What would you do if you came across the opposition candidate on the street?

I have never forgotten this beautiful story.

After Vice President Nixon lost to Senator John F. Kennedy, the Nixons one day entered a restaurant to dine. Everyone in the room (including presumably some Kennedy supporters) stood up and applauded.

Today the vitriol is so horrible that there is no way that everyone in the room would stand & applaud if former President Trump and his family were to enter a restaurant.

If President Biden's motorcade were ever coming down the street, I would just continue my business. I would neither stop to watch it nor to shout insults. I am civilized.
Truthfully, I’d be polite to Biden. I dislike him, strongly. But I don’t believe In being rude to people, especially elders.
But I have to admit, I’d really want to challenge him to a push-up contest.

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