Whatever happened to "we fight them there, so that we don't have to fight them here"?

President Trump, just gave ISIS the BIGGEST WIN they ever had! :eek:

Wow those 50 troops on the edge of the Syrian Turkey border were single-handedly keeping the ideology of extremist Islam from gaining traction in the middle east?

Ignorance of the situation, is keeping you in some sort of lah lah Never Never Land bubble, that needs bursting, so you can join us Earthings!!! :lol:

Please educate yourself on it... Google it!
President Trump, just gave ISIS the BIGGEST WIN they ever had! :eek:

Wow those 50 troops on the edge of the Syrian Turkey border were single-handedly keeping the ideology of extremist Islam from gaining traction in the middle east?

Ignorance of the situation, is keeping you in some sort of lah lah Never Never Land bubble, that needs bursting, so you can join us Earthings!!! :lol:

Please educate yourself on it... Google it!

those 50 troops sole purpose being stationed where they were was to discourage Turkish aggression because if one of them happen to be killed then the US would have to declare war on Turkey. Erdogan called our bluff and Trump moved those living chess pieces to another part of the board so we wouldn't get sucked into another goddamn war. Those are the facts.
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

You seem to forget the line drawn in the sand.

You seem to forget that Obama PROMISED to bring our boys home and end this 'war'.

Mac, I used to have a lot of respect for you when your comments were to the truth of the day. Nowadays your comments are swayed toward A political party.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
Equally funny how many on the left become hawks after he got the nomination. Here is the probhlem bullets and bombs can kill the terrorist but they can't kill the ideology that breeds them if you leave the threat grows and eventually makes it's way here but you can't stay forever and no one seems to have a plan on how to combat the terrorist ideology.
Maybe it should start with the west accepting the equal parts WE have played in the construction and amplification of radical Islam?
We have funded dictators
We have armed them
We have funded and armed terrorists
We have initiated the creation of terrorist groups
We have looked the other way while innocents are slaughtered

We have done a lot to create the hate.
Maybe we should just stop?
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

You seem to forget the line drawn in the sand.

You seem to forget that Obama PROMISED to bring our boys home and end this 'war'.

Mac, I used to have a lot of respect for you when your comments were to the truth of the day. Nowadays your comments are swayed toward A political party.
I'd guess "the truth of the day" is stuff that you agree with. Since I disagree with the Left on some critical issues, I'm sure you feel that's the truth.

I'm horrified by this man, the behavior of his supporters, and (more than anything else) what this all means as a symptom of our society in general.

I'm not going to lie about that, or spin about it. So to me, just being honest is what others might perceive as The Truth.
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed. These were wars that just had to be fought, they said, and I must hate America because I thought we had no business there.

Today I was listening to Rush sounding like the dove of all doves. And of course, the talk radio righties here are in step with Rush and Trump. Now.

Now I'm hearing that we should just let them battle it out themselves, that we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.

Funny how things changed when Trump got the nomination.
That's so Bush 2003 -- haven't you heard?? Bush is a neo-con liberal, so of course no one supports that now
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

You seem to forget the line drawn in the sand.

You seem to forget that Obama PROMISED to bring our boys home and end this 'war'.

Mac, I used to have a lot of respect for you when your comments were to the truth of the day. Nowadays your comments are swayed toward A political party.
I'd guess "the truth of the day" is stuff that you agree with. Since I disagree with the Left on some critical issues, I'm sure you feel that's the truth.

I'm horrified by this man, the behavior of his supporters, and (more than anything else) what this all means as a symptom of our society in general.

I'm not going to lie about that, or spin about it. So to me, just being honest is what others might perceive as The Truth.
The behavior of his supporters is nothing new to the behavior of Bush supporters -- because they are the same people...they worship power, period.....back then it was politically convenient for republicans to be warmongers and demonize anyone who was against going into Iraq...

When the war fatigue set in, and the hatred of Muslims was no longer sufficient enough to remain in that clusterfuck of a war, those same Bush worshippers rallied behind their new demagogue and followed behind whatever it is he wanted, no matter if it was the exact opposite of what they claimed to have supported.....

Trump voters are nothing more than reprogrammable meatbags who operate on nothing more than the desire to feel they are somehow "owning the libs" -- and they will make themselves look like idiots when doing it and not care
. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here"
is just an excuse to wage a war, it is today's version of the "Domino Theory" Neither one proved to be true
How is it different if they kill them or we kill them?
Hold on. You commented on the state of affairs AFTER ISIS was rooted out. Now you afe changing lanes.

Why didnt they kill them on theor own? I already answered that, too...
How is it different if they kill them or we kill them?
Hold on. You commented on the state of affairs AFTER ISIS was rooted out. Now you afe changing lanes.

Why didnt they kill them on theor own? I already answered that, too...

I already address "Isis". That is simply a name we create to create a new boogyman after we pretend to have defeated the previous one.
False, that is the name they gave themselves. You are saying ridiculous things, now.

Maybe they chose the name, but I wonder about whether or not we helped empower them. It is simply the truth that it was our hardware that allowed them to seize the power they did initially. If we had never been involved they never would have had access to what allowed them to become as powerful as they were at their peak. Also it seems more than a little suspect that a bunch of trained soldiers abandoned their U.S made shit and ran from under equipped ISIS thugs, allowing them to seize it all with very little contest and become much more formidable. Let me find the tin foil...
we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

You seem to forget the line drawn in the sand.

You seem to forget that Obama PROMISED to bring our boys home and end this 'war'.

Mac, I used to have a lot of respect for you when your comments were to the truth of the day. Nowadays your comments are swayed toward A political party.
I'd guess "the truth of the day" is stuff that you agree with. Since I disagree with the Left on some critical issues, I'm sure you feel that's the truth.

I'm horrified by this man, the behavior of his supporters, and (more than anything else) what this all means as a symptom of our society in general.

I'm not going to lie about that, or spin about it. So to me, just being honest is what others might perceive as The Truth.
Are you horrified by the actions of the left Mac........Weaponizing gov't agencies against conservative groups.

IRS targeting.........
Fast and Furious.
Violation of the Espionage Act.
FISA court abuses proven STONE COLD TRUE in the courts under Admial Rodgers.
Gun running weapons into Syria.......Using Libya as a conduit.
Lying about how the people died in Libya .......
Getting us kicked out of Yemen under Obama.
Losing half of Iraq under Obama
The JV team of ISIS under Obama.......

The left is dirty................Pick a side..............we've already went past disgusted with them to ticked off.
Over and over the left accuses everyone else of what they are guilty of.............Unless you live under a rock or are a Liberal Parot.

We NO LONGER have the policy of OBAMA in Syria. Of removing Assad from power. That Vacuum Cleaner policy doesn't work. Nor does staying in Syria for another 2 decades getting in between a blood fued between the Turks and the Kurds.

Face it MAC.................no one here needs or wants that cursed desert.

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