What Would Reagan Do?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
Remember how much we feared and hated Iranians? Iran had a revolution and took American hostages for over a year.

Iran had terrorist training camps and were sending out terrorists all over the place. Iran was behind the blowing up of the Marine barracks. Iran funded Hezbollah and Hamas which carried out terrorist attacks all over the Middle East, and particularly in Israel, a great ally of the US.

Iranians were hijacking airplanes and blowing shit up all over the place.

And then there were the Iranian refugees trying to get away from these maniacs.

Do you know what Reagan did about the refugees?

Did he shit his pants in fear? Nope.

Did he stir up the Right with anti-Muslim rhetoric and say we should not allow these refugees in? Nope.

Did he do some kind of fucked up calculus and say it wasn't worth the risk? Nope.

He let the Iranian refugees in. Because Republicans had real balls of titanium and real compassion back then.


Between October 1981 and February 1985, more Iranians were granted asylum — 11,055 in total — than any other nationality.

Do you see that? At the peak of our anti-Iranian sentiment, we let in more Iranian refugees than any other kind of refugees.

Now THAT is what "home of the brave" looks like, boys and girls. That is what "American exceptionalism" looks like.

Reagan's own words:
We shall continue America's tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.

Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status.

I don't know who these people are today who are calling themselves Republicans. I really don't.

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. " --- Barry Goldwater quoted by John Dean, "Conservatives Without Conscience"
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.
Just a wee different you know?
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
Hey, Nazi. Look at my sig. It's been there for years.

Reagan has been my hero since before you were born. Literally.

I am a Reagan Republican and a Reagan conservative.

You are a nazi twit who is ruining the conservative and Republican brand.
Different time different situation and we all know it.

Yes, a different situation. Iran hysteria was higher than ISIS hysteria is now.

NUKE IRAN T-shirts were all the rage back then. I can guarantee you heads are nodding with sudden remembrance just reading that bit about the T-shirts.

And Ronnie still took in the refugees.
I don't care what Reagan did or didn't do. He may have been a great president but we don't need a Reagan, we need to be people who do what is right in our time, not in past generations.

Reagan didn't fight to keep the union together and free slaves. Lincoln didn't fight the British for our freedom. Maybe it's time we live in this day and age and step up to face the challenges our day instead of reliving the glory days of the past
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.
It should ALSO be pointed out that MOST of those from Iran were ALREADY here and had jobs and education. I worked with them.
UNLIKE you Syrian terrorists who have NO skills and NO education.

A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 4
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
Hey, Nazi. Look at my sig. It's been there for years.

Reagan has been my hero since before you were born. Literally.

I am a Reagan Republican and a Reagan conservative.

You are a nazi twit who is ruining the conservative and Republican brand.
You ARE a supporter of Syrian terrorists. That IS what you are.
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.

Glad to see that you finally admit that some are fleeing terrorists............:laugh:.
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.

Glad to see that you finally admit that some are fleeing terrorists............:laugh:.
I have always said that. What are you smoking?
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
Hey, Nazi. Look at my sig. It's been there for years.

Reagan has been my hero since before you were born. Literally.

I am a Reagan Republican and a Reagan conservative.

You are a nazi twit who is ruining the conservative and Republican brand.
You ARE a supporter of Syrian terrorists. That IS what you are.
I am a supporter of refugees who are trying to save their families from war, famine, and certain death.
So now Reagan is a hero? :cuckoo: Make up your minds and stop using people to suit an agenda. If Reagan were POTUS he'd be taking it to ISIS....your boy is pissing down his hind leg over it
The OP tends to forget THOSE from Iran at that time were running FROM islamic tyranny. Those from Syria ARE islamic tyranny.

Nope. False. The Syrian refugees are fleeing terrorists.

Glad to see that you finally admit that some are fleeing terrorists............:laugh:.
I have always said that. What are you smoking?

You're not too bright, are ya'?
Reagan had bigger balls, more compassion, and was a better Christian than all you pussies put together.

Your Christianity only matters to you when there's a homosexual in your sights.


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