What Will The New Name Of The Cleveland Indians Be?

Replace all players in the Cleveland Indians with actual Native Americans and watch the woke idiots stroke out.
WA democrats recently banned all native American school mascots. Nearly every town in WA had a native American school team and many professional teams with native American mascots exist within the state. My prediction is the native American population will be whining that they are discriminated against because their culture is being erased. These mascots were loved and respected. I can see it now--the Spokane Salmon or Snow or Potholes
Who cares? I don't. Sports isn't about sports anymore. It is all politics, racism, narcissism, but nothing about ability. I quit watching years ago -- I hope the Olympics go away too. Too many complainers and not enough people who are primarily concerned with being the best at their sport.

I imagine people said the same thing when they allowed blacks to participate.
The Cleveland Groves:

"Stephen Grover Cleveland was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 22nd and 24th president of the United States from 1885 to 1889 and from 1893 to 1897.

Cleveland is the only president in American history to serve two nonconsecutive terms in office, and the Cleveland Indians won two non consecutive world series, 1920 and 1948.
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I remember when racist liberals loved to mock Indian culture during the Atlanta Braves World Series with the Tomahawk Chop...
Looky, even the racist Peanut Farmer joined Ted and Jane in the cultural appropriation...
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Now the pathetic hypocrites trip over each other virtue signaling ad nauseam.

So much for the notion that team names represent a warrior, or an image of a touch opponent.

I am sure they will replace the name with a non threatening, gender neutral, tame meaningless name like after a bird or something stupid.
Altho, they could have just changed their name to the Tribe and played stupid about it still being related to objectifying Native Americans as mascots...
Guardians. I understand where the name comes from but IMO a bad choice. I am NOT against the change but I can't get behind the name.

I was born appx 15 miles from the old stadium. I attended many games as a kid and have went back for games at the new stadium but terrible choice.
Cleveland Guardians....

Yeah, I found out about this this morning. Now that I think of it they should have be renamed The Cleveland Wusses. I'm still going to call them The Indians though and the Tribe. :D (They really are a good baseball team playing wise, they're just having a bit of a rough season this year. Now, I don't follow football at all but I think that's the complete opposite for The Browns as I heard they've recently gotten better.)

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