What would have happened if Obama had told the birthers in congress to go back to Europe?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
If white people were talking shit about the USA and Obama told them to go the fuck back to Europe, I would be fucking proud!

Although we both know Obama doesn't have enough balls to do something that awesome.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.
If white people were talking shit about the USA and Obama told them to go the fuck back to Europe, I would be fucking proud!

Although we both know Obama doesn't have enough balls to do something that awesome.

Obama is not president anymore and had he done that as president they would have impeached him.

Having said that, I agree with most everything you said. But not the last part. It took giant balls for him to be black and become president twice.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
You are all over the board and contradicting yourself

Has Obama said that some would have laughed and no one would have cared

No one would have called it racist

No one says it is racist to point out fact that some whites held slaves

You cannot find one person calling that racist

There was no overt or even subtle racism in Trump's tweet and that is fact
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.

Rejected and rejected outright. I grew up in an area of ethnic Germans and they/we NEVER once referred to ourselves as "German-Americans". Never thought of ourselves that way, nor would we ever have. I have never heard "Scottish American or even "Irish-American".

You tried, but failed badly here.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
You are all over the board and contradicting yourself

Has Obama said that some would have laughed and no one would have cared

No one would have called it racist

No one says it is racist to point out fact that some whites held slaves

You cannot find one person calling that racist

There was no overt or even subtle racism in Trump's tweet and that is fact

No, I'm not contradicting myself. And nobody would have laughed if Obama did what Trump has done. Trumps tweet and his subsequent comments are overtly racist. Fact.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.

Rejected and rejected outright. I grew up in an area of ethnic Germans and they/we NEVER once referred to ourselves as "German-Americans". Never thought of ourselves that way, nor would we ever have. I have never heard "Scottish American or even "Irish-American".

You tried, but failed badly here.

Sure you haven't Sue. No one gives a damn what you reject. It is as I have said.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
1.) Bad analogy. The Birthers don’t hate America like the Squad.
2.) Hildabeast was the original Birtha.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.

Rejected and rejected outright. I grew up in an area of ethnic Germans and they/we NEVER once referred to ourselves as "German-Americans". Never thought of ourselves that way, nor would we ever have. I have never heard "Scottish American or even "Irish-American".

You tried, but failed badly here.

Sure you haven't Sue. No one gives a damn what you reject. It is as I have said.

It is not as you have said just because you have said it, sorry. No one died and made you God. Thank God.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.

Rejected and rejected outright. I grew up in an area of ethnic Germans and they/we NEVER once referred to ourselves as "German-Americans". Never thought of ourselves that way, nor would we ever have. I have never heard "Scottish American or even "Irish-American".

You tried, but failed badly here.

Sure you haven't Sue. No one gives a damn what you reject. It is as I have said.
/——/ Actually I care what Sue rejects. She’s s stand up American patriot.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
you ignorance has you comparing a mole hill to Mount Everest

big difference with questioning some ones birth place
and spitting on the graves of American soldiers that died in Somalia trying to protect its citizens form oppressive murderous war lords
spitting on the memory of the 3,000 that were murdered on 9/11 calling that mass murder as some people did something
Blaming this country for the terrorist attacks against it
pleading for compassion for ISIS wont condemn al-Qaida
and the numerous hateful anti-Semitic remarks
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
1.) Bad analogy. The Birthers don’t hate America like the Squad.
2.) Hildabeast was the original Birtha.

Wrong twice.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.

Rejected and rejected outright. I grew up in an area of ethnic Germans and they/we NEVER once referred to ourselves as "German-Americans". Never thought of ourselves that way, nor would we ever have. I have never heard "Scottish American or even "Irish-American".

You tried, but failed badly here.

Sure you haven't Sue. No one gives a damn what you reject. It is as I have said.
/——/ Actually I care what Sue rejects. She’s s stand up American patriot.

The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.
you ignorance has you comparing a mole hill to Mount Everest

big difference with questioning some ones birth place
and spitting on the graves of American soldiers that died in Somalia trying to protect its citizens form oppressive murderous war lords
spitting on the memory of the 3,000 that were murdered on 9/11 calling that mass murder as some people did something
Blaming this country for the terrorist attacks against it
pleading for compassion for ISIS wont condemn al-Qaida
and the numerous hateful anti-Semitic remarks

None of that has happened. But this did.

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

In Sudan, due to the civilian war, Exxon has had to leave the country after having discovered oil. So isn’t letting Somalia plunge into chaos contrary to American interests, which cannot exploit the discovered oil?

Oil exploitation is not their priority. The United States know that the reserves are there but doesn’t need it immediately. Two elements are much more important in its strategy. First, prevent the competitors from negotiating with a rich and powerful Somali state. If you consider Sudan, the comparison is interesting. The oil that the American companies discovered there thirty years ago, Sudan is selling it today to China. The same thing could happen in Somalia. When he was president of the transition government, Abdullah Yusuf went to China although he was supported by the United States. US mass media had strongly criticized that visit. The fact is that United States have no guarantee on that point: if a Somali government is established tomorrow, whatever is its political color, it could probably adopt a strategy independent of United States and trade with China. Western imperialists do not want a strong and unified Somali state. The second goal pursued by this chaos theory is linked to the geographical location of Somalia, which is strategic for both European and American imperialists.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research
What would have happened? Nothing. Not everyone is as easily offended as brittle, sensitive snowflakes.
If Obama had done 1/100 th that tramp has done, he would of been impeached and run out of the USA.
The bullshit posted by many of the whites her has just gotten out of hand. There's not a fucking thing a white person can ever say that's racist, but if a black person says whites held blacks in slavery in the united states, then after slavery implemented an apartheid system, they are called racists.

Your president, because I did note vote for his fat racist ass, had made and has quadruple down on overtly racist comments. Had his cheeseburger eating tub of lard white ass made these comments as CEO of any company in America he would have been fired. Yet people here actually want to say the things he said were not racist.

What if Obama had told the members of the freedom caucus that if they didn't like how things are, they could go back to Europe? Whites like the majority of whites here would have had every tantrum known to humanity and without any shadow of a doubt Obama would have been a black racist who must be removed from office.

The whitey double standard needs to end. Obama was accused of and is still being accused of by whites here who suffer from ODS, of being a racist for words spoken by someone else. He's called a racist for having attended a black church while Trump just cannot be a racist for retweeting white supremacist bullshit, admitting he's a white nationalist and being endorsed and supported by white supremacist groups.

This is bullshit. And it's white racist bullshit. If you support Trump, you are supporting racism as a POLITICAL tool. That makes you a racist.

The Left is being hoisted on its own petard.

And that petard is "diversity"--and that diversity is loving EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that is not American, and hating everything that is. And no, I do not mean race. But yes, I do mean everything American. If it's not American, it's celebrated and embraced. If it's American, it's reviled. That goes for everything: the flag, the anthem, our traditions, founding documents, founding fathers, history, everything.

You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

So when you insisted for decades that you were AFRICAN-American and ASIAN-American and CHINESE-American and everything else before American, well....guess what? We believe you.

No, listen: we really do. And THAT is where 'go back to where you came from' stems. The Left's first allegiance is not to this nation. It's to their "Diversity Cult", we know it, and you can't hide it.

You whites have been Irish- Americans, Scottish-Americans, German -Americans, Italian-Americans, etc., etc., since your asses first started immigrating over here. You just provided another example of the whitey double standard.

Thank you.
She is really good at that.
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