Whatever happened to "we fight them there, so that we don't have to fight them here"?

we have no business being there, that the cost was too great, that we shouldn't be involved in the Middle East.
Do you have an issue with Republicans taking positions like that? I don't.
Thanks Trump.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
------------------------------------- that's what I think about stupid ball games . But WAR , the reason to win the war is simply to win the war and to remove enemies from life PKnopp .
-------------------------------- just repeating my answer right above PKnopp .
What would be a win?
Maybe off topic...but...

The entire civilized world lining up together to march across mesopotamia and obliterate ISIS from existence. Then on to Afghanistan to do the same to the Taliban. Then everyone goes home and lets the world know they are ready to do it again, if needed.
My curiosity is about the way Republicans here and elsewhere turned 180 degrees on a dime when Trump took over.

I've never seen anything like the devotion to this guy. That important of an issue, and they roll over like trained dogs.

I don't think it's that simple Mac.

I have been making that turn for many years now. We don't fight to win anymore. Going back really to Korea in fact. We try this kinder gentler PC way of fighting, and these things go on nowadays forever.

I was as gung ho as any other Republican after 9/11, and remained so for years. I'm done with it, I don't care whether we stay or go, and going forward the only thing I'm going to support is if we are attacked on our own soil, I will support war. And when I say attacked on our own soil I don't mean terrorist attacks, I mean full scale war by another country directed at us.

There is nothing to win.
------------------------------------- that's what I think about stupid ball games . But WAR , the reason to win the war is simply to win the war and to remove enemies from life PKnopp .

What would be a win?
Leaving a trail of corpses and crying Mommies behind as you shake the dirt off your feet and move off into the sunset.

So genocide?
What would be a win?
Maybe off topic...but...

The entire civilized world lining up together to march across mesopotamia and obliterate ISIS from existence. Then on to Afghanistan to do the same to the Taliban. Then everyone goes home and lets the world know they are ready to do it again, if needed.

How do you determine that? If they are brown they die?
What would be a win?
Maybe off topic...but...

The entire civilized world lining up together to march across mesopotamia and obliterate ISIS from existence. Then on to Afghanistan to do the same to the Taliban. Then everyone goes home and lets the world know they are ready to do it again, if needed.
--------------------------------------- too complicated for my tastes plus I don't think that they can be trusted FFun ,
What would be a win?
Maybe off topic...but...

The entire civilized world lining up together to march across mesopotamia and obliterate ISIS from existence. Then on to Afghanistan to do the same to the Taliban. Then everyone goes home and lets the world know they are ready to do it again, if needed.
----------------------------- but looks like you are thinking eh FFun .
What would be a win?
Maybe off topic...but...

The entire civilized world lining up together to march across mesopotamia and obliterate ISIS from existence. Then on to Afghanistan to do the same to the Taliban. Then everyone goes home and lets the world know they are ready to do it again, if needed.
----------------------------- but looks like you are thinking eh FFun .

Looks can be deceiving.
How do you determine that?
The locals usually rat them out, when they feel safe to do so. Which they will. And it helps that they are shooting at us and planting bombs. That's usually a dead giveaway. Oh,and they like to fly their flag. A lot.
But for how many more years ?

I think Trump fucked up by pulling the troops, but the only people who are "outraged" are Dimocrats and Republican lawmakers. The rest of us really could care less at this point.

If he didn't pull the 50 soldiers out from in front of a 25,000 regular army onslaught we would simply have 50 dead soldiers. Stop and think about that for a minute. If you wanted to stop the Turks you'd have to do it with air strikes not with feet on the ground because there just aren't enough of them there.

Had he left them there to die as they most certainly would have or be captured it would simply throw more fodder on the impeachment fire.

How do you determine that?
The locals usually rat them out, when they feel safe to do so. Which they will. And it helps that they are shooting at us and planting bombs. That's usually a dead giveaway. Oh,and they like to fly their flag. A lot.

They are "the locals". There is no army to fight and beat. Just people who umderstandably want us out of their countries . We would want no less.
the LOCALS got it in 'Hiroshima ' Nagasaki and Dresden so might happen again PKnopp .
They are "the locals". There is no army to fight and beat.

The locals despise ISIS, in general. ISIS are not the locals, by any other virtue than being from somehwre near there. And often they don't even meet that standard.

Every time we have organized against ISIS, the real locals have happily sold them out.

In your estimation, which is the crueller fate for the "brown" women and children of Mosul:

1) ISIS stays

2) ISIS goes

Easy answer, which is why the people of Mosul supported and cheered the crushing of the ISIS marauders.
They are "the locals". There is no army to fight and beat.

The locals despise ISIS, in general. ISIS are not the locals, by any other virtue than being from somehwre near there. And often they don't even meet that standard.

This was said about Iraq also but what happened when we turned the country over to Iraqi's? They simply went home.

Every time we have organized against ISIS, the real locals have happily sold them out.

In your estimation, which is the crueller fate for the "brown" women and children of Mosul:

1) ISIS stays

2) ISIS goes

Easy answer, which is why the people of Mosul supported and cheered the crushing of the ISIS marauders.

We have killed tens of thousands of innocent brown people.

Again we were told that the people of Iraq was going to cheer us on also. They didn't.
How do you determine that?
The locals usually rat them out, when they feel safe to do so. Which they will. And it helps that they are shooting at us and planting bombs. That's usually a dead giveaway. Oh,and they like to fly their flag. A lot.
------------------------------------------ and many are supporters of the enemy .

Which is it? They support the "enemy" or they support us? And then how do you tell the difference and how do you know when you won?
I remember when I first joined USMB, having many arguments with Republicans over Bush's wars. "We fight them there so that we don't have to fight them here" was the main excuse for the thousands of brave American lives, limbs and minds destroyed.
That's why Trump is sending US troops to Saudi Arabia. If other Muslims invade Saudi Arabia, they could be the next anti-American terrorist.
gotta fight TOTAL WAR and kill the enemy no matter their color PKNopp .

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