What's always missing in the "gun debate"

What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???
A plane ticket for you to move out.. we are a Republic you’ll never take our guns

What has a Republic got to do with it... Germany, Ireland & France are all Republics without insane gun laws...

Could you show us what being a Republic has to do with gun laws..
We have rights here you can’t take away and they aren’t crazy.. stop flooding America with uncivilized animals
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Sure, just take a look at just about anything liberal Dems have been involved with...dumbass.
And as this post illustrates, that pointless idiocy comes from the right.

Slow down, your post isn't exactly pointless idiocy, it just doesn't have a shred of common sense...dumbass.
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

Only one side has it, and it ain't yours, so you think it's missing.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles

Nope, you can buy a machine gun today if you pay the tax and don't mind waiting awhile.

Short barrel? 18 inch is illegal. 18 1/4 inch is legal.

... mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Nope. The 2A has nothing to do with hunting or sports.
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.
And yet more idiocy from the right – a slippery slope fallacy, how typical.

Shut up moron, I challenged you to amend the constitution and you ran away in fear like the pathetic useless liberal that you are. :eusa_hand:
There's not a bigger group of control freaks on the planet. Worse the prissy stuck up bitches think they know best and they should rule the masses.

You mean like abortion rights, BlueBalls???
We have rights here you can’t take away and they aren’t crazy.. stop flooding America with uncivilized animals

Why can't citizens arm themselves with the exact same rifles law enforcement deems necessary to protect themselves from the very same criminals?? 5 million gun control advocates just shit themselves.
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???
A plane ticket for you to move out.. we are a Republic you’ll never take our guns
What’s missing from ‘gun debates’ is knowledge, intelligence, and logic from the right.

And this post demonstrates another problem with ‘gun debates’: conservatives’ propensity for lying.
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???
A plane ticket for you to move out.. we are a Republic you’ll never take our guns
What’s missing from ‘gun debates’ is knowledge, intelligence, and logic from the right.

And this post demonstrates another problem with ‘gun debates’: conservatives’ propensity for lying.
Go hide
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???
A plane ticket for you to move out.. we are a Republic you’ll never take our guns
What’s missing from ‘gun debates’ is knowledge, intelligence, and logic from the right.

And this post demonstrates another problem with ‘gun debates’: conservatives’ propensity for lying.

You don't need anything from the right, go amend the constitution. Here I'll answer for you, but but but Blues we don't have the votes or support of the American people.
First Obama now Beta have sold more AR15's than any ad campaign the manufacturers could have ever dreamed of.

Call for a ban on anything, and watch sales increase exponentially.
What’s missing from ‘gun debates’ is knowledge, intelligence, and logic from the right.

And this post demonstrates another problem with ‘gun debates’: conservatives’ propensity for lying.

More snobbery and demagoguery from the resident drive-by windbag.

Unsurprisingly, we have yet another gun thread with conservatives offering nothing of substance or value – just ignorance, stupidity, fallacies, and lies from the right.
Unurprisingly, we have yet another thread where you pretend you have all the revealed truths, yet offer nothing other than your snobbery, arrogance, and empty recriminations toward all who dare to hold a differing POV.

Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Because you have no such ‘proof.’

Sure there's proof.

I was a child during the birth of real liberalism. I remember how they worked.

First they demanded we remove lead from gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, and green is a cost of trillions of dollars a year, and they're still not happy.

They also demanded we let gays out of the closet. That's all they wanted, just to set those people free. Fast forward to today, and gays are not only getting married and adopting kids, but got the supreme court to force their marriages down our throats regardless if your state wanted it or not. And if you don't bake them a wedding cake out of religious beliefs, they'll sue you right out of business.

I remember when they wanted to outlaw smoking in movie theaters. That's all they wanted, and they will be happy. Fast forward to today, you not only can't smoke in most public places, but outside as well. They even have laws restricting cigarettes or cigars in your own vehicle.

Liberals have a very traceable track record. So when they say "We want to make AR's illegal to buy, that's all we want, and we will be happy!" why do we not trust them?

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