What would you do.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What would you do if you saw a man sodomizing a child? Only GOD could stop me from beating the hell out of him then getting medical attention for the child and calling law enforcement. McQueery ran and told his daddy and then Paterno who reported it to law enforcements that did nothing. Mcqueery and law enforcement failed the victims. Paterno did not witness the incident.
Those that did nothing is as guilty as Sandusky. McQueery should be at the top of the list. McQueery was an eyewitness. And then law enforcement who appear to be protecting Penn State also.
When McQueery failed to call law enforcement and personally report what he had witness, he failed all the victims.
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What would you do if you saw a man sodomizing a child? Only GOD could stop me from beating the hell out of him then getting medical attention for the child and calling law enforcement. McQueery ran and told his daddy and then Paterno who reported it to law enforcements that did nothing. Mcqueery and law enforcement failed the victims. Paterno did not witness the incident.
Those that did nothing is as guilty as Sandusky. McQueery should be at the top of the list. McQueery was an eyewitness. And then law enforcement who appear to be protecting Penn State also.
When McQueery failed to call law enforcement and personally report what he had witness, he failed all the victims.

If the sicko was still harming the child, I would do everything in my power to help, then get the child medical attention.
I would not want to kill the freak because I would prefer he spend the rest of his days in prison, always looking over his shoulder.

I agree with you that those who know about child abuse and do nothing about it are just as guilty as the perp, and should be charged.

That said, why hasn't the Pope been charged? He knew about child sex abuse within the church yet did nothing to help...

What would you do if you saw a man sodomizing a child? Only GOD could stop me from beating the hell out of him then getting medical attention for the child and calling law enforcement. McQueery ran and told his daddy and then Paterno who reported it to law enforcements that did nothing. Mcqueery and law enforcement failed the victims. Paterno did not witness the incident.
Those that did nothing is as guilty as Sandusky. McQueery should be at the top of the list. McQueery was an eyewitness. And then law enforcement who appear to be protecting Penn State also.
When McQueery failed to call law enforcement and personally report what he had witness, he failed all the victims.

The entire Penn State management should be in the State Pen for life.

And NOT in protective custody.

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