What would you name a successor to the United Nations?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
Say in the next couple of decades or so there is a major power war with global death tolls of at least 20 million or so but that all or at least most of todays nations emerge intact.

Just as the United Nations replaced the League of Nations after World War Two what would be the name of a successor to the United Nations?
They have named themselves. They are the :
The 300
Federal Reserve
Chatham House
Club of Rome
All working in conjunction to become the rulers of the world. And they expect the
Reset to be accomplished by 2030.
And they said with their own mouths that the only thing standing in their way is Donald Trump in the WH. He has already put them behind schedule by 4 years.
Let's let him put them behind another 4 years...
Say in the next couple of decades or so there is a major power war with global death tolls of at least 20 million or so but that all or at least most of todays nations emerge intact.

Just as the United Nations replaced the League of Nations after World War Two what would be the name of a successor to the United Nations?
Petting Zoo for Multiculties
Say in the next couple of decades or so there is a major power war with global death tolls of at least 20 million or so but that all or at least most of todays nations emerge intact.

Just as the United Nations replaced the League of Nations after World War Two what would be the name of a successor to the United Nations?
wouldnt a senario such as youre describing prove that we dont need a global government??

so my vote would be no replacement and the death penalty for anyone that suggests one,,
I envisioned four international naval fleets. Each composed of 8 surface ships armed largely with SAMs and cruise missiles. As an added feature to such a force I envisioned each of those fleets with ONE ship carrying four cruise missiles armed with a small nuclear warhead (5 kilotons or so) Big enough to cause serious damage to a city but NOT big enough to threaten any kind of hardened military target.
That's the reality. Having "united" in the description would be inaccurate. How about, "global coalition to undermine America and its allies power and influence"? GCUAAPI for short.

ridiculous. the united nations was founded for, and exists to further usa interests.

in the event of a war as described in the op the winners will be setting up their own system. i do not think the usa will be naming anything.
ridiculous. the united nations was founded for, and exists to further usa interests.

in the event of a war as described in the op the winners will be setting up their own system. i do not think the usa will be naming anything.
You don't think the U.S. will win any future wars?
wouldnt a senario such as youre describing prove that we dont need a global government??

so my vote would be no replacement and the death penalty for anyone that suggests one,,

a global government is required to prevent, in the op's scenario, 20 million deaths. merely enforcing tax codes and environmental regulation on global corporations requires some modicum of government.

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