like men and not women when I see them doing those things.

Why is that, "feminists"? Why do you hate men so much when they do the hard, nasty, dangerous, dirty work that leave them physically broken, heading to an early grave, work you clearly don't want to do? Why don't you appreciate the sacrifices these men make for all of us? You do realize that "toxic masculinity" is what drives men to do this kind of work, right?

See, the problem here is that "feminists" by and large want men to not be men, except when someone needs to go down into a sewer and clean it out, or when a new skyscraper has to be built, or when the bullets start to fly, or when the "feminist" wants to be wooed and pursued and have an expensive night out she doesn't have to pay for. It's a raw deal for men, and one reason why many are saying, "Screw that, I'm out". The thing is, you can't switch it on and off like they apparently want you to do.

VERY well said!

In fact, of some 600,000 transgender youth, less than 5000 are getting hormone treatment.
Hmm, have a source on that? Based on what you're saying, there are not all that many teenagers wanting to pretend they are the opposite sex who are willing to really commit to it. Even more reason to not subject girls to having boys who simply announce that they're girls being naked in the locker room with them.
I don't see "feminists" applying in droves to become brick layers. I don't see them applying to work heavy construction or collecting trash in the early morning hours. Does anyone see "feminists" carrying steel and concrete 80 floors up? I don't see them applying in droves to the front lines when the military is in active hostilities. I don't see them working with young boys who are struggling in school, affirming their masculinity and teaching them that society needs them just as they are. I don't see them paying for dates, all their own drinks plus the drinks of men they're interested in. I'll believe they want to be truly respected and treated like men and not women when I see them doing those things.

Why is that, "feminists"? Why do you hate men so much when they do the hard, nasty, dangerous, dirty work that leave them physically broken, heading to an early grave, work you clearly don't want to do? Why don't you appreciate the sacrifices these men make for all of us? You do realize that "toxic masculinity" is what drives men to do this kind of work, right?

See, the problem here is that "feminists" by and large want men to not be men, except when someone needs to go down into a sewer and clean it out, or when a new skyscraper has to be built, or when the bullets start to fly, or when the "feminist" wants to be wooed and pursued and have an expensive night out she doesn't have to pay for. It's a raw deal for men, and one reason why many are saying, "Screw that, I'm out". The thing is, you can't switch it on and off like they apparently want you to do.
Exactly. Show us REAL equality, Democrats...put forward a bill that requires all women to register for the draft.
They can enjoy it to their heart's content.

It just shouldn't be a ticket to college for the stupid ones.

Now, go whine to the Mods, Wet Fart.
Just so we're clear, I've never complained to the Mods about anyone, even morons who Adam Schiff their claims (you know who you are). And why worry about stupid kids going to college? They do it all the time, and normally don't get any benefit out of it. Since you're so eager to present evidence for your wild claims, have you checked the graduation rates for women who go to college on sports scholarships?
First the left normalized the mental illness of homosexuality.
What homosexuals do is not a concern to me. Why do they bother you so much?

Whining about homosexuals isn’t going to make homosexuality disappear. You’re just whining.
Confused people can be cajoled into just about any lifestyle.

Yet you guys only whine about trans people because you’re obsessed with them.
Yes, I am obsessed. I am obsessed with the fact that, 20 years ago there was only one gender clinic in the country, and now there are more than 500. I am also obsessed with the fact that while transgenderism has always been a problem of men and young boys, the problem has exploded among teen girls and young women. I am obsessed with the fact that young people are making permanent changes to their bodies when they don't understand the consequences.

So yeah, you're damned right that I am obsessed.
What homosexuals do is not a concern to me. Why do they bother you so much?

Whining about homosexuals isn’t going to make homosexuality disappear. You’re just whining.
I just told you.

You cannot force a culture to accept a mental illness as normality.

You choose to accept that one mental illness is nothing but a lifestyle.

Will you accept pedophilia as just another lifestyle choice?

How about beastial attraction?

The newest leftist idiocy is fatphobia.

Because it hurts peoples feelings to point out that their lifestyle choice of being almost perfectly spherical is unhealthy and will likely kill them.

And the idiocy will continue to manifest itself for as long as no one speaks up to say the woke leftist emperor of fill-in-the-blank-phobia doesn't have new clothes...it's nothing but mental illness worship.

None of this context was mentioned by the Times. Something that was mentioned, but downplayed, is how few kids are actually being treated with puberty blockers in the U.S. There are over 25 million youth between the ages of 12 and 17 in this country. The best estimate of how many children are on puberty blockers, according to a recent Reuters investigation, is roughly 5,000. The percentage of U.S. children from 13 to 17 on puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, therefore, calculates to .02 percent. The Times estimates that 300,000 U.S. youth identify as trans. Five thousand is less than 2 percent of those trans-identifying youth. A much, much higher percentage of youth have been on a diet.

So, yeah, 300K instead of 600K, I got that one wrong. But less than 2% of Trans kids are getting puberty blockers. Almost none are getting bottom surgery.
I'm not sure where the 300k number is coming from or what is meant as "identify as trans" - the Times has no source for it. The 300k is very unlikely to be kids actually diagnosed with dysphoria, so it would mean something else entirely, what though?

It appears Slate is using insurance (Komodo) as a source on the number of kids taking blockers but something entirely different for those 'identifying as trans'. To be consistent, maybe it's not a great idea to use the most favorable numbers from each analysis to make a point and downplay impact? It seems rather biased of Slate.

As already stated, though, one issue with what Slate is doing is that medicalization (hormones, blockers, surgeries) are not typically covered by insurance for kids and are often paid out of pocket (Komodo would be the lower bounds). On the other hand, psych services to diagnose things like dysphoria would often be covered by insurance, so how much higher would that be? I dont even have a guess but I doubt it's more than double (from 122k to 300k).

Anyway, I don't blame you for this, Slate has an obvious viewpoint, though.
To your point right now Christianity is under siege. The second amendment is under siege. Democrats and conservatives who care about the Second Amendment who care about Christianity are right to say hey what’s going on here.

You hit the nail on the head otherwise I agree we should give the best people the positions of power whether it be as the Secret Service agent or a general in the Navy. If they have the strength and qualifications they get that job. But you see we live in a country where the opposite is going on ….where major universities and companies hire people based on how they look or give scholarships to people based on how they look, not based on their skill set.

And so the concern is or the question is ….is this same logic being applied to the Secret Service agents who protect Democratic politicians? . Let me know after all Democrats are the ones who push for insane disgraceful racial quotas for jobs or gender quotas for jobs, they don’t care about having the best person for the job. So shouldn’t they apply that same logic to the very people who protect them?

Ah, the "siege mentality", tell people that everything is under threat, and they will start becoming more extreme about their views on it.
Yes, Democrats push quotas, and they do so because there's a problem. They can't solve the problem in other ways because of the way the political system functions, with the two party system.
It's all messed up, and the best solutions cannot happen because of it.

How can a country prosper when the best solutions cannot happen?
That's just one analysis.

Here's another

So you dont think im making it up, only 18% of commercial insurance plans will cover blockers or hormones for minors.

Of these plans, commercial plans were less likely to cover puberty blockers than Medicaid plans (18% of commercial vs. 50% of Medicaid plans, p=0.049)


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