What's Bibi's point in addressing congress?

Israel needs to produce the smoking gun they're (Iran) building "the bomb", or shut their fucking mouths!

I'm so sick of their war-mongering bullshit!

Why don't they (Israel) let UN inspectors visit their nuclear weapons sites?
Yes...Bibi is man protecting his country. Obabble is a community organizer protecting his legacy.
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

I find the argument Obama uses about protocol and Bibi speaking to Congress two weeks before the Israeli election absurd. Does anyone remember the so-called worldwide apology tour Obama made just before the 2008 election that he won in 2008? I rest my case.

You are misunderstanding quite deliberately because you want to misunderstand. State Department policy prohibits the meddling in of foreign afffairs DURING THEIR ELECTION CYCLES, which means no foreign digitaries shoulds visit US and especially, the President, DURING THEIR ELECTION CYCLES. Furthermore, it was not an apology tour, it was a trip to Germany and Poland, if I recall. There is a difference. Do you understand the difference now?
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.

You absolutely adored Alan Derschowitz when he was dissing Bush is my bet. And he certainly did. What I can't figure out is Alan adored Clinton and has turned on Obama. My guess is Obama despises Bibi and attempts to dictate to Israel how they should agree to a two state solution and use the 1967 borders.

No. I have never been a fan of Derschowitz. He is a neocon, and neocons are definitely not my thing.

As to the 2 state solution and the 67 borders, Bush 43 proposed EXACTLY the same thing.
Yes...Bibi is man protecting his country. Obabble is a community organizer protecting his legacy.
hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.
Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.

You absolutely adored Alan Derschowitz when he was dissing Bush is my bet. And he certainly did. What I can't figure out is Alan adored Clinton and has turned on Obama. My guess is Obama despises Bibi and attempts to dictate to Israel how they should agree to a two state solution and use the 1967 borders.

No. I have never been a fan of Derschowitz. He is a neocon, and neocons are definitely not my thing.

As to the 2 state solution and the 67 borders, Bush 43 proposed EXACTLY the same thing.

Reality check for the leftist..

hey, I'm not in favor of the US in a shooting war with Iran just because they have a capability to produce a nuclear bomb they might drop on Israel. And, I don't think a maj of Americans are either. Bibi and Obama have come to a fork in the road. Unlike any of his predecessors, Bibi is not demanding that the US actually attack someone.

Bibi may well have real concerns that the Obama deal is not enough to protect his country, but he has no biz trying to dictate or even influence what Americans believe is in their vital natl interests.

Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran were to dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

Obama is able to get Iran to jump at the snap of his fingers. Bush couldn't do that.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.
Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.

And like the complete leftist :ahole-1: you are....YOU believe them! Even many of the DummycRATS have seen the light.... but pond scum, won't talk about that!

More from the WAPO article I quoted above, stuff that Jroc is just too stupid to understand:

The United States, a chief skeptic of Iran’s claims and long the main international driver for tough sanctions on Iran, reacted with both praise and skepticism, saying it was an “important step forward” but also warning that the restrictions would be quickly reinstated if Iran reneges on its efforts.
Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.

What'd they get again? I'm glad your in Europe, that's where you belong. There have been 2 extensions with nothing. No wonder" the Rabbi" hates your dumb ass. I try to keep it civil with you and the rest of the statists. Now sit over there in Europe and enjoy the protections we Americans provide you.
Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.

You absolutely adored Alan Derschowitz when he was dissing Bush is my bet. And he certainly did. What I can't figure out is Alan adored Clinton and has turned on Obama. My guess is Obama despises Bibi and attempts to dictate to Israel how they should agree to a two state solution and use the 1967 borders.

No. I have never been a fan of Derschowitz. He is a neocon, and neocons are definitely not my thing.

As to the 2 state solution and the 67 borders, Bush 43 proposed EXACTLY the same thing.

Reality check for the leftist..

I already know that Bibi rejects that. Why should that be a reality check for me?
Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.

What'd they get again? I'm glad your in Europe, that's where you belong. There have been 2 extensions with nothing. No wonder the Rabbi hates your dumb ass. I try to keep it civil with you and the rest of the statists. Now sit over there in Europe and enjoy the protections we Americans provide you.

You know nothing of me and you know nothing of Europe. Your ignorance grows from day to day and your inability to focus on an OP is just as bad as the fake Rabbi's.

This is the OP:
What's Bibi's point in addressing congress?

Not your opinion of me or of that mysterious continent called Europe.

It's obvious that Bibi's purpose in addressing the US Congress is to try to bolster his chances of re-election.
An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....


Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.

You absolutely adored Alan Derschowitz when he was dissing Bush is my bet. And he certainly did. What I can't figure out is Alan adored Clinton and has turned on Obama. My guess is Obama despises Bibi and attempts to dictate to Israel how they should agree to a two state solution and use the 1967 borders.

No. I have never been a fan of Derschowitz. He is a neocon, and neocons are definitely not my thing.

As to the 2 state solution and the 67 borders, Bush 43 proposed EXACTLY the same thing.

Reality check for the leftist..

I already know that Bibi rejects that. Why should that be a reality check for me?

Because he spelled it out for even a moronic, statists, Obama, loving, scum, like you can understand, but you'd rather ignore it and put your faith in Obama
Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran were to dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

Obama is able to get Iran to jump at the snap of his fingers. Bush couldn't do that.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.
Bibi will not dictate, but he will inform and influence what Americans think with the facts rather than the BS we get from Obama.

Bibi is a prick to do it here two weeks before his own election. The timing is all wrong, in every possible way. Bibi will come out on the losing end of this.

An honest, clear thinking, liberal instead of those blindly siding with Obama. He tells it like it is when it comes to Iran. You have other priorities:eusa_silenced:....

Dershowitz: On Iran, Obama Is Another Neville Chamberlain

The missile and its launch pad are "a direct threat to the United States as well," according to a 2013 U.S. intelligence report that stated that Iran could test an ICBM this year, according to the Post.

The Obama administration's "negotiations" are a joke, according to Dershowitz, who noted that even if Iran accepts the proposed deal — which some reports have said give Tehran 80 percent of what it wants — there's nothing to prevent them from developing "trigger mechanisms."

"All it stops them from doing, or it requires them to go underground to do it, is their centrifuges, and it allows them to remain a threshold nuclear power and it has a sunset prevision," Dershowitz said. "After a few years, the number has not been explicitly stated, they can go on and do whatever they please.

"This is a very bad deal, a bad deal for the United States, a bad deal for the international community."

Furthermore, Dershowitz said, the deal does not address Iran being the major exporter of terrorism.

"My fear is that whether it's this year or next year or 10 years from now, Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the (former British Prime Minister) Neville Chamberlain of the 21st century, if Iran ever does develop nuclear weapons.

"We will point to this point in history and say, this was the turning point. This was the point where the president could've recognized the greatest threat to the world in the 21st century and, like Chamberlain in the 20th century, he failed to do it. That will be his legacy if Iran develops nuclear weapons and the capacity to deliver them

Dershowitz Obama Fails to Recognize Iran Is Greatest Threat to World

Neo-con non-thinking parrots like you have been squawking for the last 14 years that Iran is just months (or weeks) away from the bomb. Well, it never was. And I still isn't. And it is the current President, Obama, who has pushed for an gotten the hardest sanctions ever in history against Iran. But you will never give him credit for ahving tghe balls to do things that Bush was unwilling to do.

Really, your comprehension skills must be at the level of a kindergardner.

Am I supposed to be impressed when a douchebag like Alan Derschowitz gets more diarrhea of the mouth and needs to write more useless shit to make some $$ for himself? Nope.

Time for you to get a reality check and be a thinking Jew instead of a mina-bird.
Sanctions where working and Obama lifted them, and he was given credit for that actually where you been? in your delusional Nazi supporting world of leftism. The Jews in Israel's are neocons right? Your faith is in Obama, your religion is leftism. I thoroughly unimpressed with you period. Now go conjugate with your Jew hating Nazi loving clowns:thup:.

Apparently, compehension is not your thing. This is what happened, oh stupid one:

U.S. Europe lift some Iran sanctions under nuclear deal - The Washington Post

Iran suspended its most sensitive nuclear development work Monday and world powers immediately responded by lifting some of the sanctions that have crippled the oil-based economy — a first cautious step toward making good on a deal aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

The reciprocal steps honor a plan to gradually ease restrictions on Iran as it adheres to new commitments to curb its program and allow greatly expanded international inspection and monitoring of the program that it insists is not intended to produce nuclear weapons.

In other words, Pres. Obama and other world leaders are doing EXACTLY what they promised a good while ago if Iran were to dance to their tune. You accuse me of "worshipping" Obama. I worship no one but the Almighty, you stupid fuckface piss-poor excuse for a Jew. Get that through your neanderthal skull, numbnut.

Obama is able to get Iran to jump at the snap of his fingers. Bush couldn't do that.

You are so stupid, you cannot even see when something is WORKING, because all you know is bellyache and hate.

Surely there is at least one Rightie out there with enough brains to understand that is happening. Thank G-d in heaven that we DON'T have a stupid neo-con President in office right now. That's for sure.
Someone should tell Iran that obama has snapped his fingers.

Iran The Americans Are Begging Us for a Deal Washington Free Beacon

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