What Will The New Name Of The Cleveland Indians Be?

How about the Ohio Indians instead. ;) (Take that all you snowflakes!! :p)

Who cares? I don't. Sports isn't about sports anymore. It is all politics, racism, narcissism, but nothing about ability. I quit watching years ago -- I hope the Olympics go away too. Too many complainers and not enough people who are primarily concerned with being the best at their sport.
Who cares? I don't. Sports isn't about sports anymore. It is all politics, racism, narcissism, but nothing about ability. I quit watching years ago -- I hope the Olympics go away too. Too many complainers and not enough people who are primarily concerned with being the best at their sport.
You care so little that you were compelled to post in the thread about how little you cared.

Who cares? I don't. Sports isn't about sports anymore. It is all politics, racism, narcissism, but nothing about ability. I quit watching years ago -- I hope the Olympics go away too. Too many complainers and not enough people who are primarily concerned with being the best at their sport.

True, but I still like baseball. It wasn't the Indians but I went to a ballgame last night and I enjoyed myself even though they lost. The Tribe won though!!! :D

A lot of good suggestions so far even though nothing can and will compare to The Tribe. :D
The Cleveland Clevelands.


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